UNVEILING THE MYSTERIES BEHIND UNLIMITED BREAKTHROUGHsss... Part 5a... Teaching under: The signs and proof to show that you are a true believer... As a believer, there must be something to show, there must be an evidence... As a true believer, you are ordained a wonder to your world... If there is no proof to show that you are a believer, then there must be something you aint doing... If you are not a wonder to your World as a believer, then it must be your own fault... God is not looking for who to use, God is searching for whom to bless... Our God is not a user of men, but a blesser of men... So therefore: if you must live an unlimited life here on earth, and if you must become a wonder to your world as a believer, there are absolutely important signs nd proof to show that you are a believer, nd these proof are: 1) OBEDIENCE... Obedience is the very first nd best way to show that you believe.. Obedience to Gods Word nd Commandments is your key access to the realm of over-flowing blessings, right here on earth... Obedience bring blessing... So therefore as a true believer you must have an ever-willing heart to obey Gods Word... Your being obedient to Gods Word is the No.1 true evidence to show that you are a true believer... You cant be faithful without obedience... Your ever-willing to obey Gods word is the force that engrace you to be Faithful to God as a believer... Obedience is what guarantees you, the access to every force that must be put in place, for you to live an unlimited life here on earth. Obedience to Gods Word, is what guarantees your access to every promised blessings that is in the Word of God... Father Abraham obeyed the commandments nd believed in the promises of God for His life; working nd walking deligently nd faithfully in the sight of God, nd all the promises were fulfiled in His life. Today Father Abraham is known to be a Man of Faith, why because he was faithful, he believed n obeyed God... Note: Your Faith can not be put to work, without obedience. If you dont obey, you cant be faithful, if you dont obey, you cant be truthful nd lastly if you dont obey, you cant be blessed,,. Obedience guarantees blessing... I pray God grant us the grace for obedience, that would result in unlimited blessings, In Jesus Most Blessed Name: Amen... Stay obedient, so you can be blessed nd remain everblessed... More grace to you all my brethren: Amen...
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 22:49:04 +0000

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