URGENT: Allen West Exposes Obama’s Real Foreign Policy… This - TopicsExpress


URGENT: Allen West Exposes Obama’s Real Foreign Policy… This Could be Treason Friday, October 24th, 2014 Allen West said that President Barack Obama plans to bypass the Senate to suspend sanctions against Iran if that nation agrees to a deal on its nuclear program. West cites a report from The Washington Times that the Obama administration will not seek congressional approval on any new deal in order to “avoid a vote it would lose.” Iran is reportedly willing to accept a “suspension” of sanctions in lieu of their full repeal, at least for now. A deal with Iran would probably not be a treaty, and therefore would not require formal approval by the Senate, according to the former Florida representative. Nonetheless, legislators on both sides of the aisle are likely to be unhappy about Obama taking unilateral action on this issue. “Congress will not permit the president to unilaterally unravel Iran sanctions that passed the Senate in a 99-0 vote,” said Illinois Republican Sen. Mark Kirk, according to West. This would not be the first time, the retired Army lieutenant colonel pointed out, that this president negotiated unilaterally with a terror-supporting group. “[T]he precedent was already well established with Obama’s unilateral action to release five senior Taliban members at a time when the Taliban is still fighting our men and women on the battlefield — a violation of Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the Constitution,” he wrote in a recent blog post. West said that this is just one more example of a president who clearly doesn’t care about the limitations placed on presidential power by the Founders. “As always the Obama administration carefully terms its actions in order to skirt the rule of law — our Constitution,” he wrote. “This purposeful altering of language to facilitate circumventing the Constitution and the Executive branch responsibility to seek Congressional approval on treaties has to ring alarm bells — unless you share Gwenyth Paltrow’s mindless belief that Obama should have all the power to do anything he wishes.” Republicans — along with a small handful of Democrats — have been warning against this president’s power grabs for some time. Now that Obama is looking to overrule a unanimous bipartisan Senate decision, perhaps some Democrats will wake up to the dangerous expansion of executive branch authority that Obama has overseen. But we’re not going to hold our breath.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 09:16:33 +0000

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