UPDATE on our GodSon Liam: As most of you have been following, we - TopicsExpress


UPDATE on our GodSon Liam: As most of you have been following, we are now in Denver with Liam at Childrens Hospital Colorado Heart Institute. We arrived about 1:45am. William and Liam had already been here from the Life Flight over, for about 9+hours and this had allowed lots of time for the team of Drs to assess, stabilize and then edit some of Liams care. The part that was edited, was that we are not currently sitting here to await a heart transplant for Liam. No, unfortunately, this does not directly mean that Liam no longer is in need of a new heart, but allow me to explain. Although Kawasaki Disease is quite rare, its popular for this hospital. Those rare cases are sent here from all over the U.S. and therefore this team of experts on this subject, remain confident that they might very well be able to treat and care for Liam in such a way that his heart might not take on the permanent damage UNMH thought was inevitable. They do agree here, Liams heart/arteries are filled with Giant aneurysms that could cause irreversible damage but they dont know that this has happened yet. This is good news, this offers a new optimism we didnt have when we left Albuquerque in a panic yesterday. GOD IS GOOD, the Power of Prayer has already brought on a positive light. But, with all that explained, they are equally honest with us that these aneurysms could burst/rip at any time, unexpectedly, so Liam is still very critical. 100%, the Diagnosis does stand, Liam has Kawasaki Disease. (Google it to learn, I hadnt heard of it either). :( Even more rare; this hospital sees this disease more than most, they dont see it in babies of only 3 months old, at this elevated level of severity. Liam is one of their rare cases. They are quite shocked as to how aggressively this has taken Liams body and really reeked havoc. Already, Liam shows a new calmness to him since being here. More relaxed if you will, within his sedation. He has a long road ahead of him, which means Will and Kady will need more Love, Prayers and Support that they arent even aware of yet. The pressure is on, the new life starts today. As new residents of Colorado (temporary of course) they are now in a foreign world and quite literally forced here with only 2 hours to plan. Not enough time to be here prepared for much of anything. Unknowing to any time frame they will be kept here, I beg of you all to continue to Pray and Love on them as much as you can so that we can pull them through this. Although a heart transplant may or may not be needed (prayers its not) the Drs are very honest that Liam is very critical and therefore they need to be ready to be here for a long time. We know not what that means yet, I quote the Dr fro last night/this morning upon our arrival. Its in Gods hands, we best leave it there. We have rested a couple of hours in a waiting room just outside Liams quarters and await our 8:30am meeting with the Team of Drs. The Plan of Action awaits us....I know it will be a Good Plan, we are in Good Hands. Thank you with all sincerity, to all of you that have chosen to make yourselves a part of this through these updates and those Prayers we need so badly.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 12:43:53 +0000

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