UPDATE FROM KELLEIGH: Terminology and great results! Every - TopicsExpress


UPDATE FROM KELLEIGH: Terminology and great results! Every type of cancer has its own terminology; a type of shorthand in which patients use to communicate with each other. In Breast Cancer World, when we are done with treatment and cancer is not visible to any scanning machine, we say we are NED. In Other Cancer Type World, (like leukemia) the terminology used most often is Remission. Remission A decrease in or disappearance of signs and symptoms of cancer. In partial remission, some, but not all, signs and symptoms of cancer have disappeared. In complete remission, all signs and symptoms of cancer have disappeared, although cancer still may be in the body. NED, of course, is, No evidence of disease. You cant see cancer on scans or in blood, but that doesnt mean it isnt there. Cure means one is restored to health, their disease never to return. While we are on the subject of definitions, Stable is when your cancer is unchanged from one scan to another. It is still there, but it hasnt grown or spread. So as it turns out, as of 2 weeks ago I am stable for the first time in 18 months. (Very happy) I was quite shocked but am too scared to get over excited as things can change so fast with this disease, I have one new brain tumor that we are watching. I will be staying on the same Chemo, 14 days on and 7 days off until my next scan when the process starts all over again. Once we have new growth or new tumours we will have to change treatment. We work in 9 week cycles. Chemo, blood tests, scans. Its relentless, the migraines the nausea, the odd vomit and fatigue. If not physical scars, (and who gets away without those?) there are the emotional ones (which nobody escapes and people dont see) I have found this part of the disease very difficult. I am lucky to have the most amazing husband Craig who has stood by me and never wavered. Taken the blows, heartache and uncertainty of where our life is leading, Craig has become an almost full time career and cook to our 3 gorgeous, resilient, fun loving girls. My Mum,Dad, and my brothers have been by my side everyday. I cant imagine the internal struggle parents must have when there children are so unwell and unable too fix the problem. There are so many other family and friends that are standing by me and I will forever be humbled. At Stage IV, (which I am) the disease is no longer considered curable, with the exception of the estimated 1-3 percent of patients who, for unknown reasons, experience longterm survival with stable disease or complete remission following treatment. Like the old cliche, I hope for the best but am prepared for the worst. I still believe I could be one of the 3% and why not. As a young women with metastatic cancer - cancer that has already proven that it likes to travel - I have to be realistic. There may be cancer cells floating through my body right now, some sending out invitations for a gathering, others buying presents and housewarming gifts ready to get together in a new location. I hope this gives you some insight to my life as it is at the moment. Maybe one day, all of us can use the word we really want to use: CURE. All my love Kelleigh , Craig, Paige, Holly and Charli xxx
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 06:39:31 +0000

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