UNNAT-E-MUBAREKA OF RAPE Prophet and companions captured Kinana - TopicsExpress


UNNAT-E-MUBAREKA OF RAPE Prophet and companions captured Kinana and his people, tortured and beheaded him and his men, captured their belongings and women and raped them. Prophet grabbed the best looking 17-year-old Safia, disrobed her and raped her all night in a tent while the bloodied dead-bodies of the her husband, father and brothers were still laying outside the tent still warm. Total sawab score for jihadi party of Prophet and sahabas: 4 (torture, beheading, looting, and rapes of infidels) Evidence: Sirat-e-Rasulullah by Ibn Hisham, p. 766 Safiyah was captured in the Khaibar raid and was claimed by the apostle as his share of booty... She was then seventeen. In the early dawn, the Prophet suspected some movement near the tent. It was Abu Ayyub (apparently the earlier peeping Tom was some one else) He asked him what he was doing near his tent (Abu Ayyub had not gotten any captured woman in this raid, so apparently he was getting his jollies by checking out action in other tents).He replied: I was afraid for you with this young lady. You had killed her father, her husband and many of her relatives, and till recently she was an unbeliever. I was really afraid for you on her account and was guarding you (he didn’t have to keep an eye on them to guard them). The Prophet (either Mo bought the lie or felt pity for the horny man who had put his life on line in the raid yet was without a captured woman and spent the night looking around) prayed for Abu Ayyub al-Ansari. MODERN MOMINS PRACTISING ABOVE SUNNAT-E-MUBAREKAS 1) PLACE: INDIA Several Muslim mujahids captured two beautiful and young hindu women, disrobed and gang raped them, robbed their jewelry, cut their limbs and beheaded them in islamic zabiha style. Total Sawab Score for momin rapists: 3 (torture of cutting limbs, rapes, stealing jewelry) Evidence: News Media Hindu Women in India found raped and chopped into pieces by Muslims. ShariaUnveiled: The jihad against the Hindu is centuries old with over 80 million Hindus killed by Muslim savages. The ongoing gruesome ethnic cleansing of Hindus by Muslims is scrubbed entirely from the news coverage in the West. 2) PLACE: PAKISTAN Taliban mujahideen captured 8 bad Muslims (shias), robbed them, cut their hands and feet and then beheaded them to get score most sawab from the sunnat-e-mubarekas. Sawab Score for Mujahids: 3 (robbery, torture and beheading) hindu women raped, then chopped by Muslims 3) PLACE: INDIA A Muslim mujahid Mohammad Afroze (Raju) participated in a gang-rape of a hindu girl. He personally raped the 23-year-old pretty Hindu girl twice, then tortured her by pulling her intestines out which caused her death later. Sawab score for Momin Mohammad Afroze Raju: 3 (rape, torture and murder of an infidel) Evidence: News media
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 23:02:56 +0000

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