UPDATE!!!! In late July, I was invited to audition for KPop - TopicsExpress


UPDATE!!!! In late July, I was invited to audition for KPop Stars 4th season. As many of you know, its like American Idol, but in Korea. I just talked to the writer this past Monday and my audition slot is on Saturday at 4 PM! I will be going to New York this weekend with my family! I previously have auditioned for SuperstarK this past April and didnt have the best experience (scroll down for the full story), so I am pretty nervous about these auditions. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. Im super nervous, and Im working hard on my Korean songs lol Ill update you guys on Sunday night! SuperstarK experience: It all started when my mom was contacted by the broadcasting agent on YouTube inviting me to audition in April at the NY auditions. I was shocked that my mom wanted to go for it with me (she is my #1 supporter/fan) and was SUPER EXCITED. Ive never been to NY so I was looking forward to what Ive always seen in the movies... and Law & Order. So we prepared for NY! We got on the train around 3 AM and arrived around 6/7 AM. Fortunately our hotel room was ready in the morning, so I got ready for the auditions. And around 9:30 we headed out for the auditions. For the most part, I wasnt expecting to get through the preliminary round. I didnt speak Korean, I didnt know much about kpop, and I was the only auditionee not wearing converse, skinny jeans, a plaid shirt, bangs, and thick rimmed glasses. I felt very out of place...I was the 11nth person to go, and since 11 is my lucky number, I got a little boost of confidence. Like every other reality tv show, there was plenty of filming. You know how in American Idol they have a shot of everyone screaming simultaneously at the same time? Well, its not as simple as it seems. Everyone at the auditions had to say We love Superstar K about 10 times, just to get it right...yay for reality tv! We were all put in an auditorium where everyone practiced on their own...but very loudly... As other people started to come out of the auditions, they were telling their friends what goes down... 1. If youre in there for less than 5 minutes, youre out. 2. They want more recent and popular songs. 3. Its more than great to know Korean. So, knowing I could only fulfill #1 of the auditions, I went in there with a thumping heart. As the audition went on, I became more relaxed. They like me!, I thought to myself. I sang all my songs, and even sang songs they requested (including Let It Go). This was one of the rare moments that I deemed myself good. My voice was crisp and clear and I never went flat. I was extremely proud of myself, and in that moment I thought everything is possible. They asked to stay for the callbacks and I walked out of the room skipping to the auditorium to tell my mom. I was in the audition room for 20 minutes. Then one of the producers talked with me about the show and filmed me, and a little bit of my mom, for a good 40 minutes. She filmed me practicing, walking down the stairs, walking up the stairs, walking in the building with my mom hand in hand and giggling, signing papers weve already signed, and even praying. The producer told us the callbacks are after all the preliminary auditions. So here is the it was a pretty bad experience part. We got finished with everything I described above at around 1 PM. Pretty decent timing right? But SuperstarK was unclear about when the callbacks were, even when we asked for a specific time or a phone call to let us know. So my mom and I had to stay around the audition site for the rest of the day...we even felt rushed when we stopped by the hotel so I could practice some more for the callbacks. We continuously went back and forth asking if the callbacks are soon, and they kept saying no. This was one of the most grueling things...EVER (dramatic teenager moment). Its my first time in New York, and I am staying within the distance of 5 streets. I wanted to explore!....but I guess this was a sacrifice I had to make. My feet hurt, I shouldve been resting for the callbacks, and blah blah blah *fill in complaints here*. My hopes were up a little too high and the wasted time didnt bother me as much at the time. FINALLY, the callbacks were around 10. There were only about 6 of us from the hundreds of people who had auditioned. (Another boost of hope and confidence) To be completely honest, I didnt feel as proud as I was in the first audition. Although I sang well, it wasnt great. I was up for 19 hours so my voice sounded tired. I still had hope though. After all, I was the only person they filmed for as long as they did! They have to include me in the show! Or itll be a waste of their time! In June, I realized it was a waste of MY time. I never got the call they promised with the news of whether or not I made it. I felt a little cheated. But knowing I got the experience of a big audition, filming, AND GOING TO NEW YORK AND EATING AMAZING FOOD AND GOING TO TIMES SQUARE, was enough for me. At least they gave me the opportunity to go to the big city. But most of all, the opportunities all start with the blessing God has given to me, my mother. God works in amazing ways, and my mom is one of them. She never gives up on me. My dreams are her dreams. I would never be doing what I love without my mom. Going to NY was a big risk, and she let me take it. And like any other mom, she is fearful of my falls and how Ill cope. And then I remind her that failure is inevitable on the road to success...And then she kisses me on the forehead (sometimes) ^.^ So I am pinching myself, not out of disbelief, but as discipline in reminding myself that failure is inevitable. AND to remind myself that the impossible is possible. Sorry, Ill have to explain my mentality in another post. Thanks for reading!
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 17:27:13 +0000

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