UNSCRIPTURAL HOLY DAY AS PALM SUNDAY,LENT, AND EASTER CONDEMNED.Our conclusions will not be based on subjective experiences of pope,pastor,so-called general overseer or romancatholism teaching but upon Gods objective truth.I know so because God said so!.William tyndale was the first English Bible to use Easterpreviously the Hebrew and Greek were left untranslated.William tyndale used Easterto replace the word passover in his translation.The Greek and Hebrew word which translated to Easterwas pascha(Greek) and pesach(Hebrew) which means Passover not idolatory Easter.You may be surprise to know that the word passover did not even exist before his coined it for his version of 1526-31.It was William tyndale that smuggled the word idolatory Easter into King jame version,instead of the original word Passover.(Acts12:4).The word Easter originate from pagan observance which means Ishtar was a day commemorated the resurrection of one of their gods that they called Tammuzwho was believed to be the only begotten son of the moon-goddess and the sun-god.The Easter that Devilish king Herod was waiting for was evidently the celebration of the death and resurrection of Tammuz,the sun-god.The sunrise services today are a continuation of that pagan worship.Bible says Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the LORDs house which was toward the north;and,behold,there sat women weeping for Tammuz.Then said he unto me,Hast thou seen this,O son of man?turn thee yet again,and thou shalt see greater abominations than these.And he brought me into the inner court of the LORDs house,and behold,at the door of the altar,were about five and twenty men,with their backs toward the temple of the LORD,and their faces toward the east;and they worshipped the sun toward the east.Ezekiel8:14-16.The resurrection of our LORD JESUS CHRIST must be celebrated in our life everyday,not like pagan practice observe monthly,weekly, and yearly.Only the LORDs supper Jesus commanded us to do in remembrance of him(Luke22:19).It is sinful to make holy that which God did not make holy,and it is sinful to make unholy that which God made holy.Remember,they are ways which seem right to men,but they are the ways of death(Proverbs16:25).Bitter controverse arose after the 2nd century as to when Easter to be celebrated.Jewish converts in particular insisted that it be on the 14th of their month Nisan,regardless of what day of the week it would occur,and romans disagree over that.The Council in rome decided that Easter should be observed on the first sunday following the first full moon after the spring Equinox.Bible says God forbid:yea,let God be true,but every man a liarRomans3:4.Who will you follow today between God and Roman council?Your unbelieve will not make the word of God in vain.How will you choose to worship God-in spirit and in truth,or in fraud and in fable?Many ministers and romans church today have left Gods righteousness and establish their own because of what they will eat(Romans16:17-18).Remember,no matter your devotion,zeal or faith in God,if you are following the doctrines of men,you are worshiped God in vain(Matt15:9).Bible says Howbeit in vain do they worship me,teaching for doctrines the commandment of menMark7:7.Bible saysProve all things;hold fast that which is good.IThesa5:21.Apostle paul condemned pagan custom of observing days,weeks,months,times,and years.Galatian4:8-11.Even David was judged when the worship of God was not pursued according to divine regulations.(1chro13:1-15).God is not the author of confusion(1Cor14:33)God never instituted lent,palm sunday,easter,a pagan observance celebrating the resurrection of a false Messiah.God command his people to follow Him,not the traditions of me.Gods ways are higher-better than mans(Isaiah55:8-9)Men cannot determine for themselves right from wrong or how to properly worship God.why?Because the heart(mind)is deceictful above all things,and desperately wicked(Jere17:9),and the way of man is not in himself;it is not in man that walks to direct his steps(Jere10:23).God design us an gave us life.He teaches us how we are supposed to worship Him.To be a christian and properly serve God,you must live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God(Matt4:4).Recognizing that His Holy scriptures cannot be broken(John10:35).God commands christians to flee from the pagan traditions and customs of this world(Rev18:2-4)currently led and deceived by satan the devil(2Cor4:4,Rev12:9).Lent,palm sunday,christmass and easter may seem like a sincere,heartfelt religiour observance,but it is deeply rooted in pagan ideas that counterfeit Gods plan(Lev18:3,30,Deut7:1-5,16)They cannot be christianized or made clean by men.Remember that what highly exalted by men is abomination before God(Luke16:15).Dear beloved,take your decision today to follow our LORD JESUS CHRIST,and leave the customs and traditions of men.God bless you.Amen.Shalom
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 20:25:58 +0000

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