UPDATE...no I havent fallen off the face of the Earth... First, - TopicsExpress


UPDATE...no I havent fallen off the face of the Earth... First, thanks to all for the well wishes, texts, messages, phone calls to check on me, offers to get me Krystal burgers and a Coca Cola while at the ER, offers to give me rides to work/home/car rental, etc. Great group of friends and family and appreciate you all. Most of you know that this is a crazy time of year (school started Friday) and how even under normal circumstances it was a hectic time. Add to that having to deal with the wreck on top of it, Ive been zonked by the time I got home. Hoping none of the others in the other cars were injured, but I think their cars may have been in worse shape. My burn from the seat belt has cleared a lot...but neck has been more tender in the evenings over the past two nights. Guess the part of the seat belt at my waist also pulled pretty tight and and my waist has been sore in the evening as well. A baseball-sized bruise at bottom of my left tricep...have no clue what I would have hit that part on either... Worst thing is still the finger on my left hand the ER said was swollen badly. Swelling has gone down somewhat at base of my finger, but the joint is still swollen and cant bend my finger from that point to the tip. Orthopedic doc couldnt work me in before 3:30 on Monday, so will not know anymore about it before then. Think it must be from me holding the steering wheel and probably pulled my fingers when I was slung backward. Noticed other areas of my hand hurting yesterday and thats the only cause I can figure out. I still think it was a good thing that the back of my seat broke and I went backward and kept me from being slung forward more and possibly into windshield or steering wheel. Still no word on the Silver Bullet. State Farm called Friday, but I couldnt call them back until 4pm and had to leave a message and didnt hear back. I have to let them know where I want the 4Runner taken to be evaluated to see if it is fixable or if it will be totaled. They recommend Goss (?) in Shannon...so if anyone has any experience with them, let me know. I want to get the car to someone asap. I can choose whomever I want, but with Goss being their closest recommended site, they wouldnt have to send someone to evaluate it, they will accept whatever Goss recommends. I was able to get a rental Thursday. Dont have a back-up car...the 4Runner was the only one...so being able to get the rental quickly was a big help. Once again, thanks for all of you!
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 19:11:28 +0000

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