**** UPDATE - SAFE!!!! - IT TOOK THIS VILLAGE 27 MINUTES! YOU ARE ALL AMAZING!!!!!!!!! VILLAGE - WE HAVE A HORSE STANDING IN THE KILL PEN THAT NEEDS US!! We have 48 hours!!! I want to tell you the story of a 16 year old Irish Sport Horse gelding. I will try to not get too lengthy but please read thru to the end. This has been a 2 day process of begging, pleading, fighting, coordinating to make this happen and I need everyones help now to make it happen. I posted yesterday about Travis Kelley. This is the story of a horse and a 16 year old girl with MS that he did wrong! He made a post on FB wanting free or cheap horses for his daughters, promising a good forever a home. A 16 year old girl that is struggling with MS knew that she needed to find her horse Wick a home. Due to recent flare ups with her disease, she could no longer care for him. This past Sunday, the family made contact with Travis in regards to his facebook ad and was promised that the horse would have a forever home and would be loved by his daughters. They wanted nothing but the best for Wick and made the decision that it was best he went on to other little girls that would love and care for him. On Monday, Travis arranged transport of Wick and paid the 16 year old $50. Wednesday morning, Travis walked the horse to the kill buyer and sold him for slaughter. He weighed 1350 lbs and the kb bought him for $545 not knowing where the horse had come from. With the power of facebook, word got out about this, questions starting being asked, and at 11:30 PM Wednesday night I was contacted and asked if I knew Travis and if I could find out if the kb had the horse. It was too late to call but I sent him a text with the picture of the horse asking if Travis dropped the horse that morning. At 5:30 AM Thursday morning I was awakened to a call from the kb. That call did not go well, lets just say dont scream at me before Ive had my coffee. The horse was already on the paperwork and scheduled on a load. It is a big hassle and costs money to change this paperwork. The horse was shipping that day. At this point, I hadnt had contact with the 16 year old or her family. I tracked her down and got her phone number. I called to speak directly with them and get their side of the story. They were very upset to find out where the horse was, that it was shipping to slaughter. I put the kb in direct contact with them and he spoke to the mother and then called me back. He was very upset that this sick child was lied to and deceived and said he would make it right. He tried contacting Travis to no avail. He even tried to stop payment on the check that was given to Travis but it had already been cashed. Many phone calls, many conversations, and much coordinating happened over the course of Thursday and into this morning. This is what we have worked out. The kb has agreed to sell the horse for $500, this is less than he paid for it, and he will also cover the costs of changing the paperwork. The transport has already been lined up for Sunday afternoon, at the cost of $250, and the horse to be transported to Birch Hill Farm WV. Wick has an old injury to his front ankle and has had surgery in the past to remove a tumor. Due to his unknown medical condition and to keep him safe it was determined by everyone involved that sending him to Birch Hill was the best option. He will go thru QT and then be evaluated to determine if he is adoptable or if he will be a permanent resident of the sanctuary. He is said to be an extremely sweet gentle horse between 16 and 17 hands. His past injury happened to his ankle when he landed wrong coming over a jump. Birch Hill has agreed to stay in direct contact with the family and when the 16 year is able, she will go to Birch Hill to visit Wick. We need to raise $1000 (bail, plus transport; plus QT) to be able to make this all happen and get this guy safe! Please send donations via paypal to lifehorse2014@yahoo. and put WICK in the comments. Your donation is tax deductible! Please share share share!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 17:18:41 +0000

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