UPDATE ON THE UK PAEDO ESTABLISHMENT. TRUST me, I have Personal Historical Document EVIDENCE on RECORD. In official correspondence to and from the office of THERESA MAY to me. Evidence that would bring her,her Party to Political collapse, ruin, ridicule and, a major criminal investigation as a Public Servant for withholding supplied Document evidence provided to her department surrounding the illegal seizure by the DERBYSHIRE POLICE of unrelated Proceeds of Crime material. Massive Document files, note book records on 4 Lap tops, Tower Computers and HD/Portable Hard Drives stored evidence. Said in my sworn affidavit statements held under Case HQ10D04366 and ON RECORD in freedom of information requests to THERESA MAY and the DERBYSHIRE POLICE as to the LOCATION and SAFETY of the ILLEGALLY seized material, said to contain evidence on Senior Government Politicians involved in: Covert WMD and ARMS TO IRAQ trading and, Paedophile Rings linked to POLITICIANS and VIPs in Parliament. TARA ANDREA DAVISON. TARA ANDREA DAVISON, the LABOUR PARTY SPY, Trans Continent organised crime money launderer, purported ARMS TO IRAQ Intelligence officer, INTELLIGENCE ADVISOR to the SELECT COMMITTEE OF THE DTI and, PAEDOPHILE RING Victims Investigator (Used thereafter for POLITICAL BLACKMAIL) See ANDREA DAVISONs Affidavit Statement Copy to the MACUR REVIEW I AM NAMED WITHIN and my Personal Contact Alison in BANGOR who lived next door to DAVISON and DAVISONs Mother for over 10yrs. My Contact ALISON whos mother went missing from the house and was found dead 3 MONTHS Later, ANDREA DAVISON was a major suspect. READ the following MACUR REVIEW STATEMENT of ANDREA DAVISON (attached) submitted by PETE SAWYER when DAVISON fled the UK prior to her Criminal Trial. I contacted the MACUR REVIEW Board Secretary with this evidence. Submitted by myself as EXHIBITS Case HQ10D04366 And you wonder WHY ? THERESA MAY The CONSERVATIVE, LABOUR, LIB DEMS and DERBYSHIRE POLICE. They have ALL refused to use my forensic accurate evidence on the location of DAVISON, to recover her as a Convicted Criminal on the run and further, failure as Public Protection Servants to halt the massive Organised Crime Network Boiler Rooms operators, companies and their addresses in LONDON, FINCHLEY RD, BRISTOL, MANCHESTER, LEEDS, EDINBURGH, International locations I have NAMED that would see many SENIOR Politicians and over 20 Members of the House of Lords arrested for FRAUD, THEFT, MONEY LAUNDERING and as participants in a Trans Continent Organised Crime Syndicate. ALL ON THE RECORD SPREAD THE WORD God Help Us ALL Gordon
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 17:18:54 +0000

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