UNTO THE HILLS MEMORY VERSE: A song of degrees. I will lift up - TopicsExpress


UNTO THE HILLS MEMORY VERSE: A song of degrees. I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. Psalm 121:1 BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Matthew 7-10 Genesis 2:18 says And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. The original name, God gave the woman He created was ‘help’. It was Adam, who gave her the name ‘woman’, her original name, God given name, was ‘help’. This is how God sees every woman, and this is what He calls every woman. Brothers, when looking for your ‘help’ i.e. wife or God’s favour (Proverbs 18:22), lift your eyes unto the hills. That is the best place to get your ‘help’. The mistake many of us are making is, instead of looking unto the hills, we look on Facebook and other social networks. Some of us, instead of looking unto the hills, we look in buses and trains. Is that what the bible said we should do? Some ask their parents to look for a ‘help’ for them, is this in line with biblical teaching. Some of us have spoken to our friend’s wife to introduce her single friends to us. All these are the carnal man’s way of doing things. The only place, to look to for ‘help’ is heaven. God is the maker of ‘help’. He knows you more than you know yourself; He even knows what you do not know about yourself. He knows your future, and He knows the best ‘help’ i.e. woman you need in that future. Just as He promised to make a ‘help’ for Adam, He is also promising to make a ‘help’ for you. That Christian woman, your parents/ friends/ family introduced to you may not be God’s will for your life. She may be another brother’s ‘help’. Except the Lord helps a nation, that nation will be helpless. Our beloved nation is where it is today, because we are looking for help in the wrong places. Instead of looking unto the hills for help, we are busy setting up committees. The committees can gather, if God is not in the committee, it will be a waste of time. We can organise peaceful rallies and protests. We can go to the media and raise awareness; we can even ask all the celebrities in the world to hold placards on our behalf, all these will be exercise in futility if God is not involved. “Heaven helps all those who help themselves,” you said, but my question is, where is that written in the bible? We have looked to the experts and they have failed us. We have looked to our politicians and it is obvious they themselves need help. We have looked abroad and found that they cannot help. It is high time; we looked unto the hills for help. Disappointment is inevitable for anyone who looks unto man for help. Before talking to any man about that problem, first, discuss it with God. Sharing our problems with people does not necessarily bring solutions. Friends, only God can help you. Friends and family may give you counsel, this is how you should do it; this is what you should say; this is how you should react; this is what you should not do; etc. I tell you, except God helps you; all those counsels will fail. Actually, instead of things to get better, it may even get worse. Stop depending on people’s wisdom or counsel to get you out of problems, depend on God. There is nothing wrong in seeking counsel, but before you go out to get counsel, make sure you have brought it to His attention first. NOTE: Except God helps a man, no man can help the man. Bro Samuel | Reaching the world for Jesus. twitter@BroOluwatoki
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 10:01:45 +0000

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