UNSCRUPULOUS CARDIOLOGISTS AND UNNECESSARY BUT EXPENSIVE HEART TESTS------- BEWARE OF THEM ! AIIMS REPORT EXPOSES THEM ! Read about AIIMS movement by professor Bhargava on unwanted heart tests at the end of this, as published in TOI of June 29, 2014. I have an apprehension that I might have been a victim of some greedy and unscrupulous cardiologist, who put me through unwanted tests such as ECHO, TMT and STRESS THALLIUM. The LAD, main artery on the left side of heart, was shown to be in considerable myocardial jeopardy in the Stress Thallium, raising an alarm and causing me mental shock and disturbance for over a month. The stress thallium test was conducted in a private institute. Was it doctored report to justify the test recommendation? In the angiography, I was totally cleared of any abnormality or blockage in the heart. Basically, I am an old asthmatic cum COPD case. And I saw the doctor for chest congestion (Not Pain) . I was asked to get ECG done, which showed some abnormality, which has been so , with me for last 20-25 years. I was referred to Cardiologist, who without even seeing my ECG reports, immediately recommended ECHO , TMT and Stress MPI tests in a private institute. Mercifully, this cardiologist was on leave and I had to go to HOD for the angiography test. He does not recommends all these tests. He himself carries out ECHO test and then decides on angiography. In the same manner, in my case, too, angiography could have been done without these tests. This morning , when I read this report in TOI, I could not agree more. Please read this report and understand as to how some unscrupulous cardiologists are hand in gloves with these diagnostic Centers and Heart institutes. They mercilessly recommend these costly tests, particularly, when the patient is a retired government servant. This TOI report throws some light on this. Read it:---- timesofindia.indiatimes/india/AIIMS-doctors-lead-the-way-wage-war-on-unnecessary-medical-tests/articleshow/37425725.cms
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 02:36:58 +0000

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