UPDATES (SMC15-DEC4 666 4) Alutia Continua Follow Ugandan fasten - TopicsExpress


UPDATES (SMC15-DEC4 666 4) Alutia Continua Follow Ugandan fasten your belts The chance for greatness, for progress and for CHANGE dies the moment we try to be like someone else. The people of Uganda must see/think beyond the impossible (FEAR). There is always a first time for everything. Ugandans must start applying some of the revolutionary tactics learnt from fellow African revolutionaries like Kwame Nkurumah of Ghana, Chief Benjamin Nnamdi Azikiwe of Naigeria, and many others including the most recent none other than the legendary Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela of South Africa. The Ugandan struggle is not a one neither man’s struggle, nor a particular class’s struggle but this is struggle for all the people of Uganda (the Wanaichi i.e. peasants, workers and the intelligentsia). Today as we enter the year as well our struggle is entering a new era where the Wanaich have resolved to support the struggle in any way possible (material, moral, and political support). This new chapter in the Ugandan struggle portray only one thing that the people have decided to combat fear (the tool commonly applied by the Kampala dictator). The Wanaich have chosen a noble cause and one who fails to recognise, support or sympathise with this noble cause will not be anything other than being an anti-people agent. 2015 has been a year of revolutionary activities for the people of Uganda under the guidance of the Disobedience United Front (DUF) a democratic umbrella for the implementation of the freedom CHANGE charter. DUF wish to reaffirm one of its founding principles that we are not in the struggle for personal gains (financial materials or nor for military rank, prestigious position in society) of any kind but DUF was founded on the principles common service for the common struggle for CHANGE in our land. Today our people have developed a brotherhood feeling for one another and we are motivated and confident that dictator Yoseri Tubahaburwa Kayibanda Kaguta Musevenis dictatorship regime and hes NRM corrupt system that has left Ugandan with no choice but to fight back. Dictator Museveni is spending millions dollars in purchasing military hardware and contract foreign lobbies to salvage (DAMAGE CONTROL) his regime and import foreign mercenaries into Uganda security forces to intimidate, torture, murder and abuse the human rights of the citizens Ugandans. As all African fallen dictators Mobuto of former Zaire now DRC, Col Muamar Gaddafi of Libya, Hosni Mubarrak of Egypt to mention a few. These men were even better equipped but where are they today? Big guns dont win wars! We are assuring our people that we remain determined, focused and driven to deliver real and meaningful CHANGE to the lives of our Wanainchi. Time is coming for the criminals of NRM (whether they are Baganda, Banyoro, Acholis etc) will face the full wrath of the law of the land. However, the window is still open to any criminal out their serving dictator Museveni’s regime to surrender and confess their crimes and join the peoples struggle for freedom in Uganda. To them (defectors) we salute and DUF commit itself to work with them for CHANGE for the good of the country. On a lighter note DUF is CLOSING IN ON DICTATOR MUSEVENI and the D-DAY is ROUND THE CORNER. Therefore active on all fronts and get updates on our ONLINE RADIO STATIONS/SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS/LOCAL STATIONS. We thank you and encourage you to keep forwarding more numbers/contact details .PLS FOR BULK USE EMAIL; radioleadafricamedia@gmail . For those of you who have already forwarded your details we do have sms message service available as well you will be guided soon on how to register on few different sites were you will be given a pass code that will be used only for one person. Our IT engineers are hard at work to check and make sure all safety measures are locked in a great team at work. Those who have been working alongside with us in this struggle from inside the dictatorship’s regime great work together we are stronger and it’s true (CHANGE IS INEVITABLE IN UGANDA). We encourage you to keep up the great work. Pretending to sit on the fence when an event that is going to affect you in one way or another is nothing but just being irresponsible. The Facts are simple & clear, CHANGE is inevitable, IT’S YOUR COUNTRY TOO. Everyone must be involved in nation sit down strikes coming up (through out - 2015) for CHANGE in Uganda .We are confronting this dictatorship regime not because it is easy but because it is necessary. We’re not preparing for war, were preparing for peace. Burkina Faso style not a bad idea! Yes!!
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 21:22:02 +0000

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