UPDATE FROM DR. HIBAILE IN BANGUI, CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Praise God for his miracle! I just came back from a mission trip to a village north of Bangui. In June this village was burned by the Selekas and later the Anti Balakas took the control of the village. One of my students at the Bible Institute is starting a church there. He invited me and my wife to go for a ministry of baptism. We went there yesterday and I preached this morning than we baptized 60 new believers including my son Melchi (photos below). During our stay, we were encountered with two AB who decided to turn to Jesus Christ and asked that their Amulettes could be burnt (photo). The event took place just after the church service before a huge number of people from the village. I introduced by reading Acts 19 and shared the example in Ephesus. The two guys gave their testimony, their repentance and their engagement to follow Christ. The event took place in public and has a big impact on the rest of the militia. I believe that the church has the potential to disarm, demobilize and reintegrate the ex-combattant with the power of God. This is the second examples of such transformation we can praise God for. Pray for these men and the believers of this village. We are safely back home in Bangui now. Augustin
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 12:11:38 +0000

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