UNLABOR DAY For those in the USA, it’s Labor Day Weekend. I - TopicsExpress


UNLABOR DAY For those in the USA, it’s Labor Day Weekend. I looked up the history of Labor Day and here is what the US Government says it’s about: “Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.” I know that many of you hold a similar vision for a new, more loving world as I do. The more we focus our energies, actions and feelings of gratitude on the world we are now creating, the more quickly we will be living in it! I invite you to take a few minutes this weekend to imagine a world where we don’t have to toil away for hours a day “working”. Where we are not constantly being programmed to “labor” to HAVE THINGS we don’t need (or want)--- Where we live more simple lives in regard to material possessions/brands/fashion/cars/houses…etc.. and focus more on helping each other to thrive in love, joy, relationships and health, all in conjunction with Mother Earth. I love the story of a group of children in Africa that were all told that there was a basket of fresh fruit under a tree not too far away and whomever got to it first could have it all. The children all held hands and ran to the tree together and shared the fruit. When asked why they didn’t run ahead to take it for themselves, each one said that they would not have enjoyed it without sharing it with the others. It’s time to remember: · that we are ALL family, no matter where we live and how different we may appear. · that we are all DIVINE BEINGS. It’s time to remember and take back our planet. Mother Earth needs us to be the stewards we originally agreed to BE…..And WE need to BE who we have always been destined to BE. WE are the ones we have been waiting for. It’s time to step into our power, work and play together and CREATE a beautiful world where we are ALL SOVEREIGN Divine FAMILY. When you look into another’s eyes, SEE their Divinity as you FEEL your own. It’s a great start in helping us all to remember. Sending you lots Paz Amor y Luz..
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 12:57:20 +0000

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