UPDATE: Its such a tragedy that some cruel, pathetic, selfish, - TopicsExpress


UPDATE: Its such a tragedy that some cruel, pathetic, selfish, self-serving, insensitive & heartless coward is using a fundraising site created for my 13 year son (fighting a recently discovered, aggressive terminal cancer) & me, to attempt to damage my reputation, spread false accusations and outright lie, for their own twisted gain, ego or agenda. This fundraising site was setup by my dear friend Dan (and simultaneously, one of my Directors also wanted to,setup one,for me) on his own accord, NOT by me! Dan did this out of the pure kindness of his own heart knowing how much I love my sons, to help alleviate living expenses (as I get paid hourly as a contractor, not salary, nor for missed work) and because he felt I may miss work (and I did miss almost the entire week of work initially and will miss more this week as well ). I was told, this site was setup to assist with missed work, so I could (at my discretion) pay my upcoming rent (in my new apt, with adequate space for my kids), electric bill, gas to and from the hospital, food, car insurance, the cost of conference calls for remote work (as I use my own phone and pay for work calls) and the rest of all the money raised, I was planning to use to pay for cancer fighting supplements, special diet needs, and to help fund augmented, alternative, cutting-edge treatments or clinical trials for my amazing son Philip! Im going to ask Dan to take the site down now, which means that I wont be able to use over half of the existing donations or any of the subsequent donations for my sons cancer treatments now, which its so sad and100% due to this soulless, cruel coward, who wont use their real name on their post. To address/ set straight his/her lies and accusations (as I have nothing to hide), here are the actual facts: I pay $400 a week, every week in child support, and used to pay $1,300 a month in alimony (I did this for 4 years willingly, as the court only ordered 1 year due to our time married). I gave her my half of the house (signed it all over to my ex-wife), gave her all of the new and old furniture and brand new appliances. I paid for 2 supervised mediations and multiple court costs. In 2008 when I got laid off & lost my health insurance, I still managed to pay virtually all support & maintenance the first 2 and a half years, but as I was unable to secure a high-paying job in the city or state, I struggled to maintain the $400 a week, yet always paid what I could, selling my original artwork and working part-time jobs. Since my ex didnt and doesnt work (shes now home schooling, 3 of our kids with one of my boys at Saint X) and she previously had all the kids in expensive private Christian schools; she became used to all that money I was giving her each week; so, upon not consistently receiving it, she took me to court and the child support office; her actions and my inability to find a decent job (even with my degrees, former six- figure CIO role, 20 years career experience and over 1,100 resume submissions) led to a half dozen court visits, legal action, misdemeanor probation, eviction, car repossession and very brief homelessness. Before and after this, my ex-wife Lydia Parks (maiden name Bevin) ignored our legally binding Divorce Agreement (in which we have joint custody), taking the kids out of town or not being home on my weekends; refusing to answer the phone, refusing vacation time, telling them, they couldnt spend the night even when they had their own room/rooms at my place, skipping out on my vacations with them, our thanksgivings, Christmases, Halloweens and even Fathers Days (though our divorce agreement states that we switch every year). My ex-wife has kept, them from attending any of my plays, public speaking or Interfaith, social justice or environmental events or art shows Im in. Ive gone, to her house with the police to get my kids, taken her to court, filed motions and nothing ever comes of it; she has and still gets away with all of this and yet... I have (for 10+ years) and always will fight for my kids right to see their Dad, make the most of our time together and am here for them whenever they need me (as I write this next to Phil, sleeping in his hospital bed next to me)! I love my kids with all my heart, Ill do anything, sacrifice anything, risk anything, support, protect and be everything to/for them and if this disingenuous craven wishes to challenge that, he/she are more than welcome to test their assumption at their earliest convenience! -----message to the one who posted that----- First of all, thanks for the $5 donation Ill make,sure Phil gets to as soon as possible. Now, youve disrupted my sleep, though im taking care of my son and will be working remotely in a few hours and most heart-breaking, youre now taking funds away from my sons comfort, quality of life, future supplements and cancer treatments; Im not sure how you can live with yourself and its no wonder your too cowardly to give your real name... This is a public post, you know my name, feel free to PM me yours and we can discuss this face to face...ANYTIME. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Im now going to solely focus on being the strong, loving, motivated, committed, positive, supportive father I have been and am to my incredible son Philip in his fight against his deadly and aggressive cancer (and for all of my boys) and let nothing like this distract me ever again! Im going to go get my son his in-bed urinal some fresh water, tuck him in, kiss his forehead and tell him that his DAD loves him with all his heart!
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 08:30:26 +0000

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