UPDATE & TESTIMONY: Ive kept this to myself the last few weeks - TopicsExpress


UPDATE & TESTIMONY: Ive kept this to myself the last few weeks ... But, its time that I share this experience---knowing that it might help someone. A few weeks ago, I promoted colon rectal cancer month and encouraged individuals who fit the profile for a colonoscopy to get one scheduled. During that post, I also said that I would be getting a colonoscopy. While I didnt have any known risk factors that would justify be getting a colonoscopy at 38, I felt a need to do it---mostly, in response to one of my closest friends who was diagnosed with stage 3 colon rectal cancer when she was 37 ... which she beat, I might add. Well... as I was being rolled into the room for the procedure, I literally looked my doctor in the face with some degree of anxiety and said to her, I dont know why Im doing this.. Well, when I woke up from the procedure, the first face I saw was my doctors face, and the first words out of her mouth were, Im so glad you decided to do this. I found some abnormalities during the procedures and needed to perform a biopsy. Being TOTALLY, unprepared for that, I knew that the next few days/weeks were going to be intense. And, they were ... but, after about three days, I came to the conclusion that God is a healer, I work for one of the best hospitals in the nation, and whatever it is (if anything), I would deal with it. Im a trooper. :) On Thursday, I had my follow-up visit with my doctor who told me that the tissues that were biopsied were BENIGN (not cancer---insert #PraiseBreak), but I would need to be on a regiment for the next three months which would be followed by another colon scan. She further said, that the last thing she expected when she started the procedure was to have to biopsy anything ... in her mind, she was only doing this to give me peace of mind---knowing what my close friend had just gone through at 37. She then said, it was just so bizarre that you just randomly wanted this test that would return something... I immediately told her, that wasnt bizarre, that was God. In her own way, she agreed. I encourage ALL of you to stay on top of your health. If you have risk factors---family history, high risk behaviors/lifestyle, or something strange happening in your body, BE RESPONSIBLE. I know that many of us do not like going to the doctor to have certain tests performed because of what we might learn---but, you NEED to know, so you can either get piece of mind from a good report, or put on a journey back to good health and healing. ESPECIALLY men... stop overlooking things happening in your body, thats your bodys way of letting you know that something might be going on. And, women, PLEASE stay on top of your mammograms and pap smears. You owe it to yourselves and to those who love you... Thanks for reading this LONG post which was probably TMI (lol), but God doesnt allow things like this to happen for it to not be a blessing for you and others. Ill be back in touch in three months with a praise report. :-)
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 17:56:29 +0000

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