UPDATE time : Yesterday the neurologist rang to sa\y she had - TopicsExpress


UPDATE time : Yesterday the neurologist rang to sa\y she had been to see Patrick Hutchinson and she also came around during visiting hours so we could speak to her. They have thoroughly checked everything and done other tests with him and confirm it is not anything pathologically wrong with his brain (ie there is no actual brain damage done) but she obviously saw how he was. She asked about stress prior to the time of the op and I explained what had happened !!!!!!! Anyway all blood tests were fine and his obs are fine so they are passing it through to the psychiatrists now. In one way its good cos theres no damage but on the other its not cos it cant be an easy fix ie antibiotics or something...... I am SO angry cos if they are saying its down to stress and his mind simply reacting to it then I know how it was caused and whose fault it is as you all read.... I will do all I can to crucify them I promise you all (legally of course lol)...... Anyway when we visited him yesterday he was really really down - said he didnt like it there and wanted to go home constantly. We did everything to try and cheer him up but he wouldnt have it at all - it was so sad for us. When we had first come in to hospital on 13th September and the doctor initially checked him over prior to going to the ward she said he needed his dressing changing again as it was oozing badly..... it had been done in the afternoon by the district nurse..... anyway no-one did it so later I asked again and they said it would be done when he got on the ward. When he got on the ward at 4am I asked again and they said yes they would do it when we had left. It had oozed completely through the elastic corset thing he has to wear and through to his tee shirt. When we arrived at visiting time yesterday at 3pm it had still not been done - apparently Patrick said they had taken a swab in the morning (when we asked him) but not changed the dressing. Anyway no-one had bothered with him all day to get him washed etc and he was sweating and stinking quite badly so I took him for a shower..... the dressing was falling off and sodden and when I took it off he wound was simply pouring out liquid onto the floor. So I got him dried and put clean paper towels over it and no tee shirt and took him back to bed. BTW we had already asked about 4 times for someone to change it prior to this - we had range the bell for the nurse, at least 3 times, and each time they said oh yes Im just going to do that or oh yes Ill get someone along to do that........ anyway he lay on his bed and we asked a few more times but no response... staff changed over so we asked again and his nurse said oh yes I will be over to do that.....but didnt.... in the end Patrick himself got himself over to them and shouted at them are you going to do this or what - they said yes in a minute....... half an hour later he shouted again and finally the nurse (appeared very disgruntled at us) came and did it and padded it, cleaned it etc but that was at 8:30pm !!!!!! 11 and a half hours after the doctor had said it needed doing and since we had been asking and asking. The risk of sepsis to any inpatient it supposed to be a priority but Patrick has a history of this from previously and is already down as being immuno-compromised. We were fuming and Jason had been checking on his laptop the rules etc regarding this and they broke every one...... obviously Jason is doing his Masters in biological sciences and is very up on microbiology and bacterial diseases so had left his laptop open on that page and he said the nurse saw it and looked a bit sheepish ..... Anyway once we get Patrick sorted or home etc I will be complaining big time about his treatment from A - Z... All in all it wasnt a good visit - Patrick was so unhappy and grumpy and cross and angry but seemed a little better once he had a shower and got his wound dressed finally. At one point he turned his back and said I dont want to talk to any of you ever again cos youre all being horrible to me and making me stay here and I dont like it here ..... we managed to cajole him round with some sweets in the end. He doesnt like the food in there either lol Anyway he is supposed to be seeing an assessment team this morning so we will see what they say when we visit later..... wish us luck !!!!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 11:38:59 +0000

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