URGENT- ACTION REQUIRED REGARDING, AS USUAL, BARBARIC AND BRUTAL ATTACK BY WALWORTH POLICE ON A BLACK PERSON!!!!! WHAT HAPPENED? On Sunday, the 9th June, 2013 at approximately 5pm on Elmington road, SE5, Camberwell, a black male in his 30’s at a phone box, fell into the ruthless, horrible hands of a mob of police. In public viewing[and recording], before he knew what was going on, he was SMASHED, ELBOWED REPEATEDLY AT THE BACK OF THE NECK TO GET HIM DOWN, HEAD LOCKED, PEPPER SPRAYED, BOOTED IN; THEN HIS GROIN WAS REPEATEDLY KNEED-IN by a female police officer, on and on. YET NOTHING WAS FOUND ON HIM!!! By standers were truly horrified by what looked like scenes from slavery on a black person by men & women in uniform. NEXT STEPS PLEASE HELP! 1. Please help by, signing online, on the ongoing campaign against slave “master” style policing and police attacks on innocent people, minorities, youths, black people and students in London and the UK. To be sent an on-line petition details, contact and leave your email details with Stephanie on 07934581556 Email; [email protected] 2. COME TO THE PROTEST; We are protesting at the Walworth police station, Walworth road, Camberwell on Thursday 11th of July, 2013, 3pm –late. Please come to show your support and add to the body numbers protesting. TOGETHER WE CAN STOP THIS APARTIED, SOUTH AFRICAN STYLED POLICE FROM FURTHER DAMAGING ATTACKS ON INNOCENT PEOPLE, CITIZENS, TAX PAYERS, BLACK AND ASIAN PEOPLE AND THE GREAT YOUTHS!!!! See you there!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 16:35:56 +0000

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