UNTIL THE SEED Posted on December 26, 2014 - TopicsExpress


UNTIL THE SEED Posted on December 26, 2014 torahwithoutrabbinics.wordpress In his article – UNTIL THE SEED SHOULD COME by Dr. Daniel Botkin “… So obviously some of the Torah’s commands are still binding for Christians. And, according to Galatians 3:19, part of the Torah was meant to last only “until the Seed should come.” The Big Question is: Which part of the Torah was meant to last only until the coming of the Seed? Who gets to decide which Torah commands Christians can ignore and which ones they should still obey? And what is the basis for determining whether a commandment is abolished or still binding? The anti-nomian view cannot answer these questions.” Daniel Botkin is correct “The anti-nomian view cannot answer these questions.” However; the answer Daniel Botkin seeks – The answer all the name HR presenters should seek – The answer all Bible preachers and teachers should seek – is found at the ‘rightly dividing’ point of the Levitical vs the Melkizedeq Priesthood. So; “Who gets to decide…”? Torah! TaNaK and the NT/NC – Yahweh! Who can intelligently ignore this? – NO One ! 2Cor.3:11 ‘… that which is passing away was glorious, much more that which remains is glorious’. 2Cor.3:13 ‘… the children of Israel could not steadfastly look to the end of that which is abolished:..’ You may remember from “The Rightly Dividing Point” dealing with ‘remain; that we have a problem. “We intelligently know that ‘remain’ cannot be ‘remain’ unless it was established before – Right? But by the same token there is no awareness sense to use ‘remain’ as an informational marker in a sentence unless something did not ‘remain’ – Right? What we now have is a ‘both-and’ situation not an ‘either-or; we have to use discernment. For that we must let the Bible interpret itself. The Apostle Paul is an indispensable resource, for he deals with these Gospel-Torah matters guided by Yahshua (Gal.1:11-12) studied for three years (v:18).” The Apostle/exPharisee Paul is demonstrating something very profound; a mid position – The Church is incorrect to say, hold to & teach that ‘it all changed’ for the positive side of ‘remain’ does not allow for this to be true. Some thing/s does/do continue that was established before. Before the Birth, Death and resurrection of Yahshua Messiah. The Jews (on the other hand) including Hebrew Roots, Messianic, etc. are also incorrect to say, hold to & teach that ‘nothing has changed’ for the negative side of ‘remain’ does not allow for this to be true either. Some thing/s does/do NOT continue that were established before. This is further evidenced by; Gen 49:10 The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, *until* Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be. Ezk.20:24 Because they had not executed my judgments, but had despised my statutes, and had polluted my sabbaths, and their eyes were after their fathers’ idols. 25 Wherefore I gave them *also* statutes that were ~Not~ good, and judgments whereby they should ~Not~ live; In his Book – The New Covenant Validates Torah: A Response to Christianity’s Assault … By John K. McKee “… Now we quote Hebrews 7:18-19 from the Complete Jewish Bible; “ Thus on the one hand, the earlier rule is set aside because of its weakness and inefficiency (for the Torah did not bring anything to the goal); and, on the other hand, a hope for something better is introduced, through which we are drawing nearer to God” (CJB) Concerning this verse, Stern states, “a reason for the transformation of Torah” (v:12) is that the Levitical Priesthood set up by the Torah in the form that Moses received it from God was based on a rule… concerning physical decent from [Levi’s} son Gershon in the case of [priests] in general and from Gershon’s great grand son [Aaron] in the case of the [High Priest]. While [Phinihas], [Aaron’s] grandson, was given the covenant of the everlasting priesthood’ (Numbers 25:13). {Yahshua} by himself has an everlasting priesthood by the power of an indestructible life… This sets aside the need for a system of passing on the priesthood from generation to generation as is stated explicitly in [Hebrews 7:23-25]” 1st of all this Jewish/Hebrew Roots knee-jerk rush to translate all occurrences of “law” in the NT to “Torah” trying to add ‘clarity’ is nonetheless a definition convoluted mess. The NT ID’s 19 categories of law – so we have 19 different Torahs? This just adds exacerbation to an already confused situation. However this McKee quote of Stern does reveal an excellent point; Yahshua (The Melkizedeq High Priest) by himself has an everlasting (Melkizedeq) priesthood by the power of an indestructible life… This sets aside the need for a (Levitical) system of passing on the priesthood from generation to generation as is stated explicitly in [Hebrews 7:23-25]” Heb 7:18 For there is verily a disannulling of the commandment going before for the weakness and unprofitableness thereof. 19 For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better hope did; by the which we draw nigh unto Yah. (KJV) the commandment 1785. entolh entole, en-tol-ay’ from 1781; injunction, i.e. an authoritative prescription:–commandment, precept. The “injunction” / commandment – The “authoritative prescription” to preserve life – included none other than Num.3:12 (Levitical system) brought about by the ‘Gold Calf’ Ex.32 (see v:10) Covenant breach of the (Melkizedeq) ‘Book of the Covenant’ of Ex.19:5 thru 24:8
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 20:41:41 +0000

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