UPND Pokes Fun at PF Pariah Lubinda The opposition UPND has - TopicsExpress


UPND Pokes Fun at PF Pariah Lubinda The opposition UPND has gone for Patriotic Front pariah Given Lubinda for his remarks that there is no opposition in the country. UPND Deputy Secretary General Kuchunga Simusamba said Lubinda wanted to redeem his waned political fortunes after being shunted to the sidelines by the Patriotic Front. Simusamba said Lubinda’s two faced character has thrown him out of political relevance and was desperate to catch the attention of the PF inner circle that has relegated him to a small player. Below is the full statement: Today’s Post Edition headline quoting beleaguered Kabwata MP given Lubinda cannot go without comment. If the MP was correctly quoted then we wonder what exactly he is intending to achieve by deceiving himself that he is still a factor in today’s political dispensation in Zambia. To start with Given Lubinda has a lot of battles to fight within his own political party which has dumped him after using him. He needs to rediscover his political identity because he is currently a lost soul. If he wants to see reality he just needs to check the numbers in the register in his constituency and he will know that that come 2016, he is gone. We know Given is trying to justify his existence in the party which dumped him due to his treacherous behavior. He cannot be trusted and even his statements should be not be taken seriously by any reasonable person. How does he think anyone will take him serious when his own party rejected him? He should realize that Kabwata has one of the most educated populations in the country and that people cannot be deceived by his acrobatic antics meant to facelift his dwindling political fortunes. If indeed he is blind to the fact that the ground is no longer holding for the PF in Lusaka, let him try to pave way for a by election in his constituency so that he can feel the heat from the non-existent opposition. It is surprising that the once vibrant MP has reduced himself to be used as a mopping cloth in the PF, but this does not surprise us because existence in his party for under weights like him is through patronage and bootlicking. We still remember how recently everybody in his PF party was calling for his blood due to his two-faced behavior. Not long ago he was used to oppose the ‘constitution motion’ in parliament against the wishes of his employers, the voters of Kabwata. He thought this was going to get him noticed by the real PF owners but alas that was another futile exercise. He must be aware by now that his ambitions to take over the leadership of PF are unachievable so he better find other things to do. We advise Given Lubinda to direct his efforts to convince us that his 10 years in parliament has produced the much needed development to alleviate the unprecedented suffering his PF has subjected the people of Kabwata through the skyrocketing mealie meal and fuel prices. He should be able to point out what projects he has pioneered as an MP to justify his continued stay in the house than wasting his time attacking the opposition. As UPND we are on the ground to make sure that useless PF MP’s like Mr Lubinda are retired in the next 1 and half years. Kuchunga Simusamba zambiareports/2014/05/14/upnd-pokes-fun-pf-pariah-lubinda/
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 12:25:21 +0000

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