UPDATED: NEW WORLD ORDER/PROPHETIC CALENDAR OF EVENTS.... THE ILLUMINATI HAS BEEN VERY BUSY!!! BELOW IS A CALENDAR OF EVENTS LEADING UP TO THE RISE OF THE ANTICHRIST, NEW WORLD ORDER/ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, AND SIGNIFICANT DAYS AND SIGNS AFFECTING THE GENTILE CHURCH AND ISRAEL!!! THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH AND THE ILLUMINATI RUN THE WORLD AND ITS KINGS AND HEADS OF STATE. THE FALSE PROPHET WILL RISE OUT OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. THE ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT IS HERE, THE KEY PLAYERS ARE IN PLACE, AND THE RESTRAINER/HOLY SPIRIT/GENTILE CHURCH WILL SOON BE REMOVED, WHICH WILL ALLOW THE ONE WORLD SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT TO COME TO POWER. DURING THIS PERIOD GODS WRATH WILL BE POURED OUT UPON THIS DEMONIC WORLD. THE SIGNING OF THE SEVEN YEAR PEACE TREATY WILL TRIGGER THE SEVEN YEARS OF TRIBULATION/DANIELS 70TH/JACOBS TROUBLE, WHICH WILL CULMINATE IN THE REDEMPTION AND SALVATION OF THE JEWS. ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST NOW, AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR, REPENT, AND TURN FROM SINNING TO ESCAPE THE COMING TYRANNY - THE AGE OF GRACE ENDS PRIOR TO THE SIGNING OF THE SEVEN YEAR PEACE COVENANT WITH THE JEWS!!! _____________________ MARCH 3, 2014 - OBAMA MEET WITH ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER BENJAMIN NETANYAHU TO DISCUSS THE DANIEL 9:27 PEACE AGREEMENT; MARCH 17, 2014 - PALESTINIAN LEADER ABBAS MET WITH OBAMA TO DISCUSS THE DANIEL 9:27 PEACE AGREEMENT; MARCH 24 - 26, 2014 - OBAMA MET WITH THE G7 NATIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS AT THE HAGUE; MARCH 25-26, 2014 - THE ARAB LEAGUE, WHICH CONSIST OF THE PSALM 83 CONFEDERACY THAT WILL ATTACK ISRAEL IS MET. THIS IS POSSIBLY THE FORUM WHERE THE DEVIOUS PLOT IS HATCHED TO ATTACK ISRAEL; MARCH 27, 2014 - THE POPE MEETS WITH OBAMA AT THE VATICAN FOR OVER AN HOUR. WE KNOW FROM REVELATION 17/18, THAT THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, ALONG WITH THE THIRTEEN ILLUMINATI FAMILIES, RUN THE WORLD AND ITS KINGS, HEADS OF STATE, AND PRESIDENTS. THE ILLUMINATI/FREEMASONS HAVE PLOTTED THREE WORLD WARS, AND THE WORLD IS FACING THE THIRD AND FINAL WORLDWIDE WAR. IT IS THE BLACK POPE, BILDERBERG GROUP, TRILATERAL COMMISSION, AND ILLUMINATI MEMBERS THAT WILL GIVE THE NOD TO ATTACK ISRAEL (PSALM 83) AND BOMB SYRIA (ISAIAH 17), AND BEGIN WORLD WAR IIII. MARCH 28, 2014 - OBAMA MET WITH SAUDI ARABIA ROYALTY IN RIYADH, REGARDING HIS COMITMENT TO CONTAIN IRAN AND REBUILDING CONFIDENCE IN THEIR DAMAGE RELATIONSHIP; APRIL 3, 2014 - QUEEN ELIZABETH OF ENGLAND MET WITH POPE FRANCIS FOR 17 MINUTES; APRIL 7, 2014 - KING ABDULLAH OF JORDAN MET WITH THE POPE AT THE VATICAN FOR 40 MINUTES. JORDAN IS THE ONLY COUNTRY ON THE PLANET THAT WILL ESCAPE THE TYRANNY AND DESTRUCTION OF THE ANTICHRIST AND NEW WORLD ORDER. IN FACT, AFTER THE ANTICHRIST DESECRATES THE COMING 3RD JEWISH TEMPLE, THE JEWS WILL FLEE TO JUDEA, JORDAN WHERE THE LORD WILL PROTECT THEM UNTIL HIS RETURN TO EARTH WHEN HE STEPS ON THE MOUNT OF OLIVES; APRIL 15, 2014 - FIRST BLOOD MOON IN TETRAD/ALSO JEWISH HIGH HOLY DAY PASSOVER!!! APRIL 27, 2014 - POPE FRANCIS WILL ADDRESS THE WORLD USING BLUE BEAM TECHNOLOGY; APRIL 29, 2014 - OBAMA ADMINISTRATIONS DEADLINE FOR ISRAELI AND PALESTINIAN PEACE TALKS. SOLAR ECLIPSE ALSO OCCURED ON THIS DAY. MAY 24-26, 2014 - POPE FRANCIS VISITS ISRAEL, JORDAN, AND PALESTINIANS Pope Franciss Jerusalem itinerary: Down to the minute jpost/LandedPages/PrintArticle.aspx?id=352066 MAY 27-28, 2014 - ACSENSION DAY (DAY JESUS CHRIST ASCENDED TO HEAVEN) MAY 28, 2014 - NEW MOON MAY 28, 2014 - AMERICAS SOUTHERN BORDER FLOODED WITH ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS Ex-border agents: Immigrant flood ‘orchestrated’ wnd/2014/06/ex-border-agents-immigrant-flood-orchestrated/ Waves of immigrant minors present crisis for Obama, Congress | Reuters reuters/article/2014/05/28/us-usa-immigration-children-idUSKBN0E814T20140528 MAY 29, 2014 - JUNE 1, 2014 - THE ILLUMINATI/BILDERBERG MEETING IN COPENHAGEN, DENMARK. THE BILDERBERG GROUP SETS THE NEW WORLD ORDER AGENDA The 2014 Bilderberg Meeting Will be Held in Denmark | Humans Are Free humansarefree/2014/04/the-2014-bilderberg-meeting-will-be.html Bilderberg Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilderberg_Group wnd/2012/05/bilderberg-is-a-conspiracy-reality/#yfX5H0RfgLRYdb4w.99 Agenda Revealed - YouTube https://youtube/watch?v=Yet05KxFauM Daniel Estulin Blows Secret Bilderberg Agenda Wide Open - YouTube https://youtube/watch?v=neOV1noIKto JUNE 3-5, 2014 - SHAVUOT (JEWISH HOLY DAY) Judaism 101: Shavuot jewfaq.org/holidayc.htm When is Shavuot in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017? - Shavuot chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/671902/jewish/When-is-Shavuot-in-2013-2014-2015-2016-and-2017.htm JUNE 5, 2014 - THE ISIS ( Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, also known as ISIL or ISIS). WAR QUIETLY BEGAN TO TAKE OVER IRAQ. IRAN, A FOE OF IRAQ, JOINED THE WAR ALONG WITH UNITED STATES COVERT OPS. THIS PROXY WAR IS INTENDED TO CAPTURE IRAQ, MOVE ON TO THE DESTRUCTION OF SYRIA (ISAIAH 17) AND ULTIMATELY, THE INVASION OF ISRAEL (PSALM 83), WHICH WILL ULTIMATELY LEAD TO WWIII, EZEKIEL 38/39, AND ULTIMATELY ARMAGEDDON. Institute for the Study of War Syria Updates: Syrian Rebels Attack ISIS iswsyria.blogspot/2014/01/syrian-rebels-attack-isis.html Institute for the Study of War Iraq Updates: The ISIS Battle Plan iswiraq.blogspot/2014/06/the-isis-battle-plan.html ISIS’s war against everyone: The entire Middle East finally has a common enemy. Unfortunately, theyre losing to it. slate/blogs/the_world_/2014/06/11/isis_s_war_against_everyone_the_entire_middle_east_finally_has_a_common.html The Syrian Civil War Has Merged With Iraq | The Daily Caller dailycaller/2014/06/12/the-syrian-civil-war-has-merged-with-iraq/ JUNE 7, 2014 - IS THE ANNIVERSARY OF ISRAELS SIX DAY WAR WHEN THE JEWS RECAPTURED JERUSALEM AS THEIR CAPITAL. 1967: Reunification of Jerusalemsixdaywar.org/content/ReunificationJerusalem.asp Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six-Day_War JUNE 8, 2014 - THE POPE WILL MEET WITH ISRAELI PRESIDENT PERES AND PALESTINIAN PRESIDENT ABBAS AT THE VATICAN FOR A PEACE PRAYER MEETING. PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT, ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER, BENYAMIN NETANYAHU, IS ABSENT FROM THIS MEETING!!! KEEP IN MIND THAT, ISRAELS PRESIDENT HAS NO POWER HE IS MERELY A FIGURE HEAD. KEEP IN MIND THAT, ISRAELI PRESIDENT PERES BROKERED A PEACE DEAL THREE YEARS AGO WITH PRESIDENT ABBAS, THAT NETANYAHU SHOT DOWN - PRIME MINISTER NETANYAHU HOLDS ALL THE POWER!!! KEEP IN MIND THAT, NETANYAHU IS A MESSIANIC JEW HE KNOWS THE G-D OF ABRAHAM, ISSAC, AND JACOB AS HIS SAVIOR; NETANYAHU IS A LITERAL STUMBLING BLOCK TO THE PEACE PROCESS MOVING FORWARD; UNTIL HE IS RAPTURED OUT OF THE WAY!!! ITS QUITE POSSIBLE THAT THE ILLUMINATI/VATICAN/OBAMA ADMINISTRATION WANT TO HAVE A PEACE AGREEMENT CONFIRMED BEFORE JULY 25, 2014, BECAUSE PRESIDENT PERES IS ON BOARD WITH THE CONFIRMATION OF THE PEACE COVENANT. THE NEW PRESIDENT WOULD PLACE THE PEACE NEGOTIATIONS IN PERIL, AS HE DOES NOT SUPPORT ANY AGREEMENT THAT WOULD DIVIDE ISRAELS LAND. PERES AND ABBAS HAMMERED OUT A PEACE AGREEMENT THREE YEARS AGO, WHICH NETANYAHU SHOT DOWN, A NEW PRESIDENT COULD BE TOTALLY UNSYMPATHETIC TO THE PEACE PROCESS, WHICH THE ILLUMINATI DOES NOT WANT TO RISK. Peres: Netanyahu torpedoed peace deal 3 years ago | The Times of Israel timesofisrael/peres-netanyahu-torpedoed-peace-deal-3-years-ago/ Peres: I Reached an Agreement With Abbas - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva israelnationalnews/News/News.aspx/180310 Peres: Netanyahu derailed peace talks 3 years ago - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz haaretz/news/diplomacy-defense/1.589366 Israel PM nixed peace deal with Palestinians 3 years ago, Peres says Abbas a man of “character” - Ads Against Apartheid | Ads Against Apartheid adsagainstapartheid/israel-pm-nixed-peace-deal-with-palestinians-3-years-ago-peres-says-abbas-a-man-of-character/ Peres: Netanyahu torpedoed peace deal 3 years ago | The Middle East Online themiddleeastonline.au/index.php/peres-netanyahu-torpedoed-peace-deal-3-years-ago/ Report: Obama to pressure Netanyahu into accepting Kerry framework proposal | JPost | Israel News jpost/Diplomacy-and-Politics/Report-Obama-to-appeal-to-Netanyahu-to-adopt-framework-peace-deal-343690 White House seeks to replace Netanyahu? wnd/2014/03/white-house-seeks-to-replace-netanyahu/ Obama trying to unseat Israeli leader? wnd/2011/09/344985/ JUNE 8, 2014 - PENTECOST (THE DAY THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT DESCENDED UPON THE JEWS IN THE UPPER ROOM - BEGINNING OF CHURCH PERIOD) The Mystery of the Date of Pentecost levitt/essays/pentecost Pentecost, the Feast of Firstfruits biblehub/sermons/auth/edgar/pentecost_the_feast_of_firstfruits.htm The Feast of Pentecost: The Firstfruits of Gods Harvest | United Church of God ucg.org/booklet/gods-holy-day-plan-promise-hope-all-mankind/feast-pentecost-firstfruits-gods-harvest/ Pentecost - Learn About the Bible Feast of Pentecost christianity.about/od/biblefeastsandholidays/p/pentecostfeast.htm JUNE 8, 2014 - SIGNS IN THE HEAVENS: ASTEROID, THE BEAST TO FLY BY THE EARTH. Huge Asteroid named “The Beast” to Fly By Earth this Weekend »endtimeheadlines.org/signs-in-the-heavens/huge-beast-asteroid-to-fly-by-earth-this-weekend/ Huge Beast Asteroid to Fly By Earth Soon, Live Webcast Today (Video) - Yahoo Newsnews.yahoo/huge-beast-asteroid-fly-earth-soon-live-webcast-125402950.html JUNE 10, 2014 - ISRAELS PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. NEW PRESIDENT ELECT IS NOT PARTISAN TO DIVIDING ISRAELS LAND!!! ILLUMINATI MAY PUSH FOR WAR WITH ISRAEL BEFORE CURRENT ISRAELI PRESIDENT SHIMON PERES STEPS DOWN ON JULY 24, 2014 Israels presidential election to be held on June 10 - National Israel News | Haaretz haaretz/news/national/1.591478 Israels presidential election to be held June 10 - Israel News, Ynetnews ynetnews/articles/0,7340,L-4521298,00.html Presidential elections called for June 10 | The Times of Israel timesofisrael/presidential-elections-called-for-june-10/ JUNE 11, 2014 - ISIS INVASION OF IRAQ The Iraq-ISIS Conflict in Maps, Photos and Video - NYTimes nytimes/interactive/2014/06/12/world/middleeast/the-iraq-isis-conflict-in-maps-photos-and-video.html?_r=0 Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_State_of_Iraq_and_the_Levant Iraq’s crisis: Don’t forget the 2003 U.S. invasion - The Washington Post washingtonpost/blogs/worldviews/wp/2014/06/16/iraqs-crisis-dont-forget-the-2003-u-s-invasion/ JUNE 13, 2014 - FULL MOON JUNE 14, 2014 - G77+CHINA MEETING TO SOLIDIFY NEW WORLD ORDER/ONE WORLD SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT The Group of 77 g77.org/ G77 And China Summit Calls For New World Order - YouTube https://youtube/watch?v=mrFt7fYvDAo WAKE UP!!! China, G77 Tyrants, and UN Boss Demand “New World Order” thenewamerican/world-news/item/18529-china-g77-tyrants-and-un-boss-demand-new-world-order G77 DEMANDS New World Order Forms NOW! - YouTube https://youtube/watch?v=Suvj0UUv6WM The Group of 77 - Statements and Speeches - 2014 g77.org/statement/ New world economic order a goal at G77+China summit | GulfNews gulfnews/business/economy/new-world-economic-order-a-goal-at-g77-china-summit-1.1347716 133 G77 Nations vow to destroy America’s New World Order whiteoutpress/articles/2014/q2/133-g77-nations-vow-destroy-americas-new-world-order/ G77 Tyrants Demand New World Order Now and They Admittedly are Using the Global Warming Lie to Fester Their Agenda.... | Prophecy beforeitsnews/prophecy/2014/06/g77-tyrants-demand-new-world-order-form-now-and-they-admittedly-are-using-the-global-warming-lie-to-fester-their-agenda-2462324.html?utm_campaign=&utm_medium=facebook-share&utm_content=awesm-publisher&utm_source=https://m.facebook/&utm_term=b4in.info/dZb5 JUNE 21, 2014 - SUMMER SOLSTICE Summer Solstice 2014: Longest Day Photos That Will Blow Your Mind huffingtonpost.ca/2014/06/20/summer-solstice-2014-longest-day_n_5516150.html Summer solstice explained: Whats happening in space? usatoday/story/news/nation-now/2014/06/20/summer-solstice-explained-sun-earth/10887737/ JUNE 24, 2014 - ISRAELI PRESIDENT SHIMON PERES VISITS THE UNITED STATES, MEETS WITH PRESIDENT OBAMA Shimon Peres, Israel’s outgoing president, is saying farewell to his American partners - The Washington Post washingtonpost/world/middle_east/shimon-peres-israels-outgoing-president-is-saying-farewell-to-his-american-partners/2014/06/24/deae152b-5b34-4cfb-bb6c-b4404a7a01fe_story.html President Shimon Peres meeting with President Barack Obama #PeresUSA - YouTube https://youtube/watch?v=GYefkBVOIoA JUNE 27, 2014 - FULL MOON JUNE 29, 2014 - ISIS DECLARES ISLAMIC CALIPHATE ISIS Declares New Islamist Caliphate - WSJ online.wsj/articles/isis-declares-new-islamist-caliphate-1404065263 ISIS Declares Restoration of Caliphate, Changes Name - TIME time/2938317/isis-militants-declare-islamist-caliphate/ JULY 1 - JULY 7, 2014 - ANN GRAHAM-LOTZ 777 PRAYER CAMPAIGN JULY 1, 2014 - FATCA TAX GOES INTO EFFECT Activist Post: FATCA: New Tax Effective July 1, 2014 activistpost/2014/05/fatca-new-tax-effective-july-1-2014.html JULY 7, 2014 - ISRAEL UNDER ATTACK - OPERATION PROTECTIVE EDGE BEGAN Israel Under Fire: Life Comes to Halt idfblog/blog/2014/07/09/israel-fire-life-comes-halt/ JULY 10, 2014 - UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL MEETS TOO DISCUSS ISRAELI/PALESTINIAN WAR. UN Security Council to meet on Israel, Palestinian hostilities - Israel News, Ynetnews ynetnews/articles/0,7340,L-4540807,00.html JULY 12, 2014 - FULL MOON (SUPERMOON) July 12 full moon first of 3 full-moon supermoons in 2014 | Tonight | EarthSky earthsky.org/tonight/july-12-supermoon-first-of-three-superrmoons JULY 13, 2014 - MIDDLE EAST ARAB LEAGUE MEETS REGARDING HAMAS/ISRAELI WAR ESCALATION. Arab League FMs meet Monday to discuss Israel-Palestine conflict | nsnbc international nsnbc.me/2014/07/12/arab-league-fms-meet-monday-discuss-israel-palestine-conflict/ Arab foreign ministers to meet Monday on Gaza: diplomat | The Indian Express indianexpress/article/world/middle-east-africa/arab-foreign-ministers-to-meet-monday-on-gaza-diplomat/ JULY 15, 2014 - THE 17TH OF TAMMUZ, THE DAY JERUSALEMS WALLS WERE BREACHED JULY 17, 2014 - ISRAELS GROUND INVASION BEGAN AGAINST GAZA Israel launches ground invasion of Gaza - The Washington Post washingtonpost/world/gaza-residents-scramble-to-make-most-of-five-hour-truce/2014/07/17/e5485fce-0d7e-11e4-8341-b8072b1e7348_story.html Israeli Military Invades Gaza, With Sights Set on Hamas Operations - NYTimes nytimes/2014/07/18/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-strip.html?_r=0 JULY 25, 2014 - NEW ISRAELI PRESIDENT TAKES OATH OF OFFICE. HE IS AGAINST A PALESTINIAN STATE, WHICH PLACES THE PEACE TALKS IN GREATER PERIL. RUNNING UP TO JULY 25, 2014, WE MUST WATCH ISRAEL LIKE A HAWK!!! WILL THE ILLUMINATI CREATED A FALSE FLAG DIVERSION, TO KEEP CURRENT PRESIDENT, SHIMMON PERES IN OFFICE TO SOLIDFY A FUTURE PEACE AGREEMENT??? Israel Hayom | Swearing-in ceremony for president-elect to be toned down israelhayom/site/newsletter_article.php?id=18933 Israel Chooses Veteran Hard-Liner as President - ABC News abcnews.go/International/wireStory/israeli-lawmakers-begin-vote-president-24066815 A president who opposes a Palestinian state -- bad for Israel? | The Times of Israel timesofisrael/a-president-who-opposes-a-palestinian-state-bad-for-israel/ JULY 27, 2014 - NEW MOON JULY 27, 2014 - iPHONE APPLICATION SIRI ANNOUNCES THAT THE GATES OF HELL WILL OPEN ON THIS DAY. AUGUST 4-5, 2014 - THE 9TH OF AV AND OBAMAS BIRTHDAY COINCIDE ON THE 9TH OF AV. 9th Of Av Israel Day Of Mourning / Next Year Obamas Birthday August 5, 2014 - YouTube https://youtube/watch?v=hpOVLK1CRI4 WHAT IS THE 9TH OF AV??? What happened on the Ninth of Av? - A Historical Overview - Tisha BAv and the 3 Weeks chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/946703/jewish/What-happened-on-the-Ninth-of-Av.htm SEPTEMBER 25, 2014 - OBAMA WILL CHAIR THE UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL. (THE UNITED NATIONS IS THE NEW WORLD ORDER, GLOBAL GOVERNING BODY). SEPTEMBER 25-26, 2014 - FEAST OF TRUMPETS OR NEW YEAR/ROSH HASHANAH The Last Trump EXPLAINED & REVEALED! - A Rapture Bible Study [FULL] - YouTube https://youtube/watch?v=SKUfhbj63Uc SEPTEMBER 25-26, 2014 - FEAST OF TRUMPETS/NEW SEVEN YEAR SABBATICAL BEGINS/JEWISH NEW YEAR BEGINS SEPTEMBER 25, 2014 - SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 - SHEMITTAH - ECONOMIC CRISES LINKED TO THE BIBLE: The eight greatest postwar economic crashes are all mysteriously connected to a biblical Sabbath year pattern known in Hebrew as “the Shemitah,” reveals a book about to be released by the author of “The Harbinger,” the bestselling Christian book of the last three years. The much-anticipated sequel by Jonathan Cahn is called “The Mystery of the Shemitah” – and it is certain to rock the world of financial speculators, stock market traders and economists. Among the stunning findings of the author who found jaw-dropping links between the 9/11 terrorist attack and an otherwise obscure biblical passage, Isaiah 9:10, is that 100 percent of the worst U.S. economic calamities since World War II are all linked to the “Shemitah,” the biblical Sabbath year, its wake or the biblical month of Tishri in which the “Shemitah” falls. “I have to tell you, economically speaking, this new book by Jonathan Cahn is one of the scariest things I have ever read,” said Joseph Farah, producer of “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment,” the bestselling documentary film made with the author about the subject matter of “The Harbinger.” “If ‘The Harbinger’ got your attention, ‘The Mystery of the Shemitah’ will have you on your face praying.” While “The Harbinger” and “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment” showed that the economic crashes of 2001 and 2008 occurred on the last day of the “Shemitah,” Elul 29 on the biblical calendar, the new book examines other economic crashes of the last 60 years and finds similar striking links to the pattern. The book, releasing Sept. 2, comes out on the eve of the next “Shemitah” cycle, which ends Sept. 13, 2015 – a day that will also feature a solar eclipse. The good news for Wall Street is that the date falls on a Sunday, so the stock market will be closed. If you haven’t read “The Harbinger” or seen “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment” yet, now is the time to catch up on the groundbreaking spiritual detective work of Jonathan Cahn. In 1931, a solar eclipse took place on Sept. 12 – the end of a “Shemitah” year. Eight days later, England abandoned the gold standard, setting off market crashes and bank failures around the world. It also ushered in the greatest monthlong stock market percentage crash in Wall Street history. Read more at wnd/2014/08/shocker-economic-crashes-linked-to-bible-pattern/#ccggdVURgJyr2Fq8.99 The last Shemittah year was Jewish year 5768 (13 Sept 2007 - 29 Sept 2008) The next few are: 5775 (25 Sept 2014 - 13 Sept 2015) 5782 (7 Sept 2021 - 25 Sept 2022) 5789 (21 Sept 2028 - 9 Sept 2029) Shocker! Economic crashes linked to Bible pattern wnd/2014/08/shocker-economic-crashes-linked-to-bible-pattern/ Shemitah 101 - The Sabbatical Year - Shemitah chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/562077/jewish/Shemitah-101.htm Christians have great news to look forward to with the possible fulfillment of Gods Holy Feast days along with all the other signs that come with the Blood Moon Tetrad, The next Shemitah Year AND 50 Year Jubilee, Rapture Of The Church and SOON TRIBULATION! Fulfilling The Fall Feasts; Shemitah & Blood Moon Tetrad = 7 YEAR TRIBULATION? - YouTube https://youtube/watch?v=KD4fSyewGcM SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 - THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL WILL STOP FUNDING UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT; GOVERNMENT RUNS OUT OF CASH RESERVES Looming Government Shutdown to Have Limited Impact on Highway Program, Other Transportation Program Impacts Likely | AGC News news.agc.org/2013/09/27/looming-government-shutdown-to-have-limited-impact-on-highway-program-other-transportation-program-impacts-likely/ House approves $1.1 trillion measure to fund government through Sept 30 | Reuters reuters/article/2014/01/15/us-usa-fiscal-idUSBREA0E1KX20140115 Why did the government shut down? | BoomerangBeatBoomerangBeat | Simplified News boomerangbeat/why-did-the-government-shutdown-2013/ Why did the government shut down? | BoomerangBeatBoomerangBeat | Simplified News boomerangbeat/why-did-the-government-shutdown-2013/ OCTOBER 8, 2014 - 2ND BLOOD MOON IN TETRAD OCTOBER 9-16, 2014 - FEAST OF TABANACLES/SUKKOT/BOOTHS/SHELTER/HARVEST OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2014 - FEDERAL RESERVE WILL STOP FLOODING THE UNITED STATES ECONOMY WITH FIAT CURRENCY. ECONOMIC NAIL IN THE COFFIN, US ECONOMY DESTROYED!!! BBC News - Federal Reserve plans to end stimulus in October bbc/news/business-28238901 CONTINUE TO WATCH, PRAY, REPENT, AND STAY RAPTURE READY!!! __________________
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 18:23:54 +0000

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