UPDATE ON STEPHEN: Things continue bad with Stephen. Had to - TopicsExpress


UPDATE ON STEPHEN: Things continue bad with Stephen. Had to have platelets again today. Platelets are having to be given about every 3 days since the cancer in the bone marrow is preventing the production of adequate number of platelets needed. His hematocrit and hemoglobin continues to slowly fall again and blood will be needed again if this continues. Edema continues. The intravenous fluids have been discontinued as they are believed to be the reason for the extremely large amount of edema in various parts of his body. He had complained of chest pain this morning and was moved to an observation unit but testing showed that his heart was not causing pain in his chest. He was moved back to his prior unit this evening after receiving the platelets. I was able to see and talk to the opthamologist that ordered the scan to his right eye several days ago that showed a new tumor involving his right sinus (if indeed it is a new one and not the one treated by radiation in the past). Stephens PCP had told me several nights ago more than once while seeking to snow Stephen in pain meds that the tumor is pushing his right eyeball out. The opthamologist did NOT say such a thing to me. The PCP had simply used dramatics (lies) to try to force me to embrace more pain meds on Stephen despite my objections since I know for a fact that Stephen reacts adversely when on such a combination of strong pain meds. I have witnessed it with Stephen too many times. Stephen ended up totally snowed by the meds that he insisted on ordering, of course, and couldnt even wake up enough to hold a conversation with me the next day. When the PCP saw the results, he immediately cut back on the pain meds he had ordered but Stephens state of somnolence continued into yesterday late evening. As a result of being so sedated, Stephen would cough occasionally when trying to drink fluids or food offered to him on Tuesday and Wednesday when awake which is something that can be seen often in such situations. Absolutely no signs of aspiration existed. Money always being a great goal in medical places of business, of course, a nurse practitioner actually made him NPO last evening and had a swallowing test run on him this morning which caused him to go the evening and night and morning without food, drink, AND PAIN MEDS! The results of the swallowing test, of course, showed that Stephen has no swallowing problems. She would have known this already if shes been in nursing for the many years that her age indicates, but she ordered it anyhow for the bucks. I had told her that he was merely displaying that which is seen in many sedated but what does a mere registered nurse know compared to a big shot nurse practitioner, right? She didnt order any intravenous pain meds to be given during the time of Stephen being NPO which left him in dire pain this morning, but rather than take responsibility before Stephens PCP for her gross error, she told the PCP that I had told her not do it! Common sense negates such a lie! People amaze me. A nurse called me twice last night from Stephens room when he was finally wide awake but as confused as a little bed-bug and quite loud. Once was probably around 9:38 p.m. or so and the other time was at 11:05 p.m. Why she called me is something I still havent figured out. She said that they had started oxygen on him (which he would not keep on due to his confusion.) Her main concern was the fact that he was so confused and so loud and nothing she could do would cause him to relax and quieten. He wasnt hollering out with pain. He was hollering out for a blue pillow, etc., etc. With both calls, I asked to speak to my Prince and encouraged him to quieten down and go to sleep in Jesus arms. Prayed with him on the first call. He must have quietened after the second call since the nurse never called back. Being awake today, I was able to feed him after his unnecessary swallowing test. He ate like a hungry bear (and I am sure he was hungry as a bear after being without his supper and breakfast) and he drank well. We were able to have conversations with one another until he later became confused as the late afternoon progressed. He is sleeping quietly now with a plush giraffe next to him that I had bought for him as a gift yesterday. So precious is my Prince. I continue pressed upon at the hospital to make Stephen a Do Not Resuscitate if he be found without pulse and respiration. Being pressured again (now that Stephen is awake again with a tendency to get quite loud when he is confused though NOT hollering due to pain) to increase pain meds by bucket-loads which means he would be in a semi-coma-like state with inability to eat adequate amounts, drink adequate amounts, or communicate just as he was like on Tuesday. Being pressured by the opthomologist and PCP to forego treating the new tumor with radiation and, instead, let it grow and grow without any treatment. Theres nothing like being diagnosed with a terminal illness in these days and times as treatment is not desired for the dying. All is wanted is a nice quick death brought on by no treatment and boatloads of powerful pain meds that will snuff out a life in record time while being called palliative care. As though being pressed upon by medical staff is not enough, there are those MANY Christians who actually want me to stop praying for Stephens healing and embrace, instead, his death! I have news for all of the faithless hypocrites. I know for a fact that God is in total control of all things and He does whatsoever is in His perfect heart to do and I trust Him and His decisions, but I also know that The LORD Jesus Christ said to ask and that is what this ole girl is going to continue to do. I am so weary, so very tired, and I cry so very often, but I am not even close to ceasing my prayers for my Princes total healing and total restoration! Not even close! Please continue your faithful prayers for his total healing and total restoration, also.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 03:06:00 +0000

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