UPDATE: WEATHER WARNING FOR THUNDERSTORMS THURSDAY EVENING INTO THE EARLY HOURS OF FRIDAY MORNING. The thunderstorm risk has increased now for some areas but decreased for others with more details on this a little later, however like I said in earlier posts, the area of low pressure responsible for introducing the storms Thursday night could move more east or west and now looks set to push up further to the west. I will give you more details later but for now from all of Devon westwards are at risk with less of a risk for Dorset, Somerset and Wiltshire. This doesnt mean you wont see any storms,plus your biggest risk is Saturday so dont get to dishearten. Trying to pinpoint exact locations is still a headache for us hence this is not set in stone and NOT our final update as to who will see the storms but this is the current set up at present by looking at the current data that has updated in the last couple of hours. Check out our final storm update this evening before I possible switch the team to storm watch. This will have with it, all the latest charts all going to plan so you can see if you will be affected. I will be releasing this around 19.00 this evening fingers crossed and if models play ball. We are trying our best to try and tie down, timings, who and where the storms will hit. They are coming its just what time and what area! To explain Storm Watch: It is when we shut the page down to local forecasting from the spotters and a more general update is given first thing in the morning for our region by a core member. This is so we reduce the amount of post traffic being placed on the page. We will issue a post that all followers will be able to add to if affected so all kept in one place and not hundreds of new postings everywhere. All of the team that are free are placed on radar watch, chasers are dispatched if required so are able to get to locations well ahead of storm development and to where the highest risk of storms will be and will only report developments of incoming storms for their area as it happens. A core member will be on call so all spotters, chasers can get in touch with someone at any time by phone. The core team will be the only ones issuing updates throughout the day & night like myself, Claire or Luke leading up to developments then its over to the spotters and chasers. It also gives the team time to take a break, catch up on sleep before they start their day or overnight watch and many other factors like placing some of the team on flood watch so we can bring you live up to date flood warnings being issued by the Environment Agency. (This has already been arranged and some of the spotters have been picked to do this last night ahead of possible flooding issues tomorrow night) We will not respond less needed to people sending in PM messages during such time or post requests like am I going to see a storm less of course we have the time to respond. This will come into affect from tomorrow morning depending on what the final data shows when we check it and of course we will let you know this evening in our final update. This is all we have currently. Dean and Team.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 08:35:31 +0000

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