UPDATE•First, I want to apologize for the recent silence but - TopicsExpress


UPDATE•First, I want to apologize for the recent silence but both of our phones died after our last update. After 9 hours in the ED & all those test, Blake was admitted, we were told that this stay would be primarily for observation & possibly a few other test to see if we could find any answers to our questions. After much anticipation, we finally found out that all of the previous test checked out normal. Praise The Lord! While were extremely happy, this also only causes more question marks in my mind, what could possibly be causing our little guy this pain?! We learned upon admittance that Blake would be having yet another MRI to determine if the the tumors on his brain were causing any or all of this. After the CT scans were reviewed from the pediatric doctors on his floor, they decided that no MRI was needed as it ruled out their first thoughts of bleeding on the brain. I was very pleased to hear this for Blake as it was now one less torture filled test that Blake would need. Well we thought it stopped there, however, the doctors decided to perform a bone survey, its an X-ray of the entire body to check for any fractures. Weve learned today that one of his seizure medications can affect the bones so they wanted to rule this out as well. We just returned to our room & hope to learn the results soon. Please continue to pray for Blake as well as us. Were trying to stay strong for our little guy but with no sleep, we feel like were running on fumes. Thank you all for the kind words of encouragement, the offers to help in any way but most importantly, the prayers. Thank you all for remembering our little family in your prayers each and everyday!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 20:49:42 +0000

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