UPDATE WITH REGARD TO CRIMINAL CASE AGAINST MAYOR FURRER: The case is set on the call docket for tomorrow. The assistant prosecutor assigned to the case is Chelsea Mortimer. She is the assistant prosecutor who would conduct the preliminary hearing. Tomorrow the case has its first setting before Judge Smith. The lawyer for the Mayor may or may not set the case for a PH tomorrow. It may just be continued... as often happens. Per the prosecutor, there will be no grand jury, as with the Darren Wilson case. At the PH the prosecutor will present evidence to show the judge that there is probable cause to believe a felony has been committed and that the Mayor committed the crime. The attorney for the Mayor, Dan Bruntrager, can cross-examine witnesses. If the Judge finds probable cause the case will be bound over to circuit court and a Circuit Court Judge would handle the trial. The attorney Bruntrager assures me that, even though he has not read the police report (the prosecutor has not given him a copy yet), that he believes his client is innocent and they will be seeking a trial on the felony charges against him. The trial will probably take place some time in 2015. The judges change in the associate level as of January 1 so Smith may not be the judge to hear the PH in associate court. Tune into KMOX in the morning for a spot about the hearing if you are interested. Also, thank you for all the support you have shown Randy Murdick as this has been very time consuming and stressful on him.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 22:17:18 +0000

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