UPDATE ON KELLY ELLISON...PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY...... Here is an update from Kellys mom last night: FEEL FREE TO RE-POST THIS MESSAGE ON YOUR WALL. Thank you for your prayers! HI Friends and Prayer Warriors! It has been almost two months since I have sent out information on Kelly and Baby Thor. We have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of your love and support for Kelly, Aaron and their 3 children and for Jim and myself. The meals, cards, phone calls, texts, gifts, the baby shower, reaching out on Facebook and posting the needs…….. your love, prayers, your understanding…all of the ways you show us God’s love and grace through your actions……all of these have been such a blessing. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the depths of our hearts. Many folks we do not even know, but who know someone that knows us, have lifted up Kelly in prayer. These are miracles that have multiplied in so many ways. To God be the Glory, Great Things He has Done! There have been some new developments for which we covet your prayer covering and intercession. First, some uplifting news. Baby Thor is growing, and weighed in today at 11 lbs. 4 ozs. and is 22.5 inches long. He received several shots today and has been a bit cranky…all normal aftermath for baby shots. It just gives us more of a reason to snuggle with him and hold him since he doesn’t feel good. Marmee (Marlene) and PopPop (Jim) are enjoying spoiling him. My heart is heavy as I ask for your willingness to once again life up Kelly in daily prayers. They have discovered a tumor on her kidneys, which has grown significantly in the past month. She will be meeting with a renal oncologist next week to discuss surgery. It must be removed to know if it is benign or malignant. We will be praying that it is benign and ask that you join us in that prayer. Her current platelet count is at 24,000 which will mean that her platelets need to increase before she can have surgery – do you remember the bleeding issues that result when there are not enough platelets? Any type of surgery is very risky when you have aplastic anemia. (They wouldn’t even remove Kelly’s impacted wisdom tooth last month because of her platelet count. ) We have been very thankful that she has not needed platelet transfusions again since February 4th. Her bone marrow still needs to “wake up!” . She still needs God to bring her dry bones back to life. In addition her red blood cells have not increased , and she has had to have red blood cells about every two to three weeks since the baby was born. Right now her white blood cells and red blood cells both need to increase . Without enough oxygen in your blood, you have no energy and your organs cannot function as God designed. So your heart has to work harder and the kidneys and liver cannot function as well to clean out your system. Life is (truly) in the blood as the scriptures tell us in Genesis 9:4 and Leviticus 17:11. As you can see, our Lord’s healing power and might miracles are needed desperately. Now her bone marrow needs to wake up AND this tumor needs to disappear, or at the least, not be harmful. Our Great Physician can do these things and we are asking Him to do so. Will you please help us carry our burdens and bear this load? Without the Lord, we would be without hope. He is our Light and Salvation, and we rest in the shadow of His wings, and under His feathers we take refuge. All our days were planned before we were even born, and He knows and numbers every hair on our heads. He knows and loves us intimately. We have put our trust in Him. Love in Jesus, Jim and Marlene Backert “Worry looks around, sorrow looks back, FAITH looks up.”
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 01:09:34 +0000

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