UPDATE: PRAYERS SOLICITED PLEASE: THE USAID CIVIL SOCIETY APPLICATION OF N20 MILLION NAIRA DOLLAR EQUIVALENT OR LESS BY JICD IS RECEIVING ATTENTION: THEMATIC CLUSTER ISSUES AND CONCEPT PAPER Transparent Public Finance Management 1.1 INTRODUCTION: EDUCATION: Jasawa Initiative for Community Development (JICD) Education is the back bone of JICD interventional programs, which focus on primary school education (in line with millennium development goals) among other interventional programs, which ensures access of all school age children to the schools in our community. It also addresses other social issues such as street begging, street hawking, and child prostitution, early marriages without education, child labor, child abuse, and delinquency e.tc. Education as defined by Obafemi Awolowo, is “the physical and mental culture, which a man’s personality is developed to the fullest, such a man fears nothing and he cringes not and can resist any form of enslavement until the last breath in him is exhausted” The aim of our education program is design to empower and contribute to the capacity building and improvement of the literacy level in Jos community. And for the fact that primary education is the foundation upon which other levels of education are built, it helps in shaping attitude/conduct, behavior and desirable skills in reading, writing and simple arithmetic. The free primary school Education initiative is aimed at supporting the marginalized segment of Jos community, who suffered government unfavorable policies. This also counts on the physically challenged that engage in street begging, indigent’s children as well as widows/orphans from the incessant crises that engulfed Jos North Community. 1.2 PUBLIC FINANCE MANAGEMENT Public finance is the complexity of financial problems, which operate through the revenue and expenditure process in governance. Public finance management is a process that includes resource mobilization, prioritization of programs, the budgetary process, efficient management of resources, audit of public finances and citizen’s participation. All the above mentioned variables are the keys that led to the accomplishment of our initiatives. Transparency and accountability principles as the means for effective public finance management include the following: 1. Public funds were judiciously used for adequate services to the people at reasonable and affordable costs. 2. Donations received from members and others were spent in accordance with the group leadership approval in line with the rules and regulations of the organization. 3. Evidence of financial accountability- ascertainment of transparent leadership structure in relation to financial probity that justifies and explains what was done with the entrusted funds. 4. Basis for planning: With proper and adequate planning, we were able to record sound successes, effectively and efficiently. 5. Basis for control: Control measures (monitoring and evaluation) were set in place in line with our targeted goals. This prevents unnecessary derailment from our initial plan. 6. Basis for decision making: Decision making is very crucial, and failure to take adequate and precise decision at the right time could lead to unfavorable outcomes to the organization. Accounting and good budgetary processes enable us with a good decision making. 7. Basis for managerial performance appraisal: Through appraisal, we were able to set forth a sound financial viability- such that efficiency and liquidity could be ascertained for future decision making. 1.3 RESOURCE MOBILIZATION Our community suffered a great set back, through marginalization, in terms of equitable distribution of basic resources and services from both the State and the federal government of Nigeria. Although, the community is the largest in population when compared with any community in Jos North, yet we receive no significant resource allocations in the various basic human needs- Education, Health, Safe and constant water supply, and other basic infrastructural amenities. These imbalances prompt our conscience to derive sustainable community-based programs that could address our pre-occupied challenges. Finance is the sole resource component that determines the functional effectiveness and efficiency of other resources put together. Thus, the search for reliable sources, that can afford to sustain every stage of the program, became handy, right at the preparatory phase. These thoughts processes gave birth to the concept of full community participation in the spirit of self reliance and self determination, which serves as our mirror in any situation analysis and decision making. Our firm belief that resources are scarce and limited globally, we made every effort possible to mobilize the little resources we can get from within the co-founders of Jasawa Initiative for Community Development (JICD) and its general respectful members. This was achieved through; 1- A continuous mass sensitization online and otherwise. 2- Pledges from JICD members and members of a similar progressive groups, in line with our partnership agenda and shared responsibility. 3- Setting up of “G20 plus initiative agenda” 4- Seeking partnership with legitimate donor agencies, both local and international. 5- Transparency and accountability. Since the inception of this program, a continuous mass sensitization and interpersonal re-orientation took to the stage for universal acceptability, firm supports and participation in changing the status quo of primary school age group in our community. Soon, individuals and groups developed interests and display supports in terms of finance and other technical logistics. Although, we look forward to seeing gigantic donations from legitimates non-governmental donors, our most reliable source of funding (at least for now) the ongoing free primary school education for indigents and orphans, is the G20 plus initiative. G20 plus initiative is a group of at least twenty (20) people that agreed to contribute one thousand naira only (N1000.00), monthly. At the moment, twenty five (25) people have subscribed but only twenty two (22) were active in terms of compliance to the terms and conditions of G20-plus initiative. By this, our financial status could only sponsored nine (9) pupils into private primary school of medium acceptable educational standard. Also included in the sponsorship are writing materials, reading materials (textbooks), uniforms/sandals, cost of “minor” health care and school feeding allowances. This is to encourage both the enrollees and the guardians/parents for the best educational performance. But, we have a back load of over fifty (50) primary school age children in our data bank (from the study we conducted recently), who cannot afford primary school education. And all preparations are now put in place to rescue them by securing admission for them into public primary schools, since our present financial status cannot afford to admit such a large number into private schools that have better educational standard. Lastly, the financial status of G20-plus for now cannot afford to maintain the cost of monitoring and evaluation of the enrolled pupils which is paramount. Therefore, each time, monitoring is a self sponsored assignment that is done on regular basis. Also, the various heads of the schools have agreed to tag these pupils into a special motivational monitoring system. 1.4 PRIORITIZATION OF PROGRAMS Logical organization of programs is one of the concepts we give priority in our operations, JICD execute its project based on order of importance. It is important to mention here that the key targeted area is Education, although we can operate in other sectors other than the present education program, when the need arises through a window policy we call special intervention programs. In our Education program, there are two principal components: enrolment of unschooled indigent/Orphans into Private primary school and distribution of free exercise Books to other Orphans/Indigent that are schooling. We employed these strategies to show how JICD prioritized its programs. Lack of adequate resources to execute the two programs at the same time, made us to reason and picked one of them. We reasoned that since we are targeting two sets of orphans, one unschooled and the other schooling, we started with the unschooled set, because it is better to be going to school with inadequate writing materials than not schooling at all, that was how we enrolled (9) nine pupils into private primary schools in January 2014 and halted the Exercise books distribution till later date in 2014 when we had enough resource for it. This has been helpful to us as it make us to be focused and ease our operations. 1.5 EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES Resource to JICD is not limited to only Money. It includes the Human Resource and Time. The term Efficiency is subjective but to us it is how best we use ourselves (Human Resource), our time and money. Being an online forum, it is always easy for all the Executives (Exco) to meet and deliberate on issues requiring such. But physically, the Excos are not located in the same place. Some in Jos, some in Abuja and others in other cities of the country. By this, one can notice that meeting physically is a bit herculean due to d varying individual responsibilities. The Distribution of exercise books requires the presence of all at the same time despite individual’s different schedule of life. Having realized that, we said let us utilized ourselves and time. There were 7 schools to benefit and so we divided ourselves into 6 groups with even another consideration of putting at least one person that has a car in each group to eases mobility difficulties. Each of the 6 groups was given a particular school to go and distribute the books. This made d distributions easy, fast and stress free. The 7th school was the venue for d flagging up of d event in which a school in d city centre was chosen n all were asked to attend d ceremony. This is just how JICD utilizes its resource of time and human. Prudent management of your money will ultimately lead to a lot of success for any organization. 1.6 AUDIT OF PUBLIC FINANCE Public finance audit is an independent appraisal of activities of organization for review of operation as service to the management and the general stakeholders, which function by measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of other controls. In other word, auditing is examination of financial record, ensure they are true and correct. Auditing involves examination of quality and standard. The income and expenditure of JICD is monitored by an independent person, who test the accounting and internal control system, by asking questions when necessary to satisfy his quest on the compliance procedures, examination of financial operating information for the executives and the stakeholders at large. The auditor review the economy, the efficiency and effectiveness of operation and the functioning of non financial controls, review the implementation status of corporate plans, policies and procedures, conduct special investigation on each single transaction in kind or monetary terms by keeping the record of all the finances-balances and all other financial update to ensure compliance with financial budget of the organization. JICD as charity organization have displayed exemplary means of good governance, because even when questions are asked as regard the manner of expenditures, the completeness and accuracy of record, makes the questioner satisfied, because JICD carry out its businesses in an orderly and efficient manner that ensures proper safeguard and utilization of people finances to impact on peoples’ life. JICD disclosure of expenditure, with addresses and contact of beneficiary qualifies and satisfy one that, the financial statement presented to stakeholders show a true and fair view. The examination of JICD activities reveal that number of the donors, the amount donated, the number of people that subscribe to monthly donation of N1000.00 ( G20 plus Initiative), the total expenditure in accordance with budget, inspection of receipt and documents, comparing documents and receipt with corresponding entries. And verification of the pupils enrolled in the various to ascertain their existence and facts as relate to their existence and performance in the various schools they are enrolled. JICD auditing add degree of validity to the object under the review by eliminating distortion of facts caused by personal bias, self interest, carelessness, extravagance and dishonesty, in fact, all JICD revenues or donation collected are properly accounted for, and monies on ground can sustain the coming session ongoing project. What a viable project! 1.7 CITIZENS PARTICIPATION Citizen participation is allowing everyone in the society to give their opinion and to help make decision, especially in participatory democracy; citizen can decide to participate in an activity or event. It is obvious that Hausa/Fulani lack a major culture of citizen’s participation in terms of community services, which is as a result of inadequate motivation from more enlightened people, lackadaisical attitude of government in the execution of developmental project in the society. Citizen’s participation can be achieved through advocacy, fairness in government on developmental projects and sincere commitment. 1.7.1 CITIZEN PARTICIPATION IN THE CONTEXT OF JICD ACTIVITIES The passion of the group on exemplary leadership, stimulate a large cohorts of ambitious citizens to participate on the free primary education projects, and to contribute positively in line with the set objectives. Moreover, the opinion of the majority of members was always regarded as superior in any decision making process, unless that contradict an evidence-based fact. Jos North Local government Area, of Plateau state, has an estimated population of one million that consist of 14 wards as follows: (1) Abba Na Shehu( 2) Ibrahim katsina (3) Garba Daho (4) Gangare ( 5) Ali kazaure (6) Sarkin Arab (7) Naraguta A( 8) Naraguta B (9) Tafawa Balewa (10) Vanderpuye(11) Jenta Adamu(12) Jenta Apata(13) Tudun Wada/kabong (14) Jos Jarawa According to Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), voters register list (2011) Jos north has about 407,524 eligible voters out of 1,983,453 in plateau state; it has the largest population in Plateau state. Hausa/Fulani are the majority; occupying the “first” eight listed wards above, which is why mostly they clinched to the house of representative seat in Jos North/Bassa Federal constituency and the state house of assembly- Jos North-North Constituency. 1.7.2 THE FLASH POINT AREAS THAT REQUIRES CITIZEN PARTICIPATION These are areas unanimously identified as our prime social loop holes. Provision of primary school education with special emphasis on indigent/orphans was deemed necessary in canvassing street begging and child labor in our community. Although Plateau State government did its best in establishing public schools in all the wards of Jos North local government area with the exception of Ibrahim katsina Ward. However, the schools were inadequate to cater for the educational needs of our community because of rapid population growth. A recent survey of public schools in the eight (8) wards, dominated by Hausa/Fulani shows that, there are 70 pupils per Teacher as against the required standard of 20-35 pupils per Teacher. Also, inadequate learning facilities such as classes and seats were found to be grossly inadequate. And these contribute to the bilateral educational insufficiency on both the teachers and the pupils. We therefore conclude that, for our society to achieve a tremendous educational transformation, complimentary efforts by our group (JICD) to the government became paramount. 1.7.3 The overwhelming acceptance of JICD programs came from: The executives/stakeholders commitment in citizen participation led to the initial funding of the program among them, and this attracts donors from outside the circle. Also, strict adherence to the concept of transparency and accountability nature strengthen member’s beliefs and hope. JICD approaches potential donors to support our activities by lobbying outsiders to visit our online page on facebook/JICD/group, so that, an individual can critically observe and analyze our programs, seek clarifications and to receive the appropriate verifications. JICD foster a great deal of smooth and socially acceptable partnership to all accessible fora of similar aims and objectives. Hence, it became a functional central dogma on simple and sustainable community –based projects. 1.7.4 THE AFFLIATES OF JICD ONLINE FORA IN PLATEAU STATE 1) Name: Plateau Muslim-Christian Dialogue & Unity Forum (PMCDU) Status: Closed Group. Membership: 5,825 2) Name: Jasawa Development & Peace Initiative (JDPI) Status: Closed Group. Membership: 3,025 3) Hon Suleiman Yahaya Kwande, Status: Open Group. Membership: 2,095 4) Rt.Hon Ibrahim Baba Hassan Azi,Baraden Narkuta Satutus: Open Group. Membership: 450. 5) Jasawa Consultative Forum (JCF) Status: Open Group. Mebership: 1,655 6) Abba Na Shehu Youths Progressive Forum Status: Open Group. Membership: 285 7) Ali kazaure Youth Forum, Status: Open Group. Membership: 415 8) Garba Daho Youth Development Organization Status: Open Group: Membership: 355 9) Ibrahim katsina Youth Forum Status: Open Group. Membership: 145 10) Peace Builders Status: Open Group. Membership: 2,757 11) Majema Youth Development Status: Open Group. Membership: 436 12) Nasarawa Gwong Jos Youth Movement, Status: Open Group. Membership: 192 1.8 BUDGETARY PROCESS Budget can be define as a plan quantified in monetary term, prepared and approved prior to a defined period of time, usually showing planned income to be generated and expenditure to be incurred during that period, and the capital to be employed to attain a given objective. To promote the key aspects of the public finance management process, the following procedures were used by the JICD budgetary committee: a. A budget committee meets at regular intervals; usually presided by the budget officer to brain storm on how to attain the aims and objectives of the program. b. The committee also played a task of coordinating and reviewing the budget, establishes procedures, draft timetables, produce and update the budget manual. This is done to uplift and sustain the ongoing educational activities. Therefore, in the quest to meet the needs of the orphans and the indigents of our community, the following methods were employed: 1. Efforts were made in identifying the required capital for the projects and alternatives 2. Analysis and evaluations of all proposals and their alternatives were ascertained. 4. A capital expenditure budget sheet was drafted accordingly. 5. A strategic and tactical plan was maintained. The budgetary also affects the following groups thus: WOMEN: In the course of budgeting, we try to inculcate the issues of women and girls in our society in terms of rendering assistance through provision of basic needs. For instance, we went as far as possible to see how best we can assist the widows who are found to be seriously in need of basic things. In the light of this, one of the widows was supported with a small scale saloon to start with. PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES: As part of our effort to cut across all spares of life, during the budgeting process, people with disabilities were looked into by creating a conducive environment for them, in terms of education. A case study of one Usman Isiaka, an orphan with disability was sponsored by this noble forum to school. It was pathetic to hear that the child lost his sight and became dump as a result of trauma from a building collapse. As a matter of fact, it was unanimously agreed, without any vote that, he should be selected as one of the beneficiaries. He is presently enrolled into special school for people with disabilities. YOUTH: presently, we are embarking on a vital project of sponsoring some meaningful number of youth, who are one way or the other from a poor background. The sponsorship came up when the sales of forms for recruitment into the Nigerian Army begins. IMPLICATIONS OF JICD PROGRAMMS PRE, DURING AND POST 2015 ELECTIONS 1. Basic awareness which make democracy to grow can be achieved through education. This is in line with JICD programs. 2. Politicians have been interest in partnering with JICD to execute its programs, which are people oriented and this will to stabilize the polity now and later. 3. Basic primary education is part of millennium development goals agenda, which is the major program of JICD. 4. The youth empowerment program of JICD (like the purchase of military recruitment forms) will help in reducing unemployment, as well as cutting the involvement of youth in election related crimes. 5. JICD basic education program has gone a long way in reducing the burden on parents by educating their children. This will play a vital role on the side of parents not to be induced during election. JICD BASIC EDUCATION CONCEPT During the meeting of progressives, it was resolved that since there is no Almajiris/beggars schools anywhere near jos,we have to focus on basic education in line with millennium development goal agenda, as well as reducing the menace of street begging by children. HOUSE TO HOUSE SEARCH A research was conducted within the Hausa/Fulani dominated 8 wards. A non schooling indigents/orphans data bank for JICD was built. SOME OF THE INNOVATIONS USED FOR DATA EVALUATION 1) A checklist was carefully designed to help the field officers to gather all the necessary bio data for the children between (5-10) years that are not in school because they are orphans/indigents. 2) JICD liaised with community leaders to ensure that the data of children generated was true. In the forms 3) To recheck the data, field officers revisited most of the initially selected children home during school hours. It was discovered that some are in schools that the parents are not satisfied with. These children were disqualified from JICD free basic education program, which is solely aimed at taking those that are not going to school, back to school. 4) In All cases, community leaders are the guarantors for the children in JICD data bank. 5) Schools within each ward were evaluated in terms of costs. 67 children data bank was generated from house-house research, with costs of schools in each area (ward), given rise to schools, A (very expensive) and school B (moderate) in terms of cost SELECTION OF 9 PUPILS it was done via random selection (for each of 8 wards) by a passerby who is not part of JICD exco or stakeholders. Out of the 9 selected, 4 are female children, 5 are male children, out of which one was automatically selected because he is physically challenged. . FUNDING METHOD INNOVATION Fund raising was done among members on face book, with a new initiative for programs sustainability. G20+ initiative; this give chance to any willing donor to pay N1,000,00 Naira monthly for 6years for JICD indigent/orphan free basic education program. MAJOR FUNDING CHALLENGES After selection, JICD purse was barely having enough fund to pay school fees for which was about 123, 000, we have to buy writing materials, transport for monitoring, etc.Some members suggested a reduction of successful candidates, from 9 to 7 or even 5 on account of, lack of fund, sustainability and inflation rate rise with time. It was stand down based on equity. A team of two was set and mandated to meet the selected school management, canvass for reduction, which yielded about 30% reduction on the fees. MONITORING & EVALUATION A team of two ware assigned to visit JICD pupils during school hours, take pictures, report back the progress to exco and other forum members via JICD face book page.(details is in A-Z of JICD attached). OTHER JICD INNOVATED PROGRAMMS. 1) JICD customized exercise books distribution; the aim is to attract more donors, patners and imitators for JICD programs. (Detail in the A-Z of JICD Attached) 2) Introduction of (20naira) break fee daily, per pupil; It was unpopular initially because of lack of fund, but 2 children were selected for pilot scheme (a male & female).50% success was recorded. The aim is to induce more monitoring by the teacher in charge of giving the fees and for the child to go to school regularly and happily. 3) Flag up of the exercise books was covered by local radio (unity fm) and blueprint newspaper. Community and political leaders were invited. Someone from saminaka (part of Kaduna) state, heard it via fm, he phoned one of us that they will come and learn how JICD achieved its success. This means transfer of technology, which is a welcome development for us. OTHER JICD INTERVENTIONS 1) Widow; Aunty Mommy she lost her husband, JICD gather donation and buy saloon materials for her. 2) 2 teenage daughters from two bombast victims’ families are going to benefit from JICD intervention on education. 3) 20 scratch cards (military recruitment) were bought by JICD and distributed to interested applicants among youths. JICD FUTURE EXPANSION PLANS JICD is seeking for USAID assistance in the following Areas; 1) To enroll the remaining 58 children in its data bank into various primary schools. 2) To collaborate with other forums and run similar programs in Bauchi, Jigawa, Kebbi and Zamfara. That are not opportune to get almajiris schools from federal government. 3) To expand its widow empowerments to states mentioned above with emphasis on women affected by HIV & VVF. FOUR YEARS BUDGET FOR 6 YEARS If USAID is going to assist JICD in its free basic primary education, then the budget of each year will be 150%.The increment of 50% each year will give a budget of 6years at the end of the 4years.Which will allow the children to finish primary 6 even if the assistance is not renewed at the end of 4years. All the detailed JICD programs and implementation strategies were shown in A-Z of JICD attached herewith. PROPOSED COSTS OF 58 JICD WARDS FOR BASIC PRIMARY EDUCATION PLAN B (moderate) school fees per annum = 892,300.00 Shoes (650 * 58) = 37,700 * 2 (2 pair for each) = 75,400.00 ... Bags (800 * 58) = 46,400.00 Extra uniform (2,500 * 58) = 145,000.00 Socks (6pairs) 300 * 58 = 17,400.00 Break fees 4,200* 58 = 243,600.00 Writing materials; based on the 9 pupils in JICD current program, 5400per term * 3 = 16,200 ÷ 9 = 1,800* 58 = 104,400.00 Monitoring ( 2 monitors per child at the rate of 5,000 per term each = 10,000) * 3 For 3 terms = 30,000 30,000 * 58 = 1,740,000.00 Medical subsidy = 3,000 per term per child. Per annum = 3,000 * 3 = 9,000.00 * 58 = 522,000.00 PROPOSE TRAINING Training in monitoring and evaluation in recognized institutions for the staff will be carried out at the cost of 250, 000 per staff. Three staff will be sent for training annually which will cost us 750, 000. PROPOSE SALARY FOR STAFF This organization has an active capacity of twelve (12) staffs. Therefore, as part of the requirement, we are proposing the sum of one hundred thousand naira each (100,000) as staff salary monthly. So, 12 * 100,000 = 1,200,000. Then for a year is going to be 1,200,000 * 12 = 14, 400, 000 PROPOSE FREE DISTRIBUTION OF JICD CUSTOMIZED EXERCIE BOOKS This will be done in selected public school among indigents/ orphans and physically challenged pupils. This will cost us 144, 300 (i.e 4,000 copies). The cost of logistics/media for the distribution is 50, 000, totaled 194,300. Grant total = 19, 130,800.00
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 18:45:29 +0000

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