UPDATE: I WILL BE SHUTTING THIS FACEBOOK ACCOUNT DOWN BY JANUARY 1, 2015. At first, I thought perhaps people were blowing things out of proportion. But in light of what FB is doing to people who are rebelling against it and trying to get word out, it is obvious they have something to hide. Therefore, 2014 will be my final year on Facebook. Some are going to Tsu, some are going to Diaspora, and tons are going to seen.is I have chosen seen.is because that is where more people I know are going. If you desire to keep in touch with me, I would love to see you there. If not, that is fine. Now on to my original post... WARNING: FB Locking Accounts!! Some have refused to submit copies of their drivers licenses or other personally identifying items when required to do so by FB. The result: They are now locked out of their accounts. FB is also censoring media outlets for trying to get word out about this. The result: FB is locking them out of their accounts. The information is getting out on YouTube. The FB chicken is now coming home to roost. I HIGHLY suggest those of you who want to keep in touch with loved ones, friends and acquaintances on here get your tushes onto some other social network ASAP. I am NOT trying to scare you into coming to seen.is If you would rather go somewhere else, and have your friends go with you, do it NOW. Whether it be Tsu, Diaspora, seen.is, Google+... whatever your choice may be. Because, if FB decides it doesnt like you either in all of this and locks down your account, ask yourself the following: How are you going to keep in touch with all the rest of your FB peeps? If nothing else, give people your email and/or phone information so they can still contact you should this happen to you. The way FB is going these days, it is wise to have yourself and your friends on a secondary social network. Even if you do choose to sign your life away to their upcoming Terms of Service that take effect in January 2015. https://youtube/watch?v=iyyN543EF_E&feature=youtu.be
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 14:40:18 +0000

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