URGENT DIPLOMAT AND ORGANIZATION UNITED STRUGGLE IN VANUATU. All Leaders oraganisasi struggle and foreign diplomats who follow the symposium to accommodate kepentigan peyelamatan fate of the people of West Papua. Who want independence is not an organization and not too diplomat who want independence but the people therefore, did not maintain their egos in vanuatu however formulate steps are answering the demands of the people of Papua. Symposium in Vanuatu have to give birth to a decision to address the right of Fate itself (Self Determinationa) for West Papuans. therefore was our people of West Papua Sorong Up Merauke, through the National Committee of West Papua - KNPB stated that: 1. peretuan Symposium in Vanuatu all struggle Organizational Leaders and Foreign diplomats take the appropriate steps to save the people of West Papua from extinction. 2. urge all leaders fighting organization in the country and abroad and diplomats to unite in a container or institution refresentatif towards West Papua membership in MSG 4. overseas Dilomat divide roles according to their field of expertise and through the container in diplomasih within their respective territories to encourage the issue of Papua to the UN Porum. 5. Remove all the egos of each diplomat and leader in the domestic movement organizations preparing measures to end the misery Rakayat starategis West Papua, and meeting Vanuatu detlok or childbirth should not be split.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 01:32:35 +0000

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