UPDATE: DOOL Friday, October 18, 2013 by ChickenGrrl At the - TopicsExpress


UPDATE: DOOL Friday, October 18, 2013 by ChickenGrrl At the DiMera mansion, E.J. wondered if Sami were trying to find a way to tell him that she didnt want to marry him. Sami admitted, I dont know, E.J. I dont know what I want. E.J. understood why Sami was upset, but she informed him that she had been up all night wondering what would have happened E.J. had been shot or if the kids had been at the club. Asserting that trouble haunted that house, Sami reminded E.J. that she had been there when the mayor had been murdered. E.J. reminded Sami, I gave my word to my father that you would live in this house, and as a result, Samantha, he set you free. E.J. guessed that Samis doubts had originated in the conversation hed witnessed between her and her father at the hospital. Sami maintained that her dad only wanted to make sure she didnt make a huge mistake. E.J. inferred that he was the mistake. Sami assured him that she didnt think he was a mistake -- and that she made her own decisions. E.J. countered that Samis independence was one of the reasons hed fallen in love with her, but he didnt know if she were still in love with him. E.J., this is not about whether or not I love you. This is about doing what is best for our family, you know, to keep him safe and secure -- from him, Sami insisted, indicating Stefanos portrait. E.J. insisted that Stefano blamed himself as much as Marge Bernardi for Chads shooting. Upset, Sami argued that since Chad had lived, Stefano wouldnt have to take responsibility for his actions. She tried to get E.J. to see what the stakes were for her and the children if they got married. Frowning, E.J. suggested rather snidely that they postpone the wedding since it was clearly such an emotional issue for Sami. Postpone? How about cancel? Sami retorted. With an angry finger in her face, E.J. practically ordered Sami not to give up on them. Sami insisted that she only wanted to take some time. She reminded E.J. that he had promised Stefano that they would live there, but neither she nor the kids had made that promised. Calming down a little, E.J. suggested that they both take some time to think about things. He gently urged Sami to spend some -- and not to do anything rash. Thank you for not making us fight, Sami said quietly. After reassuring Sami that he loved her, E.J. left to visit Chad at the hospital. Glanced at the portrait of Stefano that loomed over the living room, Sami reflected on several altercations shed had with Stefano during Sydneys kidnapping. Sami smiled as she also recalled a playful, amorous moment with E.J. before their engagement party. Conflicted, her eyes filled with tears. Abigail walked into Chads hospital room just in time to overhear Chad asking Cameron, You told Abigail, didnt you? Abigail wanted to know what they were talking about. Cameron covered that he had just been telling Chad how close he had been to not pulling through, and Chad agreed that he hadnt wanted Cameron to upset Abigail with that information. Abigail asserted that Chad needed to not dwell on that so he could focus on his recovery. The awkward silence and the look that passed between Cameron and Chad made Abigail suspicious that there was still something they werent telling her. Cameron admitted that there was but he was bound by doctor-patient confidentiality. As Cameron was leaving, Abigail thanked him for saving Chads life. Cameron shrugged it off as all in a days work. After Cameron had gone, Abigail sat on Chads bed and expressed her relief that he was all right. She presented Chad with a medal that her father had given to her, explaining that it was for good luck and protection. Chad promised to take good care of it. Abigail curled up in bed next to him and put her head on his chest, and confessed that she had told her mom about them. Abigail explained that she had wanted her mom to understand how much Chad meant to her, so she had also told Jennifer about Chad getting her an advance copy of Jacks book. Its so funny Chad -- way back when, when you lied to me, I never thought that this was possible, for us to have this kind of a relationship. You know? Something so perfect, so real, and so honest, Abigail marveled. In the physical therapy room, a perspiring Rafe supported most of his weight with his arms as he walked the length of the parallel bars. When he reached the end and plopped down in his wheelchair, Jordan asked why he seemed upset. Rafe asserted that because of a chain reaction that had begun with him, it was his fault Chad DiMera had gotten shot. Jordan placed a soothing hand on Rafes arm and said that she wouldnt let him talk like that. Kate arrived outside in time to surreptitiously observe the interaction between Rafe and Jordan. Jordan wanted to know how Rafe had reached such a conclusion. Rafe explained that it had all started with his affair with Kate. Kate rolled her eyes and walked away. Rafe continued that it hadnt been Kates fault, but he still believed that everything that had happened tied back to him. Although Jordan didnt see the connection, she concluded that Rafe was just very empathetic. All business again, she instructed Rafe to do another lap on the parallel bars. Kate wandered to the nurses station to sing Jordans praises to Maxine and Cameron. Kate said that she would like to get a token of appreciation for Jordan but since she didnt know Jordan very well, she hoped that Cameron could tell her something about Jordan. Cameron informed Kate that professionals at the hospital couldnt take gifts for what they did because it could be seen as bribery for preferential treatment. When Cameron left, Kate turned to Maxine, who concurred with Cameron. Chad was alone when Cameron returned to check on him. Chad thanked Cameron for not telling Abigail what Chad had done. Cameron asked Chad for the explanation that hed promised before theyd been interrupted. Chad stated that he freaked out when hed first thought he had a brain tumor, and a part of him had suspected that the news hadnt really upset Cameron. Cameron insisted that wasnt true. Chad continued that when hed returned with good news from the specialist, hed seen Cameron kissing Abigail. I couldnt believe it. I went from thinking I was going to die to you taking total advantage of the situation. So is what I did really so bad compared to you? Chad demanded. Cameron couldnt believe Chads rationalization for faking a brain tumor. Chad insisted that at first he had merely wanted to punish Cameron, then Cameron had backed off from Abigail, and Chad had gotten everything hed wanted. When Chad pointed out that Cameron knew the truth and could tell Abigail if he wanted, Cameron refused to take the bait and left to attend to his other patients. As Rafe continued a grueling workout under Jordans supervision, he wondered why, when she was so tough on him during physical therapy, she had gone so easy on him about Marge Bernardi. Jordan said that they werent the same thing. Rafe maintained that as a cop, he was trained to know when someone was on a ledge and about to go over. Jordan got a little agitated as she demanded incredulously, When is it [Marges] responsibility? When is the fact that she loaded a gun, went looking for someone to kill, and almost succeeded at it her fault? When? Ever? Jordan continued, practically ranting, about Marge failing to cope or try to change her circumstances. Thats why someone almost died: because she just couldnt cope. And you cant let that happen or youre lost, Jordan asserted. As Jordan was starting to wheel Rafe back to his room, Kate entered the physical therapy room. After informing Rafe that Chad was awake and doing well, Kate said that she would catch up with Rafe after he returned to his room. As soon as Jordan and Rafe were gone, Kate got on the phone and ordered the person on the other end to do an even deeper background check on Jordan Ridgeway -- who returned to the room just then and slammed the door behind her when she overheard Kate. Abigail wandered into the park outside Horton Square and found E.J. sitting on a bench, lost in thought. Both admitted that they were relieved Chad was healing so well. E.J. said that earlier, Chad hadnt been able to stop talking about Abigail. Smiling, Abigail said that she wished Chad would stop worrying about her and focus on getting better. He puts you first. Thats how it is when youre in love, E.J. affirmed. While Anne observed from a table for one, Theresa carried a weighty bag into the Brady Pub to join Karin for lunch. Karin didnt notice the bag right away, so Theresa accidentally knocked it onto the floor, where the broken picture of Daniel and Jennifer fell out. When Karin picked the photo up, Theresa pretended to panic. Karin asked why Theresa had that picture and why the frame was broken. Theresa claimed that shed intended to drop the bag of clothes off at the hospitals charity bin for a friend. This friend? Doctor Jonas? Karin asked. Despite Theresas protests, Karin guessed, You are sleeping with him, arent you? Theresa contended that those kinds of unsubstantiated rumors could hurt a lot of people. Karin didnt think Theresa should keep it a secret since Daniel was, after all, a good-looking doctor. After urging Karin to drop it, Theresa wondered if she should donate the clothes somewhere else so people didnt get the wrong idea. Karin volunteered to drop the items off for Theresa, but she asked what Theresa wanted to do with the picture. Theresa said since the frame was broken, she would probably just throw it away. Karin realized that she didnt actually have time to eat lunch, so Theresa said that they would just do it another time. When Theresa headed for the ladies room, Karin gathered up the bag of clothes, hid the broken picture under her jacket, and left. When Theresa returned from the ladies room, she joined Anne, who announced that she was proud of Theresa. Theresa was confident that Karin wouldnt be able to resist spreading such juicy gossip -- as was Anne that Jennifer would quit her job in humiliation and despair when she got wind of the rumor. Theresa looked over at the other table and began to freak out when she noticed that Karin had also taken the picture. Anne warned that Daniel could figure out that Theresa had been in his apartment. Theresa tried to convince herself that Daniel wouldnt even hear about it because Karin was unlikely to show the picture to him. Still flustered, Theresa left to continue her plan with Jennifer Kiss-Ass Horton. Karin returned to the hospital and placed Theresas bag on the desk at the nurses station. Maxine asked about it, so Karin explained that she was donating it for a friend. When Maxine spied the picture frame in Karins hands, she cautioned Karin that the hospital only accepted clothing and shoes. Flipping the photo around to show it to Maxine, Karin said that she thought someone had thrown it away by mistake. Karin continued that even if the picture had gotten broken accidentally, she didnt really know either person in the photo. Can you check and see if one of them still wants it? Karin asked. Maxine offered to leave the picture behind the desk. At Daniels apartment, Daniel was getting Parker ready for a two-day stay with Chloe when an excited Maggie dropped by to tell Daniel the great news about J.J. Daniel said that hed already heard about it from Justin, and Daniel hoped that J.J. could live up to the terms of the deal. Maggie was optimistic because Jennifer was determined to turn things around for J.J. After Chloe had picked up Parker, Maggie invited Daniel to accompany her to Jennifers. Daniel firmly reminded his mother that he couldnt go to Jennifers because it only made things more difficult for her. Maggie declared that as distressed as she was about J.J., she hated that his troubles were keeping Jennifer and Daniel apart. Daniel maintained that Jennifer doing exactly what he would be doing by putting her son first. Maggie wondered how J.J. could have changed from such a sweet and innocent little boy into the young man hed become. Jennifer tried to stop J.J. as he tried to storm out of the Horton house, but J.J. said angrily, If you think that Im going to start listening to you because of what the judge said, think again. Jennifer reminded J.J. of the terms of the judges deal. J.J. retorted that had understood everything, but it didnt mean that he had to listen to his mom. J.J. accused Jennifer of pretending that they were a picture-perfect family when she had lied to him for so long about his dad. Jennifer insisted that she had been trying to protect J.J. from the pain that he was feeling at that moment. J.J. argued that she had no idea who he was. With the same degree of sarcasm, Jennifer suggested that J.J. enlighten her about who he was. She offered her theory that J.J. believed he was a victim and nothing hed ever done or said was his fault. J.J. maintained that he hadnt said that; hed merely begun to see things a lot more clearly. Blocking J.J.s exit, Jennifer demanded, What is clear? What, J.J.? That you have so little self-respect that it doesnt matter what happens to you? That you could walk out this door and cause trouble again, and just confirm what everybodys been thinking about you: that you are a liar, a manipulator, and a drug-head, so why not just live the part? With a sigh, J.J. noted, You said it; I didnt. Jennifer assured J.J. that no one really thought that about him. Fed up, J.J. walked out. Jennifer stopped him on the doorstep and begged him not to do something that he would regret. Just stay away from those friends -- and stay away from Theresa, because she is so destructive and screwed-up, Jennifer implored. Snarling that she couldnt tell him what to do anymore, J.J. stalked off. When Maggie showed up, Jennifer was a wreck. Hes going to go to prison and I cant stop him, and there is nothing I can do to fix it! Jennifer cried. Maggie tried to reassure Jennifer that she was a good mother. Jennifer maintained that she just wanted J.J. to be okay and feel like he was one of them again. Breaking down again, Jennifer placed some the blame on J.J.s friends and Theresa, whom Jennifer pronounced the devil. Jennifer wailed, I am out of answers. I am out of everything. If my son goes to prison, Im going to die! Although Maggie tried to sooth her, Jennifer grabbed her keys and left for work. J.J. met Rory and Bev in the park. Rory gave J.J. a bag of pot and warned J.J. not to let his mom find it. J.J. declared that his mom had no say in his life. Explaining that her cousin was a court reporter who had told her what had happened in court, Bev asked if J.J. were all right. J.J. wrote the judge off as a pompous jerk. Rory thought J.J. should have told the court what his dad had done that had made J.J. smash the store window displaying the elder Deverauxs book. How do you know what my dad did? J.J. demanded. Rory and Bev said that word had gotten out about everything. Grabbing his backpack to leave, J.J. insisted that it didnt matter because it had happened a really long time ago. Rory and Bev could tell J.J. was still upset and urged their friend not to go, but J.J. ignored them. As J.J. walked through Horton Square, he left a message asking Theresa to call him because he needed to see her. When J.J. hung up, Daniel was in front of him. J.J. declared that they had nothing to say to each other. Maybe one thing -- and it could change everything, Daniel said. When Jennifer arrived at the hospital for work, she bumped into Theresa. Hey, Jenn-Jenn. Where is J.J., anyway? I just missed a call from him, Theresa asked coyly. Jennifer grabbed Theresa and slammed her against the wall, growling, You stay away from my son or I will kill you! soapcentral/days/recaps.php
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 08:52:16 +0000

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