UPND MP’S PLOT REFORM AFTER ELECTIONS AS INSIDER LABELS HH AS ARROGANT, CLUELESS THE oppositon United Party for National Development is already beset with reform in the early days after the elections tomorrow, an impeccable Witness can reveal. And one insider has referred to UPND president Hakainde Hichilema as a clueless and arrogant political wanna-be. As the nation gears for the Presidential by-election on Tuesday, 20 January 2015, cracks have appeared in the major opposition party, the UPND, over what a caucus of its Members of Parliament (MPs) have termed “the need to reform the party.” A Witness to the can reveal that about 13 UPND MPs have been meeting during the campaign period to plot the “retirement” of Hichilema immediately after the elections as they are convinced their party cannot win elections under HH. Sources say the MPs leading this reform group are MPs Cornelius Mweetwa and Gary Nkombo. “You see, the problem we have in our party is that HH is very arrogant and does not take advice,” said the source, who added, “He brought in the Mwanawasas, Masebos, Dipaks and all without even consulting anyone n the party. This is not in order. It is disrespectful to other members of the party, especially the MPs who give the party is credibility.” Insiders suggest that Meetwa and Nkombo have already positioned themselves to take over leadership and prepare the party for the 2016 General Elections. “HH cannot help this party win an election,” said the source. “The earlier he realised that, the better for all. At the moment, he has allowed the party to be hijacked. People are not happy in here.” There are rumours among the rank and file of the party that HH had promised Dipak Patel the vice presidency or finance ministry portfolio, a suggestion most UPND members are totally against. “Do you think Mutati, Maureen, Patel are in it just to help us? No. A big no, my brother. HH has brokered deals ith these people, all in desperation,” the source said. “This is why people like Nkombo and Mweetwa have galvernised the original and genuine members of the party, the real stalwarts, to stand by their resolve and remove HH from the position. They say he has had his chance, actually more than what he deserves and he has not delivered. He is aware of this group, that is why he is threatening not to accept any loss to PF.” HH has stood for the presidency for three times and on each time, his fortunes have dwindled than the past election tally. It is yet to be seen if indeed the UPND will have a completely different face and structure after tomorrow, when they lose the by-election.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 10:45:00 +0000

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