URGENT MESSAGE - DRINGEND BERICHT - AVISO URGENTE PROPHETIC MESSAGE PROCLAIMED BY THE PROPHET EFRAÍN RODRÍGUEZ Dear brothers and friends, Hereby I am sharing with you an urgent warning prophecy about the imminent fall of an asteroid between the coasts of Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, causing the largest earthquake with tsunami ever recorded in the history. Also, the occurrence of this event and its consequences will affect the entire planet, killing millions of people in the American Continent and causing unprecedented damage. In fact, the axis of the Earth will be severely affected by the earthquake of XII degrees on the Mercalli scale, causing three (3) days of darkness and great pestilences. THIS IS WORLD-WIDE, IRREVOCABLE AND IT IS MAINLY THE CHURCH THAT GOD IS DEALING WITH IN THIS MAJOR JUDGMENT. A CALL AND WARNING FROM THE LORD The following video (in dramatized version), describes in more detail the final call of the Lord God, both His people (the Church) as the rest of the world, to repentance (of sins) and the life of holiness. It also shows the immediate aftermath of the fall of the asteroid (an earthquake with colossal tsunami) and what is the purpose of this pre-judgment from Jehovah God. It is a message of hope, not of death and desolation to which we have the opportunity to repent and turn to Him. The priority for us is always the salvation of our souls, as it will determine where we spend eternity. vimeo/89953460 (audio in English) - complete, with biblical quotes and charts vimeo/90030146 (audio in Spanish) - completo, con citas bíblicas y diagramas All information related to prophecy and available in more than 79 languages, can be verified by visiting the official website of the prophet: profeta-de-dios-efrain. You can also consult the following official pages on Facebook: 1.- A Call and Warning from the Lord / Prophet Efrain Rodriguez: https://facebook/pages/A-Call-and-Warning-from-the-Lord-Prophet-Efrain-Rodriguez/692795807400214 (in English), 2.- Compendium Asteroid Impact Prophecy- Prophet Efrain Rodriguez: https://facebook/asteroidprophecy (in English), 3.- To: The U.S. and Obama, From: Prophet Efraín Rodríguez - https://facebook/prophetefrainrodriguez (bilingual), 4.- Imminent Asteroid Impact-Clear Evidence and Confirmations: https://facebook/pages/Imminent-Asteroid-Impact-Clear-Evidence-and-Confirmations/629509877140096?hc_location=timeline (in English), and 5.- Un Llamado y Amonestación Del Señor-Profeta Efraín Rodríguez: https://facebook/pages/Un-Llamado-y-Amonestaci%C3%B3n-Del-Se%C3%B1or-Profeta-Efra%C3%ADn-Rodr%C3%ADguez/240160026167487 (in Spanish). 6.- Personal Testimonies of The Lords Revelation-Imminent Asteroid Impact: https://m.facebook/pages/Personal-Testimonies-of-the-Lords-Revelation-Imminent-Asteroid-Impact/1409729572648976?_rdr (bilingüe) 7.- Compendio Profecía Efraín Rodríguez-Impacto Asteroide - https://facebook/profetaefrainrodriguez (in Spanish) The following video provides a brief description of the contents of each official Facebook page: ASTEROID PROPHECY OFFICIAL PAGES/PÁGINAS OFICIALES-PROPHET EFRAIN RODRIGUEZ youtu.be/GVI19WtcDZY You can also visit the official website from the prophet: OFFICIAL PAGES/PÁGINAS OFICIALES - profeta-de-dios-efrain/311084247 In concrete terms, the prophetic revelation can be verified at the following links: 1.- PROPHET EFRAIN RODRIGUEZ - PUERTO RICO / SANTO DOMINGO, ASTEROIDE / TSUNAMI, ENGLISH DUBBED - youtu.be/EWhCZgID6tY and from the website from the prophet: profeta-de-dios-efrain/311145030 (This is the complete prophetic revelation from a television broadcast in Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic at the end of June 2013) - audio in English, with illustrations and diagrams. 2.- PROPHECY FOR PUERTO RICO - ASTEROID IMPACT / TSUNAMI (ENGLISH) EFRAIN RODRIGUEZ - youtu.be/Wq0fetTfKXs - profeta-de-dios-efrain/311084252 - (audio from the prophecy in English) a summary with diagrams and illustrations. 3.- ASTEROID IMPACT PROPHECY: THE LORD JESUS CALL BEFORE THE RAPTURE AND GREAT TRIBULATION-PROPHET EFRAIN RODRIGUEZ profeta-de-dios-efrain/370095137 - youtu.be/f2TTzPwvUyI (The prophetic revelation in audio subtitled in English with diagrams, illustrations and evidences of government preparations for this event and the promises from God/The Lord to protect those who loves and are loyal to Him). Then you will see a summary of the statements of the Prophet Efraín Rodríguez until June 7, 2014 regarding the impact of the asteroid and its impact on the nations of the American continent and Europe. It also shows the reality of todays world, i.e., conditions of sin, rebellion and evil that caused widespread anger of God and has motivated to execute this punishment. 1.- WHAT THE U.S. AND THE WORLD HIDE FROM YOU!!! EVENTS OF JUDGMENT-PROPHET EFRAIN RODRIGUEZ profeta-de-dios-efrain/399377033 - youtu.be/N0BErLQvYNk (audio in English) 2.- ¡¡LO QUE EEUU Y EL MUNDO ESCONDEN!!¡¡EVENTOS DE JUICIO!! Profeta de Dios Efrain Rodriguez profeta-de-dios-efrain/399377030 - youtu.be/-ncnNLIoNaE (audio in Spanish) The prophet Efrain Rodriguez is Christian, Puerto Rican, lives in Hatillo (Puerto Rico) and is a member of the Pentecostal Church of God of Camuy Pueblo. To get a written report and more information about this prophecy, you can do so by sending an email to: efrainrodriguez556@yahoo. You can also contact the Prophet, calling to the following telephone number: (001) 787 244 5434. Furthermore, if you would like to receive a copy (file as attachment for reading and/or printing) of the prophetic documents and other information about the impact of the asteroid, please send a message to any of the following addresses: asteroidprophecy@gmail and asteroideenruta@gmail. Finally, if you have questions or concerns about the prophecy, can consult the following official Facebook page. Youll find answers to key questions about it: Preguntas y Respuestas-Profecía Efrain Rodriguez/Impacto Asteroide https://facebook/Preguntasasteroide You can also visit the official website from the prophet: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT THE PROPHECY OF THE ASTEROID IMPACT profeta-de-dios-efrain/399377028 (in English) and PREGUNTAS Y RESPUESTAS ACERCA DE LA PROFECIA IMPACTO DEL ASTEROIDE profeta-de-dios-efrain/399377026 (in Spanish) This prophetic message is NOT TO CREATE FEAR, but TO WARN PEOPLE so that we can prepare ourselves spiritually, returning to the Lord, repenting of everything in our life that offends God, being right with Him, binding ourselves to the Lord, and be in the center of His will always. The number of casualties will depend on how many believe and obey this prophecy. GOD PROMISES TO PROTECT THOSE WHO ARE SINCERELY SEEKING HIS FACE and walking very closely and righteously with Him. May each one of us seek and wait on God if this is true, and if it is how specifically will this impact the world (earthquake, tsunami, etc.). We believe these are times when we have to hear from the Holy Spirit individually, and compare collectively Gods messages, for many events will soon rapidly transpire. If the Lord confirms this in your spirit, may we take the responsibility to warn as many churches and people as we can. May God bless you all. P.S.: Please help us spread this prophecy. It is urgent! We will appreciate if you share this prophetic message with all your family, friends and relatives. Thus, just like you and me, they will also have the opportunity to be prepared, especially for the salvation of their souls. Read carefully the prophecy and ask discernment to God through the Holy Spirit to determine if the prophecy comes from Him and if the prophet is true. In the following links (links) you will find the recommendations of the Prophet Efraín Rodríguez to work/ colaborate as watchmen/atalayas of the prophecy: profeta-de-dios-efrain/311084261 y https://facebook/notes/a-call-and-warning-from-the-lord-prophet-efrain-rodriguez/spreading-the-word-of-the-lord/752015874811540. In advance, thank you very much for your help!!
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 09:40:01 +0000

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