UPND & FREE EDUCATION. Some people is their way of life where by - TopicsExpress


UPND & FREE EDUCATION. Some people is their way of life where by they want to trivialised very important issues. In upnd,education for all zambians is not even debatable as it is a birth right as well as one of the most important components where development of any nation is concerned. Any nation to attain meaningful development,it should ensure that the citizens are educated.This is the reason why a visionary leader mr Hichilema is always talking about equipping every zambian especially the poor with free education so that when they go out there,they must have equal opportunities with children from the rich families. NOTE : 1.CONSISTENCE-upnd when it comes to its policies is very consistent.For some people they are hearing about free education in upnd for the first time.But we want to let you know that free education policy has been there since 1998. The upnd and its leader mr Hichilema does not just wake up and say lets promise this for the seek of votes no.what ever they say is in their manifesto and is something that they have thought through. 2.UPND MANIFESTO : what we know is that the upnd govt will offer free education from grade one to university for all zambians who cannot afford,unlike what people are saying. Mr Hichilema is actually on record of saying that the upnd will provide free education to the poor,and he sighted an example of himself to say that people like him mr Hichilema who can afford there is no need to have free education.And he went on to say that the only thing that can equalise the poor to the rich is education. The problem is that as zambians we have been for a long time subjected to mediocre leadership as a result our minds are stuck with impossibilities.if for instance the pf is running a bloated government with about 78 ministers and are all paid well and on time.A serious government can decide to run a small but efficient government so that some resources can be channeled to areas like education. This is just one example,as matter of fact m,all we need is to usher in a prudent and knowledge based govt .. .
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 06:37:20 +0000

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