***UPDATED DAILY*** FOLKS, THE DANIEL 9:27 PEACE AGREEMENT IS COMING, WHICH MEANS THE GENTILE AGE OF GRACE IS ENDING. THE AGE OF GRACE AND DANIELS 70TH WEEK/JACOBS TROUBLE DOES NOT RUN CONCURRENTLY. THE RESTRAINER/HOLY SPIRIT, WHICH DWELLS IN ALL BORN AGAIN BELIEVERS MUST BE REMOVED BEFORE THE PEACE AGREEMENT CAN BE CONFIRMED. UNITED STATES PRESIDENT, BARACK OBAMA HAS BECOME INCREASINGLY HOSTILE, AND RELENTLESS TOWARDS ISRAEL AND ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, AND THE CONFIRMATION OF THIS DEMONIC PEACE AGREEMENT. PRIME MINISTER BENJAMIN NETANYAHU IS A LITERAL STUMBLING BLOCK TO THE PEACE PROCESS. NETANYAHU HAS TORPEDOED TWO FORMER PEACE AGREEMENTS, AND WILL LIKELY DENOUNCE ANY FUTURE PEACE AGREEMENTS. ONCE THE RAPTURE OF THE GENTILE CHURCH OCCURS, DANIEL 9:27 WILL BE CONFIRMED, WHICH WILL TRIGGER THE SEVEN YEARS OF TRIBULATION UPON THE ENTIRE EARTH. THE ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT/NEW WORLD ORDER WILL BE USHERED INTO EXISTENCE. WHICH WILL ALLOW THE RISE OF THE ANTICHRIST AND FALSE PROPHET (REVELATION 13). PRIME MINISTER BENJAMIN NETANYAHU IS A MESSIANIC JEW; HE TEACHES THE BIBLE IN HIS PERSONAL RESIDENCE WEEKLY; THEREFORE, HE KNOWS THE IMPORTANCE OF GODS COMMAND NOT TO ENTER INTO ANY LAND FOR PEACE DEALS WITH HIS COVENANT LAND ISRAEL. AS GENTILE SAINTS, WE MUST BE DILIGENT WITH WATCHING ALL PEACE AGREEMENT DEVELOPMENTS AND PRAY THAT THE LORDS WILL BE DONE. PROPHECY STATES THAT THIS PEACE AGREEMENT WILL BE CONFIRMED, AND IT BEGINNING TO APPEAR THAT THIS PEACE AGREEMENT IS COMING VERY SOON. THEREFORE, CONTINUE TO WATCH, PRAY, REPENT, AND STAY RAPTURE READY!!! JESUS IS COMING FOR HIS CHURCH!!! I WLL CONTINUE TO UPDATE THIS POST WITH DAILY NEWS UPDATES REGARDING THE ISRAELI, DANIEL 9:27 PEACE AGREEMENT. MARANATHA!!! Daniel 9:27 And he (antichrist) shall confirm the covenant (false peace agreement) with many (Israel and the Arab nations) for one week (seven years): and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease (antichrist will break peace agreement after 3.5 years, and will cause the daily sacrifices in the 3rd Jewish Temple to cease after he desecrates the Temple), and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. PM: My support for a Palestinian State didnt end, rather the Palestinians ended its possibility - Breaking News - Jerusalem Post jpost/Breaking-News/PM-My-support-for-a-Palestinian-State-didnt-end-rather-the-Palestinians-ended-its-possibility-386885 Hamas slams Abbas on plan to resubmit statehood bid: Stop this political foolishness - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post jpost/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Hamas-slams-Abbas-on-plan-to-resubmit-statehood-bid-Stop-this-political-foolishness-386732 Abbas seeks to re-submit statehood bid to UN Security Council - Israel News, Ynetnews ynetnews/articles/0,7340,L-4611309,00.html Jerusalem Dateline: U.N. Rejects Bid To Force Statehood -- January 2, 2015 - YouTube m.youtube/watch?v=TgNUmTWy_lg&list=TL1MtpiyRskDI Abbas mulls another UN Security Council bid for Palestinian state - Breaking News - Jerusalem Post jpost/Breaking-News/Abbas-mulls-another-UN-Security-Council-bid-for-Palestinian-state-386514 Palestinians To Submit Demand For Statehood At UN Today With Jerusalem As Capital - Now The End Begins : Now The End Begins nowtheendbegins/blog/?p=29571 Ranking Senator: US Congress may suspend funds to UN if it takes over peace process - Israel News - Jerusalem Post jpost/Israel-News/Ranking-Senator-US-Congress-may-suspend-funds-to-UN-if-it-takes-over-peace-process-385900 Israel: Failed Palestinian UN Bid an Embarrassment - Israel Today | Israel News israeltoday.co.il/NewsItem/tabid/178/nid/25741/Default.aspx?utm_source=news&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=No-sidebar-news-1&utm_content=1531 Israel Without Bibi is No Solution for Peace - Israel Today | Israel News israeltoday.co.il/NewsItem/tabid/178/nid/25751/Default.aspx?utm_source=news&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=No-sidebar-news-1&utm_content=1531 Danon Concedes Defeat to Netanyahu in Likud Primaries - Arutz Shevaisraelnationalnews/News/Flash.aspx/313287 The Prime Minister Of Turkey Is Now Having Talks About Invading Jerusalem, In A Major World War - Walid Shoebat shoebat/2014/12/29/prime-minister-turkey-now-talks-invading-jerusalem-major-world-war/ EU Calls for Peace Talks After PA Fails at UN - Arutz Sheva israelnationalnews/News/News.aspx/189318 Palestinian statehood resolution fails at UN Security Council | The Times of Israel timesofisrael/palestinian-statehood-resolution-defeated-at-un-security-council/#ixzz3NQMoKXuQ A stinging defeat for Abbas, but no great victory for Israel | The Times of Israel timesofisrael/a-stinging-defeat-for-abbas-but-no-great-victory-for-israel/ Israeli delegate to Palestinians: You cannot provoke your way to a state - Breaking News - Jerusalem Post jpost/Breaking-News/Israeli-delegate-to-Palestinians-You-cannot-provoke-your-way-to-a-state-386208 US: Palestinian draft resolution undermines efforts to achieve two-state solution - Breaking News - Jerusalem Post jpost/Breaking-News/US-Palestinian-draft-resolution-undermines-efforts-to-achieve-two-state-solution-386204 EU to promote now more than ever two-state solution - Breaking News - Jerusalem Post jpost/Breaking-News/EU-to-promote-now-more-than-ever-two-state-solution-386218 Palestinian UN envoy after resolution voted down: Security Council remains paralyzed - Breaking News - Jerusalem Post jpost/Breaking-News/Palestinian-UN-envoy-after-resolution-voted-down-Security-Council-remains-paralyzed-386207 Saeb Erekat: Palestinian leadership to convene emergency meeting following UN defeat - Breaking News - Jerusalem Post jpost/Breaking-News/Saeb-Erekat-Palestinian-leadership-to-convene-emergency-meeting-following-UN-defeat-386211 Why Do Palestinians Want Both Statehood and Occupation? - By Jonathan Tobin -jewishworldreview/1214/tobin122914.php3 Middle East Aflame - Palestinians Pushing Israel Into Another War - L. Todd Wood -westernjournalism/middle-east-aflame-palestinians-pushing-israel-another-war/#s0BUpf0EFW8sG7Ag.97 The Prime Minister Of Turkey Is Now Having Talks About Invading Jerusalem, In A Major World War - Walid Shoebat shoebat/2014/12/29/prime-minister-turkey-now-talks-invading-jerusalem-major-world-war/ Arabs endorse Palestinian U.N. draft urging end of Israel occupation Business & Financial News, Breaking US & International News | Reuters reuters/assets/print?aid=USKBN0K70J020141229 New Palestinian bid calls for E. Jerusalem capital, just solution | The Times of Israel timesofisrael/new-palestinian-bid-calls-for-e-jerusalem-capital-just-solution/ Ex-Peace Now Activist: No Interest in Peace on Palestinian Side | FrontPage Magazine frontpagemag/2014/dgreenfield/ex-peace-now-activist-no-interest-in-peace-on-palestinian-side/ Palestinians submit revised statehood draft to UN | The Times of Israel timesofisrael/palestinians-submit-revised-statehood-draft-to-un/ US criticises proposal to recognise Palestinian statehood within three years - Middle East - World - The Independent independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/us-criticises-proposal-to-recoginse-palestinian-statehood-within-three-years-9949329.html Hamas left out of loop on UN draft proposal, official charges | The Times of Israel timesofisrael/hamas-left-out-of-loop-on-un-draft-proposal-official-charges/ Israel expects world community to oppose Palestinian efforts at UN, Benjamin Netanyahu says - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post jpost/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Israel-expects-world-community-to-oppose-Palestinian-efforts-at-UN-Netanyahu-says-386058 Surrender to Israel - Latest News Briefs - Arutz Sheva israelnationalnews/News/Flash.aspx/313109#.VKK43whvgZM.facebook IS THERE A WAY OUT OF THE ISRAEL_US CRISES There is a constant structural tension between the United States, the superpower, and the small state of Israel, the man said at a recent closed-door discussion about the future of US-Israel relations. The great America, unlike the small Israel, is operating in a world with wide security margins, which allow it to take military and political risks. Israel is located in a hostile and turbulent environment, which does not allow it to be exposed to risks. i24news - See beyond i24news.tv/en/mobile#content/56115 The Bible gives Israel the right to the Land of Israel, Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs Minister Naftali Bennett told an international gathering of rabbis in Jerusalem on Monday. One hundred and thirty Orthodox rabbis from 42 countries attended a conference to discuss anti-Semitism and other challenges facing their diverse communities. The annual conference, organized by the World Zionist Organization, this year dealt with the theme of “unity of the Jewish people in times of crisis.” “We gather in Jerusalem... in order to emphasize the centrality of Israel in the life of Jews in the Diaspora and discuss ways of dealing with the waves of anti-Semitism in the world,” said conference organizer Rabbi Yechiel Wasserman, who heads the WZO’s Center for Religious Affairs in the Diaspora. Speaking at the conference, Bennett, who heads the national- religious Bayit Yehudi party that according to a recent poll may secure 17 Knesset seats in the upcoming election, said that members of the diplomatic corps have been coming to meet with him because their countries “want to figure out who this guy is.” In a conversation with an Arab diplomatic, Bennett told the assembled rabbis, he was exhorted to support a Palestinian state and replied by taking down a Bible from his shelf and said that he was not influenced by public opinion on the issue. “Public opinion isn’t my compass, the Torah is my compass. For 3,000 years the Land of Israel has belonged to the Jewish people,” he said. The conference was opened Isak Haleva, the chief rabbi of Turkey, alongside Jerusalem Chief Rabbi Aryeh Stern. Haleva’s presence is notable given the high level of tension between Israel and Turkey in recent years, and Turkey’s community is known for its policy of studied silence. Despite high-profile figures, including President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, making statements construed by many as anti-Semitic, the community has dug in and parries all inquiries from the media. Two of the primary focuses during Monday’s meeting were the security of French Jewry, which has deteriorated severely in recent years with anti-Semitic violence becoming increasingly common, and the challenges, such as assimilation, of living in open Western societies. Torah (THE TORAH IS THE OLD TESTAMENT OF THE HOLY BIBLE) is Israeli deed to land, Bennett tells Orthodox gathering - Diaspora - Jerusalem Post jpost/Diaspora/Torah-is-Israeli-deed-to-land-Bennett-tells-Orthodox-gathering-386053?fb_action_ids=752416898145466&fb_action_types=og.shares&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=[879893622051602]&action_type_map=[og.shares]&action_ref_map=[] Think About It: A political tsunami - Opinion - Jerusalem Post jpost/Opinion/Think-About-It-A-political-tsunami-385991?fb_action_ids=752419194811903&fb_action_types=og.shares&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=[897026856982905]&action_type_map=[og.shares]&action_ref_map=[] Israel and Stuff » PA Foreign Minister Reports UN Resolution to be Put Off Until 2015 - Palestinian Authority FM reveals Arab League ambassadors mulling unilateral resolution demanding Israel’s withdrawal & UN recognition, is likely to be postponed yet again. Israel and Stuff » PA Foreign Minister Reports UN Resolution to be Put Off Until 2015Israel and Stuff israelandstuff/pa-foreign-minister-reports-un-resolution-to-be-put-off-until-2015#.VKFvoGN7Tec.facebook US senator Graham threatens to defund UN over Palestine bid | The Times of Israel timesofisrael/pm-israel-to-stand-firm-against-palestinian-statehood-bid/ Israel should dissolve Palestinian Authority if UN resolution passes, Steinitz says - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post jpost/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Israel-should-dissolve-Palestinian-Authority-if-UN-resolution-passes-Steinitz-says-385971 Sen. Lindsey Graham vows ‘violent pushback’ against U.N.-backed Palestinian state — JNS.org jns.org/news-briefs/2014/12/28/sen-lindsey-graham-vows-violent-pushback-against-un-imposed-palestinian-state#.VKDI-v9AA= Palestinian statehood vote likely pushed to 2015, FM says | The Times of Israel timesofisrael/palestinian-statehood-vote-likely-pushed-to-2015-fm-says/ Israeli News Live - Obama Aiding Israels Enemies - YouTube m.youtube/watch?v=ERRM9V-J-jY&feature=youtu.be ISIS Prepares to Attack Israel from North and South breitbart/national-security/2014/12/24/isis-prepares-to-attack-israel-in-north-and-south-pincer-movement/ ISIS baiting Israel in ploy to gain Arab recruits mobile.wnd/2014/12/isis-baiting-israel-in-ploy-to-gain-arab-recruits/ ISIS on The Borders of Israel | The Jewish Press jewishpress/indepth/analysis/isis-on-the-borders-of-israel/2014/12/23/ ISIS Closing in on Israel from the North and the South - Yahoo Finance finance.yahoo/news/isis-closing-israel-north-south-113000327.html Report: Nasrallah is pushing for Hamas reconciliation with Syria and Iran - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post jpost/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Report-Nasrallah-is-pushing-for-Hamas-reconciliation-with-Syria-and-Iran-385885 Poll: If Elections Held Today, Likud and Labor Would Be Neck and Neck - Arutz Sheva israelnationalnews/News/Flash.aspx/312794 Miki Ratzon to Run in Likud Primaries To Prevent Another Disengagement: - Arutz Sheva israelnationalnews/News/Flash.aspx/312802 Poll: Likud Gaining Ground in Elections - Arutz Sheva israelnationalnews/News/Flash.aspx/312811 Erekat: UNSC to vote Monday on draft demanding Israeli withdrawal from West Bank - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post jpost/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Erekat-UN-to-vote-Friday-or-Monday-on-draft-demanding-Israeli-withdrawal-from-West-Bank-385861 ‘Israelis, Palestinians increasingly negative about two-state solution’ - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post jpost/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Israelis-Palestinians-increasingly-negative-about-two-state-solution-385687 High Court orders the evacuation of West Bank outpost within two years - Breaking News - Jerusalem Post jpost/Breaking-News/High-Court-orders-the-evacuation-of-the-West-Bank-outpost-within-two-years-385813 Can Russias Vladimir Putin help deliver a Palestinian state? - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post jpost/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Can-Russias-Vladimir-Putin-help-deliver-a-Palestinian-state-385824 Likud comptroller disqualifies Benjamin Netanyahu from Likud leadership race; PM likely to appeal - Israel Elections - Jerusalem Post jpost/Israel-Elections/Likud-comptroller-disqualifies-Netanyahu-from-Likud-leadership-race-PM-likely-to-appeal-385611 Hamas rejects Palestinian Authority statehood bid at the UN - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post jpost/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Hamas-rejects-PA-statehood-bid-at-the-UN-385546 Hamas: PAs draft resolution to Security Council does not represent the Palestinians - Breaking News - Jerusalem Post jpost/Breaking-News/Hamas-PAs-draft-resolution-to-Security-Council-does-not-represent-the-Palestinians-385543 Abbas vows to win full recognition of Palestine state at UN bid - Xinhua | English.news.cn news.xinhuanet/english/world/2014-12/24/c_133874652.htm Benjamin Netanyahu: If Tzipi Livni elected, Jews will need armored personnel to reach Western Wall - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post jpost/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Netanyahu-dismisses-Livnis-claim-to-keep-Western-Wall-under-Israeli-sovereignty-385540 Netanyahu: Herzog and Livni will divide Jerusalem - Israel News, Ynetnews ynetnews/articles/0,7340,L-4606996,00.html Kerry may not want Netanyahu back as premier, but Abbas sure does - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post jpost/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Analysis-Abbas-wants-Netanyahu-385176 Livni, Peres urged Kerry to stall Palestinian bid for statehood at UN - Israel News - Jerusalem Post jpost/Israel-News/Politics-And-Diplomacy/Report-Livni-Peres-urged-Kerry-to-stall-Palestinian-push-for-statehood-at-UN-385236 The Palestinian Bid at the Security Council: International and Domestic Ramifications for Israel canadafreepress/index.php/article/68493 Abbas: We Will No Longer Deal with Israel if UN Bid Fails - Arutz Sheva israelnationalnews/News/Flash.aspx/312485 Palestinian voices show dissent over statehood resolution at UN - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post jpost/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Jailed-Fatah-leader-Barghouti-blasts-Palestinian-leadership-for-UN-draft-resolution-385410 India Considering Changing Pro-Palestinian Stance at UN - Arutz Sheva israelnationalnews/News/News.aspx/188946 Jordan: Palestinian U.N. measure on Israeli withdrawal ‘will take time’ — JNS.org jns.org/news-briefs/2014/12/21/jordan-palestinian-un-measure-on-israeli-withdrawal-will-take-time#.VJcotF4BM= 2014 – a year of setbacks for US-led peace process - Israel News, Ynetnews ynetnews/articles/0,7340,L-4606264,00.html Kerry prepares for new Middle East peace push at end of tumultuous year | Fox News foxnews/politics/2014/12/22/kerry-middle-east-peace-push-at-end-tumultuous-year-in-israeli-palestinian/?intcmp=latestnews Final Peace Deal Submitted To The United Nations backs Israel in Corner - YouTube m.youtube/watch?v=p2yaeB0xLVA&feature=share Egypt will back Palestinian resolution at UN - Israel News, Ynetnews ynetnews/articles/0,7340,L-4605838,00.html Elevating US-Israel alliance, Obama hails his role - Middle East - Jerusalem Post jpost/Middle-East/Elevating-US-Israel-alliance-Obama-hails-his-role-385269 Israpundit » Blog Archive » Livni and Peres conspire with Kerry — against Israel israpundit.org/archives/63603335 Netanyahu could be disqualified from Likud primaries - Israel News, Ynetnews ynetnews/articles/0,7340,L-4605574,00.html Kerry: We Stalled PAs UN Bid to Prevent Right Winning Elections - Arutz Sheva israelnationalnews/wap/Item.aspx?type=0&item=188877 Former Israeli president Peres calls for Palestinian state | Watch the video - Yahoo News news.yahoo/video/former-israeli-president-peres-calls-203134090.html Netanyahu: Israel will never accept unilateral steps by Abbas - Israel News, Ynetnews ynetnews/articles/0,7340,L-4605419,00.html Analysis: The Palestinian diplomatic battle against Israel - Middle East - Jerusalem Post jpost/Middle-East/Analysis-The-Palestinian-diplomatic-battle-against-Israel-385175 Palestinian draft resolution submitted to UNSC: Israeli withdrawal from West Bank by 2017 - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post jpost/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Jordan-presents-draft-of-resolution-on-Palestinian-state-to-UN-385006 Diplomatic Sources: Arab pressure forced Jordan to file Palestinian UNSC resolution - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post jpost/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Diplomatic-Sources-Arab-pressure-forced-Jordans-ambassador-to-file-Palestinian-UNSC-resolution-385161 Abbas defends UN Security Council draft resolution: This is how we end the occupation - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post jpost/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Abbas-defends-UN-Security-Council-draft-resolution-This-is-how-we-end-the-occupation-385084 Abbas supports further negotiation at UN over draft resolution - Israel News, Ynetnews ynetnews/articles/0,7340,L-4605322,00.html UN: Turning back the clock to pre-1948 is the real endgame - Opinion - Jerusalem Post jpost/Opinion/UN-Turning-back-the-clock-to-pre-1948-is-the-real-endgame-384912 Analysis: Israel only one of many players in Palestinian state bid - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post jpost/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Analysis-Israel-only-one-of-many-players-in-Palestinian-state-bid-385168 Peres in Paris: Intl community should avoid unilateral steps on Palestinian issue - Breaking News - Jerusalem Post jpost/Breaking-News/Peres-in-Paris-Intt-community-should-avoid-unilateral-steps-on-Palestinian-issue-385085 Netanyahu: Palestinian move at UN will lead to Hamas takeover in West Bank - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post jpost/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Netanyahu-Palestinian-move-at-UN-will-lead-to-Hamas-takeover-in-West-Bank-385107 US: We wont support Palestinian UNSC resolution on an Israeli withdrawal - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post jpost/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/US-We-will-not-support-new-Palestinian-UN-draft-resolution-385133 A UN Timetable For Israel’s Destruction prophecynewswatch/2014/December18/181a.html Liberman: Israel hopes Palestinians will return to peace talks - Breaking News - Jerusalem Post jpost/Breaking-News/Lieberman-Israel-hopes-Palestinians-will-return-to-peace-talks-385105 Netanyahu could be disqualified from Likud leadership race - Israel News - Jerusalem Post jpost/Israel-News/Politics-And-Diplomacy/Netanyahu-could-be-disqualified-from-Likud-leadership-race-385184 Nearing Midnight: Jacobs Trouble Simmering - Terry James - raptureready/rap16.html PM: Palestinian State will Lead Islamists to Tel Aviv, Jerusalem - Tova Dvorin -israelnationalnews/News/News.aspx/188632#.VI8W65t0wUd UN: Turning back the clock to pre-1948 is the real endgame - Opinion - Jerusalem Post jpost/Opinion/UN-Turning-back-the-clock-to-pre-1948-is-the-real-endgame-384912 Palestinian draft resolution submitted to UNSC: Israeli withdrawal from West Bank by 2017 jpost/landedpages/printarticle.aspx?id=385006 Palestinians submit UN statehood resolution, but dont seek quick vote | The Times of Israel timesofisrael/kerry-no-problem-with-thoughtful-palestinian-un-bid/ Israel Hayom | Kerry to Palestinians: Delay UN bid until after Israeli elections israelhayom/site/newsletter_article.php?id=22193 Liberman hits EU support for unilateral PA moves then jabs Netanyahu for not presenting initiative - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post jpost/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Liberman-Israels-standing-in-the-world-is-in-danger-if-we-dont-present-a-diplomatic- Israel Hayom | Unilateral UN moves will lead to instability israelhayom/site/newsletter_article.php?id=22183 Palestinians: US to veto UN resolution to end occupation - Israel News, Ynetnews ynetnews/articles/0,7340,L-4604469,00.html Palestinians buck US, put UN resolution before Security Council demanding Israel withdraw from West Bank | Fox News foxnews/world/2014/12/17/palestinians-buck-us-ready-un-resolution-booting-israel-from-west-bank/ European Parliament Votes to Recognize Palestine - Arutz Sheva israelnationalnews/News/News.aspx/188767 EU Parliament supports Palestinian state based on pre-1967 lines — JNS.org jns.org/news-briefs/2014/12/16/eu-backtracks-on-resolution-to-recognize-palestine-in-favor-of-call-for-negotiation#.VJDM6ivF_4Y= Despite US support, Israel suffers string of diplomatic blows - Israel News, Ynetnews ynetnews/articles/0,7340,L-4605043,00.html RAPTURE ALERT! John Kerry Says US is OK With UN Resolution! - YouTube https://m.youtube/watch?v=NM_PHQOItI0 European Parliament Votes to Recognize Palestine - Arutz Sheva israelnationalnews/News/News.aspx/188767 MK Khenin: EU Recognition of Palestine Another Step Forward - Arutz Sheva israelnationalnews/News/Flash.aspx/312004 Election Survey: Labor and Likud Tied at 21 - Arutz Sheva israelnationalnews/News/Flash.aspx/312024 Pressure remains on Israel as Kerry declines veto guarantee at UN - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post jpost/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Kerry-A-solution-to-the-Israeli-Palestinian-conflict-cannot-be-imposed-from-the-outside-384836 U.S. willing to back UN resolutions on Palestinians, if no unilateral moves included - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz haaretz/news/diplomacy-defense/.premium-1.632235 Israel Hayom | Unilateral UN moves will lead to instability israelhayom/site/newsletter_article.php?id=22183 Palestinians say to press UN vote despite US veto warning - Yahoo News news.yahoo/palestinians-press-un-vote-despite-us-veto-warning-214751467.html Netanyahu: Palestinians want to take us to the ICC? Thats Chutzpah - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post jpost/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Netanyahu-Palestinians-want-to-take-us-to-the-ICC-Thats-Chutzpah-384853 Netanyahu: Palestinians want to take us to the ICC? Thats Chutzpah - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post jpost/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Netanyahu-Palestinians-want-to-take-us-to-the-ICC-Thats-Chutzpah-384853 EU lawmakers stop short of Palestine recognition vote - Israel News, Ynetnews ynetnews/articles/0,7340,L-4604368,00.html Netanyahu tells Kerry: Imposed Palestinian state deal will endanger Israel - Israel News - Jerusalem Post jpost/Israel-News/Israel-No-reason-to-believe-US-will-reverse-policy-on-supporting-imposed-Palestinian-state-384680 Liberman hits EU support for unilateral PA moves then jabs Netanyahu for not presenting initiative - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post jpost/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Liberman-Israels-standing-in-the-world-is-in-danger-if-we-dont-present-a-diplomatic-initiative-384791 UN Mideast envoy: One-state reality is on the parties doorstep if deadlock not broken - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post jpost/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/UN-Mideast-envoy-one-state-reality-is-on-the-parties-doorstep-if-dead-lock-not-broken-384873 PROPHECY ALERT:Palestinians Submit Draft To Divide Israel 1967 - YouTube m.youtube/watch?feature=em-uploademail&v=LFb5BZwAq0s Palestinians to submit draft resolution to UN later this week - Israel News, Ynetnews ynetnews/articles/0,7340,L-4603481,00.html UN Seeks to pressure Israel into a Palestinian State and Halt Land Developments - YouTube https://m.youtube/watch?v=URFSX8gFlXA Kerry, Netanyahu meet in Rome as talk of UN making Mideast peace push causes headaches | Star Tribune startribune/nation/285792941.html Israel seeks U.S. block of Palestinian statehood drive - Yahoo News news.yahoo/palestinian-u-n-statehood-bid-heart-kerry-netanyahu-123443916.html Israels next election to be held on March 17, Knesset faction heads decide - National Israel News | Haaretz haaretz/news/national/1.629758 Israel to vote in new elections March 17, 2015 - Israel Elections - Jerusalem Post jpost/Israel-Elections/Knesset-meeting-now-to-discuss-date-of-upcoming-elections-383529 USA Crisis With Israel Relations Is Here - YouTube m.youtube/watch?v=ZynQTf55qjQ Apocalyptic Sign Revival In Jerusalem Now!!! - YouTube m.youtube/watch?v=XM0z2b6cK80 PROPHECY ALERT UN Considers Pre-1967 Borders Palestine Solution - YouTube m.youtube/watch?v=-uD1n4wBedk PROPHECY ALERT: Obama Warns Israel My Final 2 Years Peace Agreement - YouTube m.youtube/watch?v=CmL1gjmlcWY Peres: There will be no peace or security with Netanyahu - Diplomatic Conference - Jerusalem Post jpost/Israel-News/Peres-There-will-be-no-peace-or-security-with-Netanyahu-383502 Likud Court to Hear Netanyahus Petition - Arutz Sheva israelnationalnews/News/Flash.aspx/311826 PA Delegation to Meet with Kerry in London Today - Arutz Sheva israelnationalnews/News/Flash.aspx/311828 Peres to Meet with French Foreign Minister - Arutz Sheva israelnationalnews/News/Flash.aspx/311832 Liberman: We Will Not Be Dictated by the PAs Demands - Arutz Sheva israelnationalnews/News/Flash.aspx/311849 Netanyahu tells Kerry: Imposed Palestinian state deal will endanger Israel - Israel News - Jerusalem Post jpost/Israel-News/Israel-No-reason-to-believe-US-will-reverse-policy-on-supporting-imposed-Palestinian-state-384680 Israel, Palestinians gird for showdown over U.N. resolution on withdrawal - The Washington Post washingtonpost/world/netanyahu-and-kerry-meet-to-discuss-palestinian-un-bid/2014/12/15/ef5cb15e-843e-11e4-b9b7-b8632ae73d25_story.html Meeting between Netanyahu and Kerry begins in Rome - Breaking News - Jerusalem Post jpost/Breaking-News/Meeting-between-Netanyahu-and-Kerry-begins-in-Rome-384710 Netanyahu rejects Palestinian UN bid in meeting with Kerry - Israel News, Ynetnews ynetnews/articles/0,7340,L-4603886,00.html Meretz chief Gal-On calls on Netanyahu to back Palestinian statehood bid at UN - Breaking News - Jerusalem Post jpost/Breaking-News/Meretz-chief-Gal-On-calls-on-Netanyahu-to-back-Palestinian-statehood-bid-at-UN-384686 Europe’s Impatience With Israel on Peace Talks Tests U.S. Diplomacy - NYTimes mobile.nytimes/2014/12/16/world/middleeast/palestinians-seek-un-vote-on-israeli-withdrawal-from-occupied-west-bank.html?referrer= Netanyahu: European support for Palestinians endangers Israel - Israel News, Ynetnews ynetnews/articles/0,7340,L-4604017,00.html Palestinians to submit draft resolution to UN later this week - Israel News, Ynetnews ynetnews/articles/0,7340,L-4603481,00.html Washington undecided on U.N. resolution for Palestinian state - Yahoo News news.yahoo/washington-undecided-u-n-resolution-israel-palestine-172646221.html Netanyahu, Kerry Talk Tactics as Palestinians Plan UN Appeal - Bloomberg mobile.bloomberg/news/2014-12-14/netanyahu-to-work-with-kerry-on-countering-palestinian-un-bid.html US, Europe pressing PA to continue security cooperation with Israel - Arab-Israeli Conflict - Jerusalem Post jpost/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/US-Europe-pressing-PA-to-continue-security-cooperation-with-Israel-384542 Feiglin demands: One state for one nation in one country - Israel News, Ynetnews ynetnews/articles/0,7340,L-4603473,00.html Israel-Palestinians: Kerry meets Lavrov in Rome - BBC News m.bbc/news/world-middle-east-30471854 Obama set on obstructing Netanyahus re-election -debka/article/24283/Obama-set-on-obstructing-Netanyahus-re-election Peres claims Netanyahu sunk secretly negotiated peace deal - Israel News, Ynetnews ynetnews/articles/0,7340,L-4516913,00.html Peres: Netanyahu torpedoed peace deal 3 years ago | The Times of Israel timesofisrael/peres-netanyahu-torpedoed-peace-deal-3-years-ago/ How the Israel-Palestine Peace Deal Died | The New Republic newrepublic/article/118751/how-israel-palestine-peace-deal-died Peres: I Reached an Agreement With Abbas - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva israelnationalnews/News/News.aspx/180310 Peres: Netanyahu derailed peace talks 3 years ago - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz haaretz/news/diplomacy-defense/1.589366 Israel PM nixed peace deal with Palestinians 3 years ago, Peres says Abbas a man of “character” - Ads Against Apartheid | Ads Against Apartheid adsagainstapartheid/israel-pm-nixed-peace-deal-with-palestinians-3-years-ago-peres-says-abbas-a-man-of-character/ Peres: Netanyahu torpedoed peace deal 3 years ago | The Middle East Online themiddleeastonline.au/index.php/peres-netanyahu-torpedoed-peace-deal-3-years-ago/ Report: Obama to pressure Netanyahu into accepting Kerry framework proposal | JPost | Israel News jpost/Diplomacy-and-Politics/Report-Obama-to-appeal-to-Netanyahu-to-adopt-framework-peace-deal-343690 Peres says Netanyahu stopped peace talks in 2011 - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East al-monitor/pulse/originals/2014/05/peres-presidency-end-netanyahu-abbas-peace-deal-interviews.html White House seeks to replace Netanyahu?wnd/2014/03/white-house-seeks-to-replace-netanyahu/ Obama trying to unseat Israeli leader?wnd/2011/09/344985/ _________________________ NETANYAHU, A JEW, LEADING BIBLE STUDIES AT HIS PRIVATE RESIDENCE: Netanyahu leads Bible study at PM residence | ICEJ International int.icej.org/news/headlines/netanyahu-leads-bible-study-pm-residence Netanyahu hosts Bible study circle for Shavuot - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews ynetnews/articles/0,7340,L-4526617,00.html PM’s Bible Study Group Highlights Jewish Claim to Land of Israel - Israel News breakingisraelnews/22747/pms-bible-study-group-highlights-jewish-claim-land-israel/#KyB8yk6FqTgmukBY.97 CBN TV - Israel PM Netanyahu Hosts Bible Study cbn/tv/1702808292001 NETANYAHU TO START BIBLE STUDY IN HIS HOME: Pray that all Israelis follow his lead and begin reading the Word, like in the days of King Josiah | Joel C. Rosenbergs Blog https://flashtrafficblog.wordpress/2011/12/13/netanyahu-to-start-bible-study-in-his-home-pray-that-all-israelis-follow-his-lead-and-begin-reading-the-word-like-in-the-days-of-king-josiah/ Netanyahu to hold official Bible studies - Israel Today | Israel News israeltoday.co.il/NewsItem/tabid/178/nid/23040/Default.aspx
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 16:42:41 +0000

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