UPDATE ON APPOINTMENT WITH THE SPECIALIST (Wednesday, 01/15/14): - TopicsExpress


UPDATE ON APPOINTMENT WITH THE SPECIALIST (Wednesday, 01/15/14): First of all, I didnt sleep good the night before so the long ride down there was a little tough and long winded for me. I did doze off a few times but didnt actually nap in the car. I am one that cannot sleep in a car, plane, etc. So, we get there right on time and it was packed but there are several doctors there and we usually do not wait too terribly long. This day, however, they were extremely behind and we ended up waiting for an hour and forty minutes, OMG! I was so irritable because when we got there I had noticed they put up, on the white board, that my doctor was 45 minutes behind so when an hour hit, I went up to the front desk to find out if they forgot about me. It ended up being that I was going to get called next. Thats the luck, right? I thought, well geez, I should have went up there to check like 30 minutes ago, Lol. Maybe they would have said that I was next then too, right? Haha. Anyway, enough beating around the bush.......as yall know from my prior posts, we actually got some answers, which was a good thing because I was trying to prepare myself for the specialist to say that he didnt know what else he could do for me and that he does not know what is wrong. Well, it was a little confusing but with my husband there listening, he was able to clarify some of what I didnt comprehend. Then later, I also researched it on a legit site as well as getting other interpretations. Anyway, it basically looks like I probably have two torn tendons on the right hip/leg (thigh area). The good part is that I wont need to have a surgery, but in a way it kind of sucks because the reason is that they cannot repair the tendons. So, the treatment is physical therapy, ugghh.......not more therapy (only like 6 rounds since my hip replacements). Im glad that there is no surgery right now but with the pain Ive endured for several years back and forth between both hips, I want a quick fix and Im impatient, Lol. The reason that I gather for them not being able to repair them is because of the location of these tendons. They are kind of deep so I think that if they were to try to fix it, they would have to go through other muscles, ligaments, etc. to get to these tendons that are torn. That does make sense because that would probably cause more damage then good. I am glad that I wont be having another surgery, considering that I have had 6 total on my hips, including the hip replacements but one kind of stinky part is that it will probably really hurt a lot more to do therapy. The doctor told me that I should take my pain med before therapy. I asked him, why he mentioned therapy again, when he ordered that just a few months prior and it made my pain worse. He said that before it was the basic core therapy with the hips so this time is supposed to be strictly for the tendons. They will have to strengthen all the other tendons to pick up the slack from the torn ones since they cannot repair them. Now, he did try a cortisone injection, which I was hesitant on because they have not worked much in the past. Also, I told him that he had me get those injections at the hospital but he did this in a different spot. He also said that, even I said that it didnt work on the left side, that it could have worked and I didnt realize because of the severity of the pain on the right or that it didnt work and that I just didnt notice or complain as much on that side because the right side was so much worse. That does make sense too. You know when people complain of pain somewhere, like their arm? Well, many will joke and say, Hey, let me hit the other one then it will take your mind off the one that is hurting. Well, I guess it is actually kind of true then in this case, Lol. So, basically, we will have to see about the left side. I want to focus on the right side for now since it is usually the worst. Now, I await for therapy to call and schedule to get me in. Anyway, the specialist also said that he knows with finances and the long drive that I dont need to come back to see him unless I feel the need to or have a problem but to just follow up with my pain management doctor and they can do the injections if need be, etc. He also said to see if they can do an MRI of my back and pelvis for the mild scoliosis and rotated pelvis issues. Sorry, so long but hope this explains it all for everyone. Thank you all for the thoughts, prayers, support, and encouraging comments. God Bless and please continue to Pray and WAIT (Wisdom and Answers In (HIS) Time).
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 00:00:26 +0000

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