UPDATE - HE HAS BEEN RESCUED! THANKS TO EVERYONE FOR SHARING THIS POST AND TO THOSE THAT ACTUALLY JUMPED TO ACTION. VERY PLEASED WITH THIS HAPPY ENDING... I especially want to take a minute to thank Savannah Mayo who took the time to send me the picture of this dog. Those of us that actually RESCUE animals in situations like this, know how difficult it is to catch a frightened dog in wide open spaces. Sometimes a picture is as close as you can get and this young lady has had to endure countless rude and unnecessary remarks on the thread of this post while all the while, she never lost focus of saving this dog. Until you have stood in the trenches with those of us that actually do something about animals in desperate need of rescue, it would be nice if you would keep your comments off of the Tunica Humane Society page. We are about saving animals, not about offending those that are truly going out of their way to bring these situations to light. For all of you that jumped to action for this dog, I thank you. Networking these situations saves thousands of lives everyday. It is such a shame that there are those out there that want to bring down the very people that have the biggest hearts for animals that are suffering.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 11:37:55 +0000

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