UPDATE on Erin: Erin still somehow impresses us all everyday. - TopicsExpress


UPDATE on Erin: Erin still somehow impresses us all everyday. Since 10am yesterday morning she had finally stopped throwing up and thus was able to finally keep some food down. This is about when she came back around to her normal silly and witty self again. She constantly cracked jokes and made us laugh throughout the day. Physical therapy did stop by yesterday and was able to work with her a bit. They had her start off slow with just sitting up in bed, standing up in place and then sitting in a chair for a couple hours. Erins leg strength is much stronger then her arm at this point. She is able to walk independently (short distances so far) but with the guidance of a nurse. Erin is able to lift her left arm up somewhat and make a small grasp. This will take some time to get those muscles back to the strength she was at before surgery. They also removed Erins bandage yesterday and that relieved some pressure for her immediately because it was wrapped so tight around her head. They have staples throughout her incision where as last time they just had the stitches. Her hair is pretty matted with blood so she is excited to be able to wash that out this morning at some point. There is some swelling on that left side but other then that everything looks symmetrical with the replacement of the bone flap. Today Erin will get some PT and OT therapy done. We still do not know of a departure date for her to be released yet from the hospital. Prior to surgery they thought 3 days, post surgery they expected months but with her surprisingly outcome she has shown I am thinking it will be less then a week. I want to take a second and thank the surgeons, doctors and nurses for all they have done for Erin. They are truely remarkable and deserve much more apprection then what they get. The many long hours they are kept from their own families to ensure that their patients can return to theirs is something I can never thank them enough for. And as always, thanks to everyone of you who has kept Erin in your thoughts and prayers. I truely believe God heard the prayers and thus made her beat the very small odds of her not coming out paralyzed on that left side. Thank you! We just got word from the surgeon who did Erins surgery and he is thinking that she can be discharged tomorrow if all goes well! She will be needing some therapy but we are excited for this news.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 13:55:04 +0000

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