URGENT!!!!!! EVERYONE ASSOCIATED WITH SHOP SMALL NN LLC PLEASE READ THIS!!!!!!!! To Whom It May Concern, When each of us decided to work with the Shop Small Northern Nevada program, we were promised that the goal of this organization was to bring small business owners together as a team. We were told that we would be promoting those small businesses through advertising and events. We were also told that the events held would be raising money for local charities. These ideals sounded wonderful and each of us was happy to help this company succeed and to reach those goals. Knowing that the Shop Small program was still new itself, we understood that we would not be receiving compensation for all of our hard work right away, but we stuck with it and worked hard in attempt to get to a point where we could be compensated for our time. Every company has hiccups, especially in the beginning. But in recent months, there seems to have been one hiccup after another, and responsibility never seems to be taken by Jennifer Cantley, the founder/CEO/president of the program – even though she has made careful, calculated efforts to put herself in charge of every detail of every event. There is always an excuse why it isn’t her fault, which has made us all suspicious enough to start investigating some of these outlandish claims. In recent weeks, it has been brought to light that there are several large, unpaid bills pending for services that we were told had already been paid. These charges include but are not limited to: Clear Channel Broadcasting for the digital billboard in Indian Hills, The Reno Gazette Journal for inserts in the paper for the failed Shop Small Saturday event, The Record Courier for ads as far back as July, The Carson Valley Chamber of Commerce, Wild 102 Radio, etc. As a team, we were each told that there were not enough funds brought in from the events to pay for our time after those bills were paid. Upon further investigation, there is sufficient evidence to show that Jennifer Cantley has been embezzling from the company, defrauding those she promises services to, lying to all of her team members, and misallocating funds. It seems that she is more focused on lining her pockets with the hard-earned money from local businesses than supporting and advertising for them. Not to mention, not a single penny has been actually donated to any of the charities she claims to support. Several false claims have been made by Jennifer Cantley that over 60,000 views per day are made on the company website and Facebook pages. There is no evidence to support any of those claims. In actuality, there are fewer than 20 visits per day on average to the company website, and few, if any, people are seeing the Facebook ads, since they are not being created through the appropriate Facebook protocols. Please accept our sincerest apologies, as we believed so strongly in the concept of the idea we were solicited with, that we failed to see what was going on behind the scenes. The four of us have formally resigned from any volunteer positions with this company upon discovering the evidence of these fraudulent activities. The four of us have walked away from this company due to these findings, and remain dedicated to finding ways to help our community in positive, proven ways in the future. If you have proof that Shop Small Northern Nevada LLC owes you and/or your company money, and would like to participate in a class action lawsuit that is now coming together, we would be happy to give you the names of others who want to do the same. We are all small business owners as well, and we know the struggle of making ends meet. Please do not throw any more of your company funds away on this company and its false promises. Thank you, Alycia Tanner, Emily Brown, Cassidy (JC) Davis, Linda Davis
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 04:05:49 +0000

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