**UPDATE** From Tory Hey guys, Yesterday I heard the best news - TopicsExpress


**UPDATE** From Tory Hey guys, Yesterday I heard the best news that havent heard in a longtime. I knew yesterday was going to be a big day for us. Before my Apheresis treatment, they were going to labs on me to see whether or not if the Apheresis and IVIG treatments were working or not. If my body wasnt responding, the whole transplant thing was going to be called off. I went on to my next treatment of the day (IVIG). I waited for my Transplant Coordinator to call me with the news. She stopped by my room to tell me what was going on, but I was sound asleep she said, and she didnt want to disturb me. So I called her to see what my results were. First thing she said was I have good news for you Tory!....... Treatment is working your defiantly going to get your KIDNEY TRANSPLANT on Thursday! My antibody count was down to a 16 from 128 and they want it to be at 1 and 8. Man I was so happy!!! I was hoping that I wasnt going threw all this for nothing, but whata ya know it did!! My Doctor said Everything looks perfect, and we are right on schedule, and Im very happy with the results There ya have it were good to go! I wanted to take some time to tell guys how much it means to me for all your PRAYERS that have been sent to Natalie and I, it really means a lot! We are so overwhelmed with everything you have done for us including your donations to the NatTor Kidney Fund we are so amazed in the response it has gotten THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! You just dont know how much we appreciate it, and how very blessed we are to have you guys pulling for us. We will keep everyone one posted as the day goes on Thursday April 10, 2014. Im starting to get really nervous, Just because my wife is involved in all this. Natalie has never broken a bone, received stiches, or had any major surgery whatsoever. She is hitting this thing head on without any worry at all Seriously! Shes one tough cookie I gotta hand it to her! Thank you so much again! Love you Guys!!! God Bless..... To donate please go to helptorykemp
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 20:53:12 +0000

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