UPDATES (SMC15-DEC4 666 4) alutia continua The chance for - TopicsExpress


UPDATES (SMC15-DEC4 666 4) alutia continua The chance for greatness, for progress and for CHANGE dies the moment we try to be like someone else Ugandans, we must see / think beyond the impossible (FEAR). There is always a first time for everything in life. Revolt lessons learnt from fellow African states are also true in Uganda although it will be first and different - spare no doubt on that to fellow Ugandans and to all our supportes and sympathizers in this struggle. We do appreciate you all for choosing what is a noble calling, supporting in anyway you can logistics, financial, etc.. We cannot do it (WFT) without you and a special thank to you Team as coordinated efforts have reached advanced stages in this struggle. 15 DEC Disobedience United Front (DUF) is NOT a political party, it is a democratic umbrella for the implementation of the freedom CHANGE charter. We wish to remind fellow Ugandans in this struggle for CHANGE that You are not standing up for any Generals, Brigadier, Col ,Major or political party eg. Individuals OF any ranking in this = we dont have such ranks we are not politicians you stand up for you and your country. We are concerned and responsible Ugandan citizens. Those individuals without their appointment or titles, they are just citizens like those who BELIEVE IT IS POSSIBLE have stood up against this dictatorship regime are doing so as concerned citizens doing the right thing too. We encourage those of you in uniform who are standing with us. An attack on you is an attack to everyone of us. Standing up against Dictator Yoseri Tubahaburwa Kayibanda Kaguta Musevenis dictatorship regime and his NRM system that has left Ugandan with no choice but to fight back, Dictator M7 has spent $ billions to buy military hardware and hire foreign a PR (DAMAGE CONTROLLER) and imported foreigners into Uganda’s security forces to intimidate, torture, murder and abuse the human rights of Ugandans. As all African fallen dictators Mobuto,Gaddafi,Mubarrak, to mention a few, who were even better equipped - where are they today? Big guns dont win wars! We assure you that we remain determined, focused and driven to deliver real and meaningful CHANGE to the lives of wananchi, the CITIZENS of Uganda as Ugandans. Those of you who have committed crimes to Uganda & Ugandan citizens, whether you are a Muganda, Munyoro, Mutoro Ateso, Musoga , Acholi ,Mugika, Muyankole, Munyaranda, Mudama, Mugwere, Mugisu, Muyizurolo,etc. Fellow Ugandan be assured these individuals will face justice must and will be prosecuted by law for their crimes committed. In doing so, will guarantee the future of our next generation to come that no crime committed to any fellow Ugandan in Uganda will go un punished. No one can get away with it come post M7. Again we do appreciate those who have crossed over to join the struggle to see the light of CHANGE. The Way forward is the ground network has been laid boarder to boarder and we should never let any of the culprits escape. They may find a few ends, and they may run to hide as expected but we will still smoke them out. Gen kale has assembled black mamba all around the cities of Uganda spending $ millions on teargas and so called spies all over the place on our social media networks and on travel costs from one country to the other trying to attack pro activists in the diaspora. We shall never be intimidated as we expected all this beforehand. I wish to remind Gen Kale of Bengazi in Libya ..on that day none of your men in uniform will dare take a chance to pull that trigger on any citizen, you can quote that. Fellow Ugandan, you want to go to Heaven but you dont want to die. You want good people in government but you dont want them to work with bad people. You say men of God should not run for office but one law by the so called NRM govt can close all religious houses in 24 hours. You want a better country, you think your activists are good people, Saints but you want them out of politics. What do we want? You say you want good people in government and when they join, you say s/he has compromised. Saints can play this game as Saints but they must be willing to send Demons on errands. If you dont get it, maintain your level. CHANGE WILL COME NO MATTER WHAT. We will find you but be reminded never to complain as a priority because you ignored our call when we needed you.. If you want to complain about Uganda is bad! through out your life, by all means, keep expecting the ideal to happen. Being passionate about Uganda is not enough, you must come to a sense of maturity which is ACT and action about how this power game works. We must re-evaluate our lives and Uganda come (NEW YEAR 2015), respecting humanity is better than money. Take your passion in life & your country and want it like you want your next breath. Live and chase your passion. CHANGE like you are fighting for survival. WE ARE COMING CLOSER TO THE DAY INTO THE FIELD OF COMMAND AND THIS WILL BE ANNOUNCED TO ALL OUR ONLINE RADIO STATIONS and SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS as well as LOCAL STATIONS. We thank you and encourage you to keep forwarding more numbers and contacting details. PLS FOR BULK USE EMAIL >>radioleadafricamedia@gmail.. for now for those of you who have already forwarded as we do have sms mgs service available as well, you will be guided soon on how to register on a few different sites were you will be given a pass code that will be used only for one person our. Our IT engineers are hard at work to check and ensure all safety measures are locked. Those who have been working alongside with us in this struggle from inside the dictatorship regime, great work, together we are stronger and its true (CHANGE IS INEVITABLE IN UGANDA). We encourage you to keep up the great work. Pretending to sit on the fence when an event that is going to affect you in one way or another is happening is stupid. No need for an online exchange of words,the Facts are simple & clear, CHANGE is inevitable ,,ITS YOUR COUNTRY TOO ..Everyone must be involved in nation sit down strike for CHANGE in Uganda. We are confronting this dictatorship regime not because it is easy but because it is necessary. Were not preparing for war, were preparing for peace. Burkina faso style not a bad idea! yes!! WE WELCOME THE NEW YEAR WITH HOPE FOR CHANGE IN UGANDA .. FOR GOD AND MY COUNTRY ...(SMC15-DEC alutia continua more updates
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 19:59:58 +0000

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