UPDATE: When The Man Who Occupies The Oval Office Says He Will - TopicsExpress


UPDATE: When The Man Who Occupies The Oval Office Says He Will Veto A Law That Would Require Him To Obey The Law, IT IS TIME TO OVERTHROW THAT MAN!! Congressman Trey Gowdy said it aptly... if the man occupying the Oval Office asserts the power to ignore or disregard certain laws, what is to stop him from violating any law he chooses to violate? Last week, the House of Representatives passed Gowdys ENFORCE the Law Act of 2014 (H.R. 4138), a simple measure that would require Barack Obama to actually obey and enforce the law... imagine that. Harry Reid and Barack Obama are trying to block it... and were not going to let them get away with it. Its time for patriotic Americans to literally rise up and send Barack Obama a clear message: You are not a KING. You are not our DICTATOR. You are not ABOVE THE LAW. And we refuse to allow you to make up the law as you go. Gowdy asked: If a president can change some laws, can he change all laws? In light of the statements and actions coming from Mr. Obama and his allies in Congress, we must ask: If a president can declare entire sections of the Constitution unconstitutional, what is to stop him (or her) from effectively declaring that the entire Constitution is unconstitutional? ********** REMEMBER THIS MAN ACTS AS A DICTATOR ALREADY AND HIS LEFTISTS LACKEYS SUPPORT HIS ACTIONS!! ******* When Obama hasnt gotten what he wants from Congress, he has: Forced literally dozens of politically-motivated lawless changes to the ObamaCare debacle through Executive fiat. Effectively granted Amnesty to millions of so-called DREAMers against the wishes of Congress and the American people. With the swipe of his executive pen, gutted the work requirement of welfare reform. Thats just to name a few examples of the Obama Administrations lawlessness. From the Obama IRS abuses to any one of the other mounting Administration scandals, the list literally goes on and on... As Gowdy said: Maybe members of Congress would be respected more if we respected ourselves enough to require that when we pass something, it be treated as law. I AGREE.... BUT TIME FOR TALK IS OVER.. ITS TIME FOR ACTION... REVOLT - REMOVE - RESTORE!! SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 18:12:23 +0000

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