UPDATE FROM RAINBOW ARK SANCTUARY. I HAVE JUST MADE A SMALL DONATION, COULD YOU AFFORD EVEN £1 TO HELP FEED THE ANIMALS UNTIL THEY CAN BE RELOCATED. I AM SURE EVERY PENNY HELPS:- Can i have you attention for two mins please. thank you. The bailiffs entered rainbow ark sanctuary at around 12/12.30 and we were off site by 3 we had hundreds of animals to care for and look after. me and jane both had to get everything sorted ie immediate property and animals mucked out and fed etc etc. We defended we fought and we lost Paula is making legal applications to the court to try get the land back and jane and myself are working on getting the animals new homes dealing with rescues etc and media. every request is very helpful and we appricaite it greatly but atm we do not have a list of every animal as we didnt have time to get that as the bailiffs were very short with us and we ONLY just had time to get the animals fed . I will be sitting down with paula in the next day or two and her daughter to go through a lot of these requests etc etc and we will get back to people asap. there is a LOT going on but we MUST ask people spread the word get the word out there we lost the battle but not the war. the go fund me Rachel set up has over £1100 on it we need more its going to cost THOUSANDS to get the animals to temporary homes. i am in Direct contact as a authorised person to speak to and get on site to deal with the animals and animal welfare enforcement team. they are NOT the rspca and the rspca have absolutely no involvement in this and will not play ANY role in this. we may be beaten now but we are NOT dead we need media coverage the worlds eyes are on this they wont get away with this. Please share the fundraiser and media on this and keep the media up on it. gofundme/6ju9ow thank you and please be patient we are doing the best we can to keep people informed.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 16:58:26 +0000

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