URGENT HOUSE MESSAGE - Once again, the city of Miami has - TopicsExpress


URGENT HOUSE MESSAGE - Once again, the city of Miami has continued its blatant discrimination and harassment of HOUSE. This time they actually revoked our CU (Certificate of Use) with no notice whatsoever. This means HOUSE is now closed, and can no longer open for business. In 2011, HOUSE followed all the necessary requirements to be able to begin construction. One of those items included our distance from the nearest school. The city is now claiming 4 years later, that their approvals were incorrect and we are short the required distance. Millions of dollars were invested based on good faith and trust in the city approvals. In the entire history of Miami nightclubs, including venues shut done for drug dealing, prostitution, and shootings, a CU has NEVER been pulled. Yet somehow, HOUSE gets to be the target???!!! The parking is utterly ridiculous as we have provided triple whats required. Not to mention the streets. Anyone whos been to HOUSE knows theres plenty of parking. We have endured relentless harassment prior to our even opening that has only worsened since HOUSE has grown in success. Competitors and their sleazy tactics, paid off politicians, paid off neighbors, paid off city officials, paperwork disappearing, approvals changing, and blackmail. The fact that the foundation of these complaints have come from homophobic neighbors who have publicly stated that we are dark, evil, sinful, immoral, and gay; the fact that these neighbors have thrown holy water on the front of our doorstep in front of witnesses, called our clients sodomites, and publicly stated in front of the city commission that we have damaged the youth of the neighborhood is an atrocity. The GLBTQ community brings billions of dollars to the city of Miami, and is nothing but an asset!!! HOUSE has been dragged through the mud relentlessly, with harassment, selective enforcement, dozens of sound complaints, anonymous health department letters, parking complaints, bathroom sabotage, and every other imaginable complaint. We have wasted countless hours putting out fires, spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on attorneys, lobbyists, city requests, and nonsense. All of which have proven to be FALSE. Its VERY clear that there are deeper pockets involved with the sole intention of shutting HOUSE down. Its VERY clear that there are nightclubs in Miami that are nothing more than sleazy drug dens , that somehow manage to stay in business . Its VERY clear that because something unique has been built, that has a different vision, thats somehow viewed as a threat. Whats not clear is how you think its acceptable in the United States of America to engage in Mafioso tactics and payoffs to destroy businesses. I am beyond proud of HOUSE, it is my soul, and a place for EVERYONE. Because I happen to be gay, or a percentage of my patrons are is not your business. We are an asset to any area, and have taken what was virtually a crack den, and turned it into a neighborhood. You are entitled to your religious and moral viewpoint, but you are NOT entitled to destroy a business “under a bullshit cloud of false complaints.” Who I, or any of my customers choose to love is none of your business. It is a disgrace that in 2015, the words of closed minded bigots are even acknowledged, let alone enforced. I am seeking to file an immediate injunction to overturn the revocation of our CU, I am also filing suit against the city of Miami for discrimination, harassment, and selective enforcement. We were approved, checked and re-checked through department after department. We trusted those approvals to invest in a building. If they choose overturn our CU based on an approval 4 years ago, then they are responsible for EVERY dime spent, EVERY penny lost, and every lost dollar from the future of this business. I am asking you who have been loyal to me for years from Ka , UMI , Living Room , to HOUSE to speak , spread this , and not allow closed minded homophobic bigots , backed by payoffs from deep pockets , to destroy something that you have built . HOUSE has always belonged to you, you are responsible for its success, and any neighborhood should be privileged to have you. Contact the Mayor’s Office and speak your mind - 305-375-5071 XO Mark
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 22:24:34 +0000

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