UPDATE ON ROSA We had a meeting today with her doctor and all - TopicsExpress


UPDATE ON ROSA We had a meeting today with her doctor and all the therapists who work with her. Unfortunately its not very good news. They showed us the X-rays of the damage to her brain, which is very severe. According to the doctor its already a miracle that she survived, never mind the fact that she has some movement in her leg. Because of her medical condition, which now includes diabetes (which was caused due to the fact that her pancreas isnt functioning properly), her fluctuating blood pressure, cholesterol, plus her being overweight and some damage that was done to her kidneys, the chances of full recovery is very slim. Weve been advised to arrange to have her admitted into a frailcare centre once she is discharged. My eldest sister was prepared to take her in and care for her until such a time as she would be able to cope by herself, but they have strongly advised against it. She would require 24 hour care and will have to be assisted by at least two people, as her loss of balance and depth perception (plus her weight) will make it impossible for an elderly person to care for her. Her progress at this stage is very slow, and the medical aid might only still pay for another three weeks, whereafter she will still need exercising and constant checks on her medical conditions. Her ability to differentiate between emotions is gone, also her short-term memory, loss of appetite, billiousness due to the damage to the kidneys (part of the loss of appetite), she cant take too much pain medication (her shoulder) as this can lead to kidney failure. The doctor thinks that although the spots on her pancreas have tested clean so far, that it will progress in the near future and probably lead to bigger problems. So guys, in a nutshell, not good news, actually very heartbraking news. But I still believe that God is with us in all thats been happening and everything still to come, and I wont give up praying for her recovery. Please keep her in your prayers. Our God is a mighty God and nothing is impossible!
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 14:57:48 +0000

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