UNVEILING THE BLESSEDNESS OF KINGDOM INVESTMENT Unveiling how to prevent or repel thieves, arm robbers, fraudsters, kidnappers, and Terrorists from your habitation. Anchor Scripture [Matthew 6:19-21, 24] Wisdom key 1 – Heavenly insurance over your generation and destiny [Matthew 6:21, Luke 12:34] Anywhere your treasure is, there your heart will always be. Your thoughts and ideas will always be channeled to where your treasure is. Lay up for you treasures in heaven by becoming a kingdom investor. Do business with God and watch what God will do for you. Note your source of income must be legitimate for your investments to be accepted and multiplied in multiple folds in returns for you. Nobody ever suffers losses with God. So as you continue supporting and sponsoring God’s will and agenda on the earth, God will in return support and sponsor and make to happen His perfect will and your heart desires. Note that God is never in need any day anytime, He is too big to be in need. He can sponsor His own agenda but it’s only an opportunity to be blessed by being a part of what God’s is doing. Anything He proposes He accomplishes, there is nothing too hard for God and all things are possible with Him alone [Genesis 18:14, Jeremiah 32:27, Matthew 19:26, Mark 10:27, Luke 18:27]. While investing by promoting God’s agenda on the earth because His perfect will and His kingdom must come to pass on the earth, God will be fixing your future removing every mountain before any of His Zerubbabel [Zechariah 4:6-10]. Anyone that delights in supporting or God uses to make his plan come to pass is a Zerubbabel before God and every obstacle before them He removes [Zechariah 4:7]. God will go into your generation and correct any abnormalities your great grandchildren may encounter in the future. Remember He is the first and the last, the resurrection and the life, the beginning and the end [Revelations 1:8, John 11:25]. God will rewrite your destiny and make it a beautiful success story. Just imagine your unborn children and your children and their children’s destiny taken care of. When God blesses, His blessings are generational not personal or for an individual alone please be informed. Any prosperity that cannot flow through three to four generations is not prosperity from God. God’s blessing is an overflowing, running over blessing [Psalm 23:5]. You cannot keep or hold onto God’s blessing for yourself, you will know no peace unless you distribute and bless somebody else in any which way He directs you. You must bear fruits from the gifts and blessings you have received. He continues to prune you so you can bear more fruits [John 15:2]. You are blessed to be a blessing [Genesis 12:2, Psalm 112]. Wisdom key 2- Security and Protection [Matthew 6:19-20, Luke 12:33] On earth criminals and terrorists break and hack into security networks systems to destroy, steal and kill people which is the devil’s ministry [John 10:10]. Thieves break into houses and arm robbers break into banks to steal money, so earthly treasures have no guaranteed security because they are prone to attacks due to human negligence and greed. So imagine having all your treasures on earth and see the heart break you will suffer due to inadequate security. Unless God watches the watchmen watch in vain. The CIA, FBI, LAPD, NYPD, SSS, DIA, Special Forces, MOBILE POLICE, Terrorist squad etc are all in vain if god is not involved because terrorist still attack and invade human habitations despite all this human vices. What we need is God’s seal on whatever vices we are introducing and then we are sure and guaranteed of His heavenly presence around our security operatives also empowering and safe guarding them too [Psalm 127:1-2, Matthew 6:20]. Lay up your treasures in heaven by supporting God’s kingdom agenda with your possessions. Invest heavily in kingdom business, sponsor the things of God and god will give you a place and a sit on the earth [Proverbs 3:9-10]. God will put you in command on the earth concerning the desires of your heart and concerning what you desire to do with your hands. God will establish you on the earth and make you a force to reckon with because you make the agenda of god your delight. Nations and men will be subjected to you and if you are a leader your subjects will be forever loyal to you throughout your tenure in office. God will give you rest all around and your political foes will be speechless before you [Psalm 18:43-45, Psalm 66:3, Psalm 23:5-6, Deuteronomy 33:29, Luke 21:15]. Because of your investment of time and resources for God’s business, the earthly business or ideas He gives you will never suffer lack or want. Your ground will produce fruits continually for you when due and your cruise of oil will never fail or dry up [1 Kings 17:14-16, Malachi 3:11]. Devils are subjected to kingdom investors because they are unmolest able, unharassable, the adversary can’t touch them although they may come up but God will show up and scatter them rising up a standard against them [Isaiah 59:19, Proverb 24:16]. You can’t toy or joke or dare God’s security because only one angel went out and killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers [2 kings 19:35, Isaiah 37:36]. It only takes one security operative anointed and led by God to go out and apprehend 185,000 criminals in one night. When the spirit of God came upon Samson He killed a thousand men that’s just one man killing a thousand men [Judges 15:14-15]. Imagine investing in the business of someone capable of killing all the criminals in your town or city for your sake just because they dared His heavenly security over you, your household and establishment [Psalm 105:13-15]. So prove God today by investing and supporting His agenda on the earth and see Him cover all that concerns you with a wall of fire. As far as He blesses you with ideas, earthly investments and establishments He will surely provide cover for them. Wisdom key 3 – Friendly Cordial relationship on loyalty [Matthew 6:24, Luke 16:13] You are either loyal to God or loyal to money. Money makes you a slave, Men will make you their servants, but God will you His friend and then make you a brother to your fellow human beings so you can transmit His love for all to see. Abraham was very loyal to God because he served God in obedience acting promptly to every instruction God gave Him and believing in Faith every promise God gave him [Genesis 22:1-3, Genesis 12:4, Genesis 17:23-27]. He never showed disloyalty to God, he believed God so much and he was rewarded with blessings of righteousness and ended up becoming God’s friend [Genesis 15:6, Genesis 18:17, John 15:14-15]. Money will make you a slave and lead you to evil. Be loyal to God and He will put you in control over money. You will control money to the glory of God and not to please men. When you hold men and money in high esteem they will in turn make you a slave and a servant. Servants never have rights in their masters house only sons inherit and friends are told secrets of inheritances. Men will oppress and maltreat you for greed and love for money but God will make you a friend and give you the secrets of true riches [Isaiah 45:1-3, Deuteronomy 29:29]. So in conclusion seek first the kingdom of God ie be a kingdom investor and crave for the right way of doing things then God will make you and take you places you never ever dreamed of and also add all things you desire to your bosom [Matthew 6:25-34, Luke 12:16-34]. Take note Tithes and offerings are scriptural obligatory way of giving to God [Malachi 3:8] but get more involved by giving sacrificially and willingly to the work of God because He loves and cherishes a cheerful giver [2 Corinthians 9:6-12]. God richly bless you as you embark on this supernatural kingdom investment flight because god will turn the unturnable for your sake and you must succeed and prosper on this earth in Jesus name, Amen. - Brother Abohweyere. B. Onome.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 23:54:13 +0000

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