UPND Responds to Attacks The UPND has responded to sustained - TopicsExpress


UPND Responds to Attacks The UPND has responded to sustained attacks on their party by fellow heavies, the ruling PF and MMD, describing them as a sign of where the real threat lies in terms of upsetting the power structure. UPND officials in Northern Province say their party is gaining ground in the area despite a sustained campaign to discredit its presence in the area. Below is the full statement: MEDIA RELEASE BY UPND NORTHERN 7th August 2014 As UPND Northern, we wish to advice our national leadership for the party not to be bothered by the unwarranted attacks from the ruling Patriotic Front party and the MMD as they are merely meant to distract the party from consolidating the political gains. It is clear in every serious minded Zambian that the party of choice at the moment is the UPND. This has definitely sent shivers in the spines of our competitors as they have no shred of doubt that once UPND takes over the reigns of power, they will have no chance because the new approach to governance. It is clear that the PF and MMD style of leadership cannot compare to what the UPND has to offer. What would one explain the sustained attacks aimed at the UPND from both the PF and the former ruling MMD which are being carried in the Post Newpaper? We are not surprised that the PF and MMD have ganged up with the post to malign the UPND which is gaining popularity on a daily basis with a view of discouraging people who are slowly showing faith in our party. This is evident by the increasing numbers of people who are defecting from other parties to join UPND. Northern Province which was once viewed as a stronghold for the MMD and PF is slowly shifting to UPND. For instance, common people are now proudly walking the streets of Kasama clad in the UPND party regalia. Not long ago, street vendors at shoprite in Kasama which was the heartbeat of PF had proudly raised a UPND chitenge as a flag. If it was not for the unprofessional conduct by PF police who ordered the pulling down of the flag, the same flag would have been flying today. This is just one example of how the tables have slowly been turning in favour of the UPND. We wish to remind the PF and MMD, although both seem to have short memories, that they cannot stop the current wind of change which is not only sweeping through Northern Province but the nation as a whole. The people of Zambia have resolved that they need true change not change with deception which characterises the current regime. The tribal talk or accusation no longer has any effect on the UPND as Zambians regardless of their tribe are looking for an individual and a party that will deliver quality leadership which will translate in economic emancipation. People are tired of political leaders who are just good at making promises which they cannot fulfil or they deliberate choose to ignore when reminded. For instance the PF while in opposition through their “man of action” promised to deliver a people driven constitution within 90 days on the basis that the material for a constitution was already there. All what was needed was to consolidate the different submissions. Three years down their reign, they have now coined a new phrase that Zambia has already got a working constitution, therefore there is no need for a new constitution. Is it not surprising that this statement is coming from a leadership that is led by the so much acclaimed “man of action” with so much experience in government especially that it comes after they have spent millions of kwacha (rebased) on constitution making process. It is such wastage and uncoordinated thinking that has made the people of Zambia to lose faith and confidence in the current PF government. It is also clear that the PF went into government without a proper plan if they had any. How does one explain the rush creation of about 28 districts within a space one year while some of the already existing districts have no adequate infrastructure? Is it the PF government’s view that employment creation and development can only come about through the creation of more districts? This is not true as we could have heard the same in already developed countries. This decision by the PF has only created more problems for the country which can be ascertained by the growing debt. As UPND we strongly believe that development and employment creation can be delivered through the existing centers. It is on the basis of the above that we are urging our party leadership not to be detracted by noise coming from the PF and MMD but focus on refining our economic policies so that come 2016, we can hit the ground running. As UPND we believe that politics is a serious business as it deals with the lives on people. Therefore it not right for anyone to trivialize governance issues as they border on life. So far we are happy that our national leadership has demonstrated its commitment to come and better the lives of people through prudent management of national issues not this circus we have been subjected to. Issued by: Edward Musonda Provincial Information and Publicity Secretary UPND – NORTHERN zambiareports/2014/08/08/upnd-responds-attacks/
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 07:44:48 +0000

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