UPDATE: Yesterday started early (4AM). We arrived at North - TopicsExpress


UPDATE: Yesterday started early (4AM). We arrived at North Central Baptist at 6AM, checked in and finally I saw the procession of overhead lights passing over me as once again we headed for surgery. Its amazing to me they can do general tube down your throat anesthesia, move big hunks of flesh around your foot, harvest skin from your thigh (she even drew little cut here squares on me! LOL) install a wound vac (you can get a feel for that by tying an aquarium pump around your neck) AND call all of that outpatient surgery. We were home by 6PM and, honestly I did feel better once we got home. Were calling it a win on the day. One more thing to check off on the bucket list of life... the other evening we had an interesting moment. I managed to do the eyes roll to the back of your head slump over pass out while on the Amazon shower stool. For the record, my perception of the passage of time was somewhat different than Sandra and Mias who were there with me. For each of us, time stood still in different way! We should have caught it all on tape. It would have made a great scene for a Mel Brooks film... BTW, there will be a less than stellar review appearing soon on Amazon concerning a stool with a newly bent leg... Ive decided In my old age, theres something to be said for a wheel chair in the backyard and the garden hose. This too, shall pass. Finally, Im thankful for good friends who show up with a smile and a willingness to do the little things that make life continue to go on here on Camellia Lane. What am I hearing from the Lord these days... well the little book of James has spoken to me. Consider it all joy my brethren when you encounter various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance and let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. Whats interesting about the Greek word translated consider is the picture of making a conscious choice. James is telling us Choose JOY when you encounter the trial. Im finding that good counsel these days. May I continue to choose joy. Sandra and I appreciate every prayer!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 20:02:05 +0000

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