UPDATE: Lil Roy says HELLO everyone! They had a meeting with the - TopicsExpress


UPDATE: Lil Roy says HELLO everyone! They had a meeting with the medical team. Lil Roy did NOT have to have a blood transfusion as thought, they are going to remove the VENT today and TOMORROW he MAY go to a Step down Unit (Originally told at least 5 days before that after surgery!!), and POSSIBLY MAY COME HOMEEEE THE WEEKEND (originally told at least 5-10 in step down unit)! NOW, GOD IS AWESOME! Only God!! Amen! Lil Roy is doing AMAZING at this time! They are bringing him out of sedation slowly but surely! He will be followed up with a cardiologist in Savannah and RECOVERY WILL BE AT HOME! They will be attending Classes tomorrow to learn how to care for sweet Roy Waylon at home--CPR, medications, etc. So, pray they breeze thru these courses smoothly! Pshhh, they have a road ahead BUT R SO THANKFUL GOD BLESSED THEM AND SAVED LIL ROYS LIFE! As many of us Know, Barbara Struckhoff has done nothing but GIVE GIVE AND GIVE all of her life. There are lots of expenses already and many to come. Gas, food, hotels, meds, etc. In talking with Barbara, to allow me to set up a Fund for Lil Roys expenses, yall know her well--Nope, none of that. But, I AM ANYWAY! Let me share something that she WANTS EVERYONE TO KNOW...I was writing as she spoke so bare with me... This morning, I got up early to catch the shuttle to the hospital. So I stopped by the cafeteria to eat a Lil something because we get a 25% discount and everything is so expensive up here. I saw a lady with a little girl who was bald so I knew she had cancer of some type. She had a tray of food and I watched the cashier push the tray of food to the side and the lady/child walked out. I ran them down and said Maam come back, I will pay for your food. The lady told me No, its OK. But I said PLZ Maam let me. God blessed my family yesterday so I want to buy yalls food. The lady returned and they approach the cashier. Barbara asked for the 25% discount and she said NO, U just used it. ANOTHER CASHIER STEPPED IN AND SAID NO, U GIVE HER THAT DISCOUNT! And she did... Barbara wants everyone to know, Life is hard sometimes But always GIVE TO THOSE IN NEED. As long as Ive known Barbara (20+ YRS) thats all she does is GIVE GIVE GIVE and MANY OF U KNOW THIS.. We are to HELP ONE ANOTHER THRU SUCH DIFFICULT TIMES. So, I have INFORMATION for Anyone wanting to send donations to Help with expenses for Lil Roys journey to recovery. Send to: Interstate Federal Credit Union ATTN: Barbara Struckhoff For: ACCOUNT 02--ROY REYNOLDS 705 W. Cherry St Jesup, GA 31545 Any donations are a blessing. Lets give Back to This family that has Given for others all their lives. For those who do not know the family, Barbara was a Foster parent for many years. She ended up adopting 4 kids, Ben, April, Jennifer and Robbie. She has retired but was a Teacher/Coach in Wayne Co for 30+ YRS. She won Coach of the year (State of GA) too many times to keep up with and Athletic Director as well. The Softball field has been named in her honor! She has touched MANY lives in her lifetime. She is the Most UNSELFISH LADY I KNOW.. ALSO, many have asked about helping in any way. Due to the seriousness of Lil Roys condition, Before they can go home, the Home MUST BE CLEANED/STERILIZED, SO, If You would like to grab some friends and be on standby to go pitch in and help us do this, INBOX ME PERSONALLY (Not to the page cause I havent figured out how to see messages here! Everyone has been MSGG me anyway so keep doing that) If we had about 10 or so people, we could knock that out quick! I will announce at least 2 days PRIOR to them coming home and this must be done the day PRIOR to coming home Also at home are 3 other babies, Lil Roys brother, sister and cousin. So, INBOX ME (Gina Dynette Brinkley) if you would like to help with this. They need a car seat base which is at home but I told her I can hit the road and get that to them. First, Your PRAYERS are appreciated and NEEDED above ALL else. Second, if you want to donate towards Lil Roys journey ahead, please send it to the above address. The bank is aware of this and will put it towards His care. And As always PLZ thank God for sparing the life of beautiful Lil Roy who means the world to this family. I do know of MANYYYY who have made changes to their lives as a result of Lil Roys TESTIMONY and I pray many more will do the same!! Thats what this Life is about--Loving The Lord, therefore, LOVING EVERYONE as ONE body of Christ!!! One more thing-- Barbara wasnt having ANY of this, Ive fought with her for 2 days on this. I know that having a family of (Barbara, Robbie, Jenny/Brax, April, Henry, Bubba and Ansley) 8 in one home is costly as is, so If God lays on your heart to give, PLZ do because He will Bless it back to You! As Barbara told me Abt the lady/child who was turned away from food-- Gina, you know I honestly dont have the $ to give right now, but this is what Life is Abt, we have to help those who are less fortunate than we are-- And I responded, Yes it is, and God will give back to You for doing what you did. He always has and ALWAYS will!!! God Bless You All! PLZ Share Lil Roys TESTIMONY on your walls in hopes that More will find God!!! After all, That is how God works. Sometimes the trials and storms HURT, sometimes scary, BUT IF WE HAVE FAITH IN GOD, HE WILL TURN A MESS INTO A MESSAGE AND AN ILLNESS INTO A TESTIMONY AS HE HAS DONE FOR LIL ROY AND FAMILY!!! HAVE A BLESSED DAY! Will update later this evening, so chk back in!!! PS--I choked up but tried to be strong on this.. Yesterday, as u know, they made it to where they could hold him as if to say goodbye in case he didnt make it as was expected.. Barbara said He opened his eyes as if to say, Let me go, Ill be OK.. NOOOO, Lil Roy Opened His eyes to say, I AM A CHILD OF GOD. IM STRONG AND I WILL SEE YALL SOON!! Hallelujah, God is AMAZING!!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 19:38:09 +0000

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