UPDATE ON MIKEY: Hey Family, Friends and Peeps... I know its been - TopicsExpress


UPDATE ON MIKEY: Hey Family, Friends and Peeps... I know its been a while since I updated you all on Mikey and his journey and his fight against cancer. I think I have been trying to come to grips with everything myself. Maybe I havent wanted to voice it... or maybe losing Aunt Joyce so suddenly was excuse enough to not deal with it...but whatever my reason I wanted to update you all who have been praying so faithfully, so please forgive me for only thinking about MY journey in this... that truly wasnt fair to any of you. Mikey finished his Chemo treatments right before I went to Puerto Rico and he had to be off chemo for a full 30+ days before having the PET scan done to check for cancer cell activity and then prepare for Radiation. The doctor was very pleased with the shrinking of the HUGE tumor that existed but was somewhat disappointed to see that there was still Cancer activity going on. We were disappointed to hear that too. I know they said this was a very ANGRY Lymphoma and that cells were multiplying quickly but with the shrinkage we were encouraged. He still has his port in his chest which we take him up every couple of weeks to have it flushed out. This past week they were preparing him for radiation... He will have to endure 5 weeks, 5 days a week of Radiation treatment. 25 treatments. They marked him up with temporary tattoos in order to know just where to shoot it . They are worried about the damage this will do to his lungs...but without the treatment... the diagnosis is not good. They were suppose to start radiation on Aug 18th but after reviewing the scans again they were not comfortable with waiting another week. So they started this week. We know this can damage other things... burn his skin intensely...and make him weak and tired... Not to mention MOODY...which he is ANYWAYS.. OH LAWD HELP ME!!! lol Sometimes... its hard watching him each day...he sits on the deck and I see the fear in his eyes... and I feel helpless as I cant fix this. I cant make him better... I cant make him take better care of himself now!! I can only walk this journey with him as he lets me. I know I am only his sister and sometimes he makes me so mad...when he says each day... Im not doing this anymore... lately I have been saying... OK Mikey.... whatever you want as I hold my breath and pray that he gets up and goes to the next treatment and exhale when I know... another day..another treatment,,, hopefully one day closer to the cancer being gone. So please continue to pray for him... pray for his family.... his daughters and his wife love him so much... its a shame that loving someone cant heal him... because then he would be healthier than all of us
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 02:47:13 +0000

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